Ideas about how to stop the leak


New Member
I've watched this oil spewing from the bottom of the sea for over a month now. Seems no-one has any idea how to stop it, Well, here's the chance for all you geniouses/genei to reveal your plan. Here's mine:
Have you noticed that the section that the cap has been shoved atop actually bolts to the next section with 6-8 large bolts. Why not make a double valve piece with matching bolt holes, unbolt the existing section, bolt on the new section and close the valves. I realize that is really too simple for al the brainiacs at BP to fathom, but it seems someone beside me could see this obvious solution. There must be a good reason why they are not doing this outside of sheer stupidity.
Now it is your turn to come up with a solution.



New Member
Medman your idea seems plausible , but there are actually 2 leaks, the one you don't hear about much is an actual crack in the floor of the sea that is also spewing oil, albeit at a lesser rate. The rig drilled into an extremely large volume of oil under extreme pressures, its not something that will be easily repaired. The best bet is relief wells, but if that doesn't work the nuclear option may be our only hope.


New Member
we could put my dick in it. :hump:
Nice..I can see you are not interested. Besides, they are dealing with something a bit larger than the molecular structure. Although, seeing you a mile beneath the sea with that noodle in the hole, may be interesting afterall.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
When the problem first arose i think they should have used a net like/column approach to channel/contain the spill. imagine a material that could make a barrel like shape stretching from the pipe burst to the surface. If the mesh like material was porous to water but blocked the oil they could at least have channeled the spill to one point and dealt with it as it rose to the surface and not chase tides of oil. I know how far under water it is but i feel like it could work although now the problem is far past a shitty situation.


New Member
Medman your idea seems plausible , but there are actually 2 leaks, the one you don't hear about much is an actual crack in the floor of the sea that is also spewing oil, albeit at a lesser rate. The rig drilled into an extremely large volume of oil under extreme pressures, its not something that will be easily repaired. The best bet is relief wells, but if that doesn't work the nuclear option may be our only hope.
Here's what I've been able to come up with about a nuclear option. Scientists believe this could be the worst possible scenario. The glass that would be left to close the leak would crumble and leave a large hole. This would also let the oil leak have full throttle leakage with no way to plug it. Maybe the relief wells, but heres my question about that: If they couldn't stop the leak with junk and concrete at the well head, what makes them think they can stop it a few thousand feet deeper? How will they seal the connection? Will they then try and seal the hole at the wellhead? It all sounds a little far fetched. We can be assured that BP is looking out for their own interests and capping and abandoning this well most assuredly wouldn't be in their interest.-


Well-Known Member
get the navy on it and charge bp for their time and supplies. the navy has divers trained for deep water and those sweet bubble suits that look like the stay puff marshmallow man


New Member
get the navy on it and charge bp for their time and supplies. the navy has divers trained for deep water and those sweet bubble suits that look like the stay puff marshmallow man
They have nothing for 5,000 ft plus deep work, not even their best submarine can even come close to that, men in suits, I don't think so.


Well-Known Member
Go nuclear and be done with it. Send in Bruce Willis into the Abyss with a nuke and let James Cameron film it in 3-D.


Well-Known Member
I would be there myself fdd2blk

Not so sure Medicated really gives a fuck,just likes to argue his/her point.
2 weeks is nothing. i just need a few days to come back and tend to things, then i could do 2 more. my bills are paid for 6 months and my garden is fed and vegging. not really much stopping me other than the FEDS and there photo shoots. :cool:

anybody catch obams golf score for this past weekend?