Adding more top soil?


So I have a little seedling that I honestly thought was done for when it got knocked over last night bare roots and all. Moved it to a smaller cup. And it kept growin luckily. Im not sure how tall the little stem is supposed to get. but its gettin a lil taller.
Anyway to the point, is it okay to add additional soil to the top? I had about an inch to two inches comin out of the soil leaf and all. I already added some more soil but thought I'd ask anyway lol.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
So I have a little seedling that I honestly thought was done for when it got knocked over last night bare roots and all. Moved it to a smaller cup. And it kept growin luckily. Im not sure how tall the little stem is supposed to get. but its gettin a lil taller.
Anyway to the point, is it okay to add additional soil to the top? I had about an inch to two inches comin out of the soil leaf and all. I already added some more soil but thought I'd ask anyway lol.
Yeah why would that be a problem? Cover up those roots, light exposure will fuck your roots up


Yeah why would that be a problem? Cover up those roots, light exposure will fuck your roots up
That was my initial thought, that and giving more support to the stem itself. But its all darker redish and tougher. Not really the root but the base of the lil seedling. Didn't know if it would affect it or not is why I was asking. Better to ask than sit in ignorance.


Active Member
yeah man you can bury yer plant up to the little first set of round leaves. You might want to give it a minute before you do that though, as long as shes not falling over it's pretty good. The stem you bury will form new root sites, which your plant will love and thank you for.


Well-Known Member
Once mine pop up and do their 1-2" stretch I bury them to the leaves. When I transplant I bury them to the leaves again if needed, as well leaving and additional 2-3" in the pot to do it again. The plant wants to have a stalk and will keep stretching out if you keep burying it. It will keep putting on more lateral roots each time as well.