When is the 1st day of flowering


Well-Known Member
I'm on my 4th grow but still don't know when the first day is. Is it when the pistils have just appeared or when you have pistils clusters or as soon as you go 12/12 (That wouldn't make any scientific sense) I usually harvest 9 weeks after I start flowering but the first strain I grew was a pure sativa and that took around 11 weeks so maybe Its a strain issue rather than a timing issue


Well-Known Member
So when people say I've been flowering for 4 weeks it should be 3 or 5 weeks they has to be a general rule
I'm actually just about positive that it's the first day into 12/12. That IS when you flip the light schedule to flowering stage, so that's the first day. Either way, it doesn't really matter cuz when the herb's ready, it'll tell you. After all, you do harvest whenever you'd like.


Well-Known Member
sorry, I guess i should of said "flowering does not start from when you flip, it is from the time that it shows true flowers after being put into 12/12 that counts."


Well-Known Member
Its the time u go into 12/12. The plant will start flowering when they start getting 12 hours of complete darkness.


Well-Known Member
it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for a plant to sex after flipping to 12/12
so, it is a general conception that it is from when the first pistil/ball appear
otherwise when people get advice about questions and they state "5weeks in" or something there is no doubt of its flowering age


Well-Known Member
Its the time u go into 12/12. The plant will start flowering when they start getting 12 hours of complete darkness.
So if i flip a plant after a few days or a week of veg time(or even start at 12/12) its flowering? Thats not how it works friend......its when they show the first actual flowers.