First Grow - PC Case!

WOW, really, WOW!! they look great!! in that 1st pic of the left plant i can tell that it is almost as wide as the computer case!! I like your idea with your exhaust. that will give a better flow of air through the pc instead of into it and then being swirled all around. as for your 4 day vacation, i would put the plants directly on the bottom of the PC, and i would even remove a light of 2. basically i would give them a 4 day vacation too. in a small space like yours the chances are just so much higher for a problem, and I have seen problems in several bigger grows where they watered before they left, left for the weekend, and came back to problems, or worse disaster...

good luck though, and hope you get your temps worked out, i think your plan will help

Thanks gum, I'll probably do that then - just to be on the safe side. I'm going to switch the fan around tonight when I get home from work and I'll monitor the temps over the next few days. And then before we leave I'll probably water as normal and remove a bulb. I may actually remove a bulb a day early to monitor temps and see how quick they dry out with 2 bulbs, just to make sure I don't need to remove 2 while I'm gone. That's a perfect idea, +rep.

First off, This is an awesome grow. Combines my two favorite things, Tech and Weed. Amazing recovery with the burns you got. I just hope another light disaster doesn't happen while you're gone.

I think L.E.D.s in a computer case would be bomb, you know to go with the whole Tech geek feel, but I don't really know to much about leds.

Your grow is kool. I subed
P.S. -Your cat is awesome.

Thanks OhGr. I love checking out other people's PC grows. There's so many of em - lot's of good ones to grab ideas from. The first time I saw one I was immediately drawn to it and knew I wanted to make one - they're fun. And I'm already thinking of how I'm going to change mine for future grows. I'm glad you're subbed!

There was a PC grow I saw a while back that used LEDs if you're interested in going that route. I don't remember the results, but I've heard good things about LEDs, at least for Veg.

Oh and my cat LOOKS awesome, but she's such a bitch.
She absolutely hates when we smoke in the bedroom because we normally have the door closed. She goes to the door and meows her little heart out. Sometimes she even burrows herself under the sheets that hang off the edge of the bed. I think she dislikes the smell and she probably gets a bit of a contact high and doesn't know wtf is going on so she freaks out. One of these days we'll get her properly acquainted with it to the point where she enjoys it!
One of these days we'll get her properly acquainted with it to the point where she enjoys it!

Ha, she'll start sniffing out your stash and taking it for herself.
My cat hates smoke so he runs out for the door no matter what kind of smoke it is. Sigh, maybe one day he'll learn to appreciate my hobbies....:eyesmoke:
Oh man if I came home to find my cat sitting around taking bong rips I'd shit myself. And then get the camera. One time when my wife and I were smoking in one room, the cat ran into our bedroom. On the bed we had one of those "As Seen On TV" Shoes Under things from Wal-Mart - the rectangular zip up cloth/plastic thing that holds shoes that easily fits under the bed. Well it was unzipped and slightly open. The cat went into the bedroom and got IN the Shoes Under... absolutely hilarious yet at the same time really sad, knowing she hates the smoke enough to hide like that. I managed to get a few pictures, let me find and upload them.
Haha, here we go. 3 pics of her in the Shoes Under & 2 of her being a lazy little fat cat, as always! She looks so scared in the shoes under pictures. :sad:


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Aw haha. My cat used to get on or in my bookbag, back when I went to school. I'd pick up my bookbag to go to school in the morning to find a nice surprise. Luckly he didn't pick up the peeing habit till he was older.:mrgreen:
When we first got this cat, if her litter box hadn't been cleaned for like 3 days, she'd find a box or a purse of my wifes and pee in it. I don't think she's done it in a while, thankfully. My wife HATED the cat for a while because she only peed on her stuff haha.

So I moved the exhaust fan from the top right to the top left and the temps are MUCH better. Yesterday wasn't as hot as the previous few days have been here, but still warm, and temps with lights on stayed at a consistent 78-80! I'm happy.
Glad to hear the temps are better. Maybe now you can get by with just lowering the plants.

Yeah that's what I'm thinking and hoping. Just did a pretty hefty watering last night, so I'm gonna keep track of how long it takes to dry them out with the lower temps. If they dry out by Friday night then I'll probably remove one bulb while I'm gone.
the plants are looking AWESOME!
You'd never be able to tell they got burned.
great job.
wish i could figure out whats up with mine.

My cat isn't allowed in my bedroom,(she sneaks in sometimes when im not looking) because i don't like to scrape hair off my bed before i go to sleep. And i smoke only in my bedroom. so i dont know how she feels about smoke. she doesn't mind cigarette smoke, so who knows about bud.
One day you`ll have to let her in your room when you smoke and see how she takes to it. Hopefully she doesn`t freak out due to not knowing wtf is going on when she gets contact high. If she freaks out, though, I`d let her out so she doesn`t hate you for tormenting her lol.
Drilled through the rivets and then just pulled on and bent the metal until each rivet popped off. Cut up my hand a bit in doing so, but it was fairly easy. If you've got pliers or a leatherman you can just use that to pull it off. Shouldn't be too difficult!
Here's a bunch of pictures of the plants taken yesterday. The temps here in the valley have been picking back up - supposed to be 98 today - so I'm glad I changed my fans around when I did. Going to take out one bulb and also take out the CD's so the plants are a bit further from the CFLs while I'm gone this week. I upped theBig Bloom/Tiger Bloom strength to about 3/4, and I'm gonna give them a nice big watering of that before I leave. I also got a new digital thermometer/hygrometer from Lowe's.


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Got home this morning around 5am. Checked on the plants and they were both looking terrible. Droopy as all hell and yearning for some TLC. Watered before I passed out and when I woke up around 10:30 I peeked in at them - the left one recuperated nicely but the right one is still really droopy and looks no better than it did ~7 hours ago. Hopefully it just takes a little longer to recover, it would be tragic if it dies. Other than the droopiness they look good - buds are looking bigger and better and they're starting to get a little frosty. Will take and post some pictures after I get unpacked and find my camera.
Ok, here's some pics.


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Glad everything worked out for ya. I will be returning tomorrow from a 4 day trip, hoping everything turns out ok, but she is in reveg now so mine shouldn't have a problem.