As was said in the OLD margarine commercials DECADES ago ..... you can't fool Mother Nature. There is nothing you can do to speed up the process of maturing beans.
One thing that can be done that can improve germ rates in some strains is to freeze seeds and then thaw them out in a refrigerator and then germ them, or at the least refrigerate them for about a week or two before germing. While I am retired I am an investor in a family owned nursery, trees and bushes, not plants or snotty nosed dirty diapered rug rodents. Another owner of a different nursery, that also grows plants, found that his germ ratio went way up after he read a scientific study about how freezing seeds and then thawing them just prior to germing replicates the transition of winter to spring and certain seeds respond to it very well.
I say certain because if someone were to be growing something from a hotter climate where it does not freeze those beans would not gain from being frozen since they never evolved to handle such conditions, but others from other regions of the world can thrive on it.
When he first told me what he was doing he had recently started 1000 seeds and ended up with almost a 100% germ ratio. That is not bad starting with 1000 seeds.
Ever since he told me about freezing seeds every almost every order I have received has gone right into the freezer and those that did not end up frozen were still stuck in the refrigerator. Most times my beans will pop in 18 hours or less and I get near 100% germination.
What freezing seeds has done for germination in other types of plants seems to work just about as well with herb beans and between what I know it does for other types of germed seeds and herb beans I am totally sold on it.