Well-Known Member
fishing and growing kill go hand and hand. So im going fishing on friday and want to know if anyone has had any luck with a certain kind of bait for cat fish and stripper
I am not a fisherman, but strippers respond best to $1 and $5 dollar bills...
"the bomb" and "fire" are words for some "yayo" around here. Ont.
Catfish are garbage really, you may as well fish for your foreskin.
Take a road trip with some buddies man, theres alot better fish out there to fish. Maybe Im just from Canada though. lollol well that seems to be the only thing in that river . and striper
I use cut bait soaked in wd40 for catfish. If your fishing in muddy water get yourself a little kiddie pool and let them swim in for a few days with a hose running in it. I get the cut bait from sucker fish. cats also like rotten chicken liver, shrimp and worms. we used a syringe and filled worms with wd40 that brings the cats in too.
yo if you're ever in sf go to brendas soul food. they got some catfish there thats hella good. im sure its the seasoning.
the neighborhood is rough, but thats ok, just go in the day time. its worth it.[/QUOT
next time in in frisco ima try that out
Small injured fish like perch work great out of everything I've tried. Just troll em along and wait for it to take. With catfish you can just let em sit and wait. Liver also works pretty good for catfish