Here is a video that shows the Isaelis attacked the passengers before they boarded


Well-Known Member
i'll scrape more gas off the beach when my rotax motor runs dries. :wink:
you running a 2 stroke engine there?:P

35 was just a rough number. it's as far back as i can remember these guys fuckin' with us. sometime around when i was in elementary school. seems around the mid 70's to me. that's just what I remember. i know it goes back way further than that. that is just when i had my first bombing thoughts.
lol good wholesome thoughts them ;)


Well-Known Member
it's all politics and money now. the whole world is. everybody wants to win their "arguements" but don't want to lift a finger to do it.

fuck obama, i want my vote back!!! :cuss:

i'll be the first to admit, "i fucked that one up". :wall:

at this point at least palin would have been some nice eye candy, even though she still is. come here sarah, i got something for ya. :hump:
It always comes down to politics and money these days. It's sad because we have a few million people who are unemployed and would be thrilled to get a paying job cleaning up the worst oil spill disaster in history. That would look alright on a resume wouldn't it?:eyesmoke:

I tried warning people that Obama was no different than any other politician. Well, besides the fact that he's half black. :-D


Well-Known Member
2 stroke for the win!!!! :clap:

people are still donating money to Haiti.

funny, a BP apology commercial just came on my TV, telling me not to worry. they told me they're gonna take care of everything. cool, more time for me to play at the lake. :wink:


Well-Known Member
It always comes down to politics and money these days. It's sad because we have a few million people who are unemployed and would be thrilled to get a paying job cleaning up the worst oil spill disaster in history. That would look alright on a resume wouldn't it?:eyesmoke:

I tried warning people that Obama was no different than any other politician. Well, besides the fact that he's half black. :-D
i didn't expect a lot from him. but i did expect something. i wonder what his handicap is these days.


Well-Known Member
you still aren't getting it. :wall:

i said INSTEAD of ranting about foreign politics.

i'm not ranting about foreign politics.


you just spun the oil spin into a figment of my ego. that's pretty good. :clap:
In answer to your question.

I cannot do anything about the hole in the ocean made by BP, due to being forced so far offshore that they have to drill in a mile deep water. The president cannot do anything about it, the congress cant do anything about it and I seriously doubt that you could do anything about it.

Now, as far as the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. I believe that this has been misrepresented by the press (see Helen Thomas for examples..), the liberal media and other groups. I think that by posting my opinion on message boards I might be able to get a few people to actually think about what is going on if not sway one or two...

So ultimately, I can do very little other than post on a message board until I get to vote again in November. Then every single incumbent on the ballot is in danger as far as I am concerned.


Well-Known Member
YAY iran and israel..... :-|

Iran prepares to confront Israel with aid flotilla

By Catrina Stewart in Jerusalem

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Mourners in Gaza pray next to the body of Ibrahim Al-Wahidi, one of four Palestinian divers killed by Israeli soldiers yesterday

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The iranian red crescent is planning to send humanitarian aid by sea to Gaza in a brazen challenge to Israel's sea blockade of the coastal enclave. The attempt to confront Israel's naval defences could escalate tensions between Israel and Iran, its greatest foe, and trigger a rerun of the bungled raid on a Turkish vessel bound for Gaza last week that left nine activists dead.
The move came as Israel bowed to international pressure to conduct an investigation into the botched flotilla operation. The Israeli Defence Minister, Ehud Barak, said yesterday that Israel would conduct an internal inquiry and examine ways of easing the blockade in Gaza, a step short of the United Nations' demand for an international probe.
"We intend to achieve an investigation of the events," Mr Barak said, adding that the inquiry would also examine the legality of the Gaza blockade. "We will draw lessons at the political level, [and] in the security establishment."
Related articles

Earlier, US Vice President Joe Biden held talks with the Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak, on new ways to approach the humanitarian and economic situation in Gaza amid signs that Washington's support for the blockade may be wearing thin. An unnamed Egyptian security official said that the blockade had been a failure and that Egypt would keep open "indefinitely" its border crossing with Gaza. The Egyptian crossing is open only to students, medical patients and foreign passport holders.
The Iranian Red Crescent, which is backed by the Islamic regime, said on its website that it had been inundated with requests from volunteers to join its three-ship convoy to Gaza, and so has decided to extend the deadline by another two weeks. It could set sail later this month.
Israel, which has agitated for a pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, denounced the plans as "hardcore provocation" and "a threat made before deep thinking".
"If they actually send ships, it would mean they're looking for a confrontation," said Yigal Palmor, a foreign ministry spokesman. He did not indicate how Israel would respond, but officials have insisted that they will not allow any ships to break the blockade.
Israel has justified its land and sea blockade on the grounds that it stops the flow of weapons to the Islamist group Hamas, which governs Gaza. Critics say that the blockade has strengthened Hamas and caused a humanitarian crisis.
It remains unclear how Iran would move aid ships into the Mediterranean without the help of neighbouring countries. The most direct route is through the Suez Canal, which is governed by an international treaty, but Egypt, which has supported Israel's blockade of Gaza, would be likely to stop it.
At the weekend, Iran reportedly suggested that it might send the Iranian Republican Guard to protect future convoys, a move that would be viewed by Israel as a direct challenge to its authority.
The International Federation of the Red Cross, which represents the Iranian Red Crescent abroad, said that it did not have any information on the shipments and could not comment.


Active Member
Is that the best you got? A Bozo reference? You need some better material my friend.

Look, start threads in politics, be prepared to have your views challenged. It's that simple. You don't have to try to be insulting. In fact it'll get you banned.:shock:


So you don't like being insulted but you have no problem insulting me?
You ellude I am a neo-nazi and then take umbrage at being labeled a clown . You really are funny.
If you don't like the insults then don't insult me. Simple as that.


Active Member
By the way, about 5 years ago, Hamas had a habit of sending suicide bombers into restaurants and nightclubs....but yeah, you're right it's israel who doesn't respect human life.
What a simplistic and stupid response. That's the standard by which you judge Israel? As long as they are superior to suicide bombers? Those two things are not mutually exclusive. It could be both Israel and Hamas who do not respect human life.

The standard, moronic right wing response to this and any other similar case has been: "Yeah, but look at Hamas". What a pathetic and false excuse.


Well-Known Member
Cant everyone just sit in there homes and be peaceful? If not, blow eachother out of the water already.


Well-Known Member
was looking into jobs cleaning oil today, but no dice. especially not for someone like myself from nowhere near the region. if someone finds somehting though, let me know. i never really thought about it before but why waste a great crisis?

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
THere is no compromise in place, where the hell did you pull that out of," Bulllwinkles hat?" The Israeli's have stoppped another ship on Saturday. The Isareli's do a fine job of showing themselves in the worst possible light on thier own.
The Zionists are the ones running the country and if you know anything about Zionists then you know that they are racist, separatist, supremists who consider anyone not Jewish to be below them and not worthy. THey are loathed by many Jews and are blamed by many jews for the position Israel finds herself in now.
And to elaborate, these so called "Jews" are in fact Khazars. Real Jews do not believe there should be an Israeli state, but the Zionists will try to make you think otherwise.

The Talmud say's Jesus is in hell and being boiled in "hot excrement" and Christians defend Israel to the death. Brainwashed much?

Google what Stalin did, and his ancestry. Same with Marx, Lenin etc..

Here's how these Zionist's got their foothold in Palestine so they could forcefully take more and more land.

Now I guess International waters are their territory too. They have the right to board ships that have already had cargo checks and deemed ok. Did they find any arms aboard the ships?

They shot an American four times in the head and once in the chest. I guess after the first shot they still thought he was a threat.

You are nothing but Goyim to Israel. Send your kids to die and fight their wars, send them billions a year. Here's some interesting stuff that's even outdated. Just imagine how much more money and aid they have gotten since this report in 2003.

  • Total direct aid to Israel, 1948-2003
    $89.9 billion (uncorrected for inflation)
  • Since 1976 Israel has been the largest annual recipient of US aid. It is the largest cumulative recipient since World War II.
  • Direct U.S. aid for each Israeli citizen in 2001 (per capita annual income of Israel = $16,710) -- over $500
  • Direct U.S. Aid for each Ethiopian citizen in 2001 (per capita annual income of Ethiopia = $100) -- about $.45
    $2.76 billion military aid grant
    $2.1 billion economic support funds
    $600 million refugee resettlement grant
    $2 billion
    Military aid grant $1 billion
    Commercial loan guarantees $9 billion
    Arrow missile development $60 million
  • TOTAL AID FOR FY 2003 $14.82 billion
  • Percentage of U.S. foreign aid that goes to Israel -- 30%
  • Israel's population as a percentage of world population -- .01%
  • Section 116 of the Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) states, "No assistance may be provided under this part to the government of any country which engages in a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights." 22 U.S.C. 2304(a)
  • Section 4 of the Arms Export Control Act prohibits selling military equipment to countries that use them for non-self-defense purposes.
  • The U.S. State Department determined in February 2001 that Israel has committed each of the acts that the law defines as "gross violations of internationally recognized human rights, including torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, prolonged detention without charges and trial, causing the disappearance of persons by the abduction and clandestine detention of those persons, and other flagrant denials of the right to life, liberty, or the security of person." It described Israeli army use of live ammunition against Palestinians when soldiers were not in impending danger as "excessive use of force."
SOURCES: Clyde R. Mark, ?Israel: U.S. Foreign Assistance, Congressional Research Service, updated April 1, 2003; Clyde R. Mark, Middle East: U.S. Foreign Assistance, FY 2001, FY 2002, FY 2003 Congressional Research Service, March 28, 2002


Man people must really enjoy taking it up the ol' corn shoot.

+ rep Ken. Keep getting the truth out there.
god i cant believe some people,what israel is doing to the poor Palestinians is beyond belief,it really is hard to believe what the Israelis get away with,can you imagine what its like living in Gaza strip,no wonder hamas wants to destroy Israel..

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
god i cant believe some people,what israel is doing to the poor Palestinians is beyond belief,it really is hard to believe what the Israelis get away with,can you imagine what its like living in Gaza strip,no wonder hamas wants to destroy Israel..
Yes.They create terrorists then play the victim.

People need to ask themselves. If their house was bombed and family killed. How would you feel? If a foreign army invaded your country would you fight back? I bet the invading countries news media would be calling you a terrorist if you did. It's easy to call someone that is fighting for food, shelter, dignity etc a terrorist when you're sitting in your house behind a monitor. Look out your window and be glad their aren't bulldozers there to demolish it.


Active Member
With all the oil that gets put on them at red lobster does it really matter?

I was watching the news last night and actually saw a lady talking about how bad the oil spill is, and her way to show it was holding up a clear water bottle that was covered in oil.

Can anyone see the irony of this?

And to all the Jews on this thread, can I get a break in hollywood, take out a loan and get hooked up with some bling please! Because it really seems like you guys have it all.

Both sides need to realize they are dying over a little patch of sand that neither one of them will ever be able to prove is theirs enough to convince the other side. That is just retarded, it is called moving on.

And to anyone that has said the word zionist and followed it up with somehow it being wrong, why do you think that we are so much better with our anti immigration stance? We don't want people we don't approve of to be able to be a part of our country as a whole right? I mean what 70% of Arizonians are in favor of booting mexicans (funny how the population is about 87% white there too). But I do agree that this whole anti muslim or whatever it is is weird and perverse.

We need to get over this whole imaginary border thing (to a point of course) and just work to get shit done.
Hannimal, well said, sending my best regards to you.... time to just get things done. +1Rep.


Active Member
Is that the best you got? A Bozo reference? You need some better material my friend.

Look, start threads in politics, be prepared to have your views challenged. It's that simple. You don't have to try to be insulting. In fact it'll get you banned.:shock:

The Jews have been persecuted for millenia. Literally millenia dude! There were hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of displaced European Jews at the end of WWII. Yes there was a movement of Jews in the late 19th and early 20th centuries who wanted to repatriate and establish a Jewish state in their ancestral homeland of Palestine (which has never been a country or an ethnicity). Control of Palestine fell to the Brits at the end of WWI. This is when the influx of Zionists trully began. At the end of WWII is when the influx peaked. Between the 2 big wars there were problems between the Palestinian Arabs and Jews but the shit didn't really hit the fan until after WWII. The Jews and Arabs wrestled for control under British umbrella and in 1947 the british turned over control to the U.N. who had worked up a proposed partition. The Jews accepted, the Arabs did not. And so began a string of wars between the surrounding Arab nations and Israel. You already know how those ended but my question to you is what was supposed to be done with the displaced Jews at the end of WWII? Most were a little gunshy about going back to Germany or Poland and understandably so. The zionist agenda has been fulfilled long ago. The Jews have their state and now it's up to the Palestinians to agree to some form of a deal. The Jews aren't going anywhere. They aren't going to withdraw from Palestine and relinquish the state that they've longed for for centuries. What's the solution? :?:
Exactly, fucking A, time to leave the goddamn jews alone. For christ sake the arabs have lots of other places to call home. I'd like to see anyone take the land from the jews. BA BOOM.


Well-Known Member
Yes.They create terrorists then play the victim.

People need to ask themselves. If their house was bombed and family killed. How would you feel? If a foreign army invaded your country would you fight back? I bet the invading countries news media would be calling you a terrorist if you did. It's easy to call someone that is fighting for food, shelter, dignity etc a terrorist when you're sitting in your house behind a monitor. Look out your window and be glad their aren't bulldozers there to demolish it.
I lose respect for Hamas and the Palestinians when they attack innocent women and children. Let them fight like soldiers and not animals and maybe the palestinians would be treated better.

The charter for Hamas is to destroy Israel. Do you deny this? They are not interested in peaceful co-existance, they want to finish the job that hitler started...

You cant go into a country and use terrorist bombers and then expect that country to drop its defenses to let people and goods freely move across borders, that is insanity.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
Exactly, fucking A, time to leave the goddamn jews alone. For christ sake the arabs have lots of other places to call home. I'd like to see anyone take the land from the jews. BA BOOM.
F yeah bro, hardcore man! Christian Zionists love using GODS name in vain and cursing. I bet you love all the people being killed in the middle east. Sacrifices serve people like you well.

I'm going to make an agreement with someone you don't know, come to your house and make you sleep in a tent in your backyard (Excuse me. MY backyard). Please don't try to get back into your house for food or anything because I will be forced to shoot you.


Active Member
What a simplistic and stupid response. That's the standard by which you judge Israel? As long as they are superior to suicide bombers? Those two things are not mutually exclusive. It could be both Israel and Hamas who do not respect human life.

The standard, moronic right wing response to this and any other similar case has been: "Yeah, but look at Hamas". What a pathetic and false excuse.
Dude, you nailed that straw man! But that wasn't at all what I was saying.

My point was that it's odd that people are acting all outraged about israeli troops boarding a ship but someone refuse to acknowledge that hamas' goal is to murder jews and 'drive them into the sea'.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
I lose respect for Hamas and the Palestinians when they attack innocent women and children. Let them fight like soldiers and not animals and maybe the palestinians would be treated better.

The charter for Hamas is to destroy Israel. Do you deny this? They are not interested in peaceful co-existance, they want to finish the job that hitler started...

You cant go into a country and use terrorist bombers and then expect that country to drop its defenses to let people and goods freely move across borders, that is insanity.
Let them fight like soldiers with all the American Apaches, M1 tanks, Bradley's etc..? I guess the Palestinians have all that stuff in their refugee camps right? So they can "fight like soldiers".

Bottom line is, Israel is an illegal occupation in the first place that has been expanded territorially by the Ashkenazi fake jews. If they are God's chosen people, why would they force people from their land violently right after they themselves had been persecuted during the holocaust. The Palestinians greeted the displaced jews from Europe with food and blankets. What did they get in return?


Anyone that supports anything like this is sick and twisted and has no god but Lucifer.


Well-Known Member
So you don't like being insulted but you have no problem insulting me?
You ellude I am a neo-nazi and then take umbrage at being labeled a clown . You really are funny.
If you don't like the insults then don't insult me. Simple as that.
I asked you a legitimate question which may have sounded insulting to you. Your anti-semitic views are insulting to a lot of people. Anytime anybody challenges your opinion you come out swinging. Just smoke one and chill bro.:eyesmoke: