How do you make some one PROVE they are not a LEO


Active Member
Is it possible at all? Is there anything you can make someone do that proves they are not a cop? I would think if I walked in to someones grow op, they couldnt be a cop, but then hes breakin the rules lol. I have a buddy that claims he was doing speed with cops for a year before they busted him, so I guess they can rip a bong.

So is it possible at all to prove someone is not a cop?
cops dont do drugs only snitchs do or paid informants!! keep your eye out for people that stay around for a bit and smoke then pops in with a Buddie down the road!! thats when you have problems!! and buys off a cell phone should NEVER be aloud!! when thy count cash out loud be very very Leary!! and mention DATE AND TIME. ps THIS IS WHAT I HAVE STUDIED IN THE PAST IN NO HOW WAY OR REASON AM I SAYING ITS RIGHT TO DEAL DRUGS. all you have to do is watch cops on tv you can learn ALOT!!
Hehe I'm not a LEO dude but stay safe. I wish i could tell you how to determine if someone is but I really don't know.
cops can and will do drugs while undercover. they'll also let crimes happen, sometimes even participate.

most UC work is done in sting-type ops, where the cop reveals himself immediately after the fact.

you don't have to be a hard criminal to get busted due to a uc.

i know a kid w/o any priors, who got enticed into selling a gun to a cop.

the best way to keep uc's off your ass is to not be a social butterfly. if you're the type of person that somehow finds yourself in a room full of strangers, then be careful.

best way is to constantly surround yourself with people you know well. that way you're sure of who's who.......
Too Right! A LEO will do what ever it takes to do his job even if it means he breaks some rules. In general a cop won't do drugs but if he's been assigned UC work then he's probably not getting tested regularly, and to catch a crook the DA's office may look the other way if a Cop uses drugs or allows a crime to occur. The only way to be truly safe ( short of being in cali) is to use the "good ol' boy" system. only talk to individuals you know, very well. let them talk to others. those folks will talk to other people and at that point ( assuming no one leaked info) your completely obscured. IMO it is easiest when everyone has been given the same story ie. " Got this two towns over, Nice guy named Roy or something..." or " Yeah man, great shit, just smuggled from cali.." ect... now if you where looking for a new girl friend, The Kind that don't talk back, You'd ask your boys to ask around and the same system protects you in reverse, for no one knows who wanted the clone...
I was told, cops/informants cant smoke when they are making deals. Also you cannot trade sexual favors for drugs, though I couldnt imagine many people being in a pinch over that rule. Those never get busted DVD's always said to change locations at the last minute, as it fucks up the cops surveillance and planning.
I know if you are looking for a hooker you can ask to take nude pics, most cops wont deal with that as it isnt illegal, if they say sure and quote you a fee you can then renegotiate services later.

2 options as i see it get them on camera openly, dont hide the camera, doing drugs, give them a hash brownie, bong rip... not a simple puff.
or go to cali get medical and buy a clone from a dispensary.

also if you wanted hire a private investigator, go do a background search on the person. you think the local pd is going to have a good fake persona out and about on the information super highway.
I hate to tell this one as I don’t want it to spread too far & fast so please don’t spread this one around.

But…and as far as I know, in my State and surrounding States that issue Concealed Carry permits, cops don’t need a concealed carry permit issued by their State. Their badge already gives them the right to carry concealed weapons off duty and across state lines. They would need to take the classes and get the permit so why should they go through all the work of getting one when they already have the right to carry and as far as I know, not many others have thought of this.
So as far as I know, no cop would have a State issued CC permit unless they read this and had the state hump one up for them.

That’s at least one SMALL way to tell but a felon can’t get a CC permit either and someone who doesn’t like guns won’t have one cause they hate guns so just because someone doesn’t have one doesn’t mean they’re a cop. Lots of holes in this but it’s at least a small something to consider.

The best route is to know who you are talking to. S
Yeah, i heard a LEO wont do drugs, but informants and snitches do, so theres no way to prove someone isnt a informant, or snitch. which can get u just as bad.
Yep, snitches might have a permit, never mind my earlier post, I thought I had a tidbit.

Best way is to legalize MJ in the US and take all the seizure money away from the cops. It's all about the Benjamin’s for them. S
Yeah, i heard a LEO wont do drugs, but informants and snitches do, so theres no way to prove someone isnt a informant, or snitch. which can get u just as bad.

you're mistaken.

a friend of mine got thrown in jail for selling guns. the undercover turned out to be the guy he was buying weed and coke from for years and years...the same guy who provided him with 2 handguns to sell. i had bought from the same guy a couple of times. he did lines in front of me.

cops are not supposed to do stuff like that when UC. but when they go under, they live by street rules. a lot of them forget what they're doing undercover....
Ask them to whack someone?

I can smell a pig a mile a way.......its easy.....someone asks a question related to MJ......alarms go off

some one wants some mj and i have not know them for years......a;arms go off

some one is looking to score a big ''load''......alarms go off.....

Leo will set you up, give you the rope and provide the money to blind one with greed so they get sloppy......

In short if you do not know them well, and they show up, or claim to know a friend....its probably a cop.

If any stranger come up, acting like a big shot throwing money and dope HIM