The Official Ghetto Growers Group

so i cut the 5 big buds and here they are, this brings me up to 103.8 (5 main buds) + 35.2 (all other buds ive taken) = 139 total wet weight ive cut off now. all 5 are now hanging on a stick in the closet, i will move them into the veg box went i get done cutting. all done in 100 days. and heres a little bud i just cut for myself, LoL.

Awwww man, i'm drooling all over my keyboard.. Those are some nice lookin buds!
Just wanted to let yall know I just bought some K Train from attitude and got 8 free seeds. Not trying to plug just thought I'd let anyone know who didn't know they where having a special this weeknd.
Just wanted to let yall know I just bought some K Train from attitude and got 8 free seeds. Not trying to plug just thought I'd let anyone know who didn't know they where having a special this weeknd.

i also got this offer, i got the 8 free seeds icluding the free rocklock :) i ordered mines the morning the offer started so i should have them today or tomorrow :)
DAMN..... you guys NEED to try this...


im still high as fuck... hahaha

got all this keif off sugar leaves of last plants harvested.
I friggin love this link LMFAO Keep it all up guy's I'm rite with all ya'll it's best to read stoned dam I havent laughed so hard in a long time, to think how in some way we all think alike I have done my ghetto grow aswell will be posting pic's asap keep it up
My cabinet is under going renovations, But i will post details as i get close to my next grow. Blue mystic auto from nirvana seeds. Glad to wear this groups tag. Some cool peeps here.
well first of all, the chunck wus a tiny 0.2 nug. it wus jus REALLLLLY sticky, and i wus ina hurry so i dropped it in my keif container (film canister)
then i screened the rest of the trimmings and PACKED it all into the canister. later i remember stickin the lil nuggy in there lol
when i took it out it weighed 1.3 hahaha

i also hav been making kief chips, cut the top(neck&lid) of a pop bottle off (20 0z) so its like a funnel, but keep the lid on. put a quarter (or something metal tht fits good) in the lid ( hav bottle upside down so lid is towards floor) dump a few grams or how ever much you want into the lid ontop of the quarter, and put another quarter on top(carefully so it lays flat). use a C clamp to squeez it all together(dont go to tight or it will stick) and heat it up for bout 5 mins infront of a heater. when u pop it out its a perfect chip of ghetto hash lol
hell yea paranoid,
those some gooood genetics =] lol
but hell yea same here, were all just real ass people ya kno man =]
no stuck up "look at how much better i am then you" assholes round here... haha