SOOo many probs with my babies. please help :)


Well-Known Member
alright to start this off, they are 2 months and 10 days old and around 30 to 45 inchs tall. im usein mg 24:8:16 on them at 3/4th strenth (took a month to work up to 3/4th from 1/8th). i give them fert every other day and water every other day in alternation. meaning i water them every day ( 6 fl oz of water each plant).

a few (3 out of 8) have yellowing leaves, only spots not whole leaves. they also have black spots apearing, and red steams (not whole steam just lines). OOoOO did i mention that one plants leaves are turning redish/purple. at first i wasn bothered by the purple leaves, was only 1 or 2. now every leafe at the top has purple/red in it.

they are outside, they get 3 to 5 hours of natural sun a day. the temp has been 60(lowest) at night and 90 (hottest) at day time. we have had approx. 5 inchs of rain in the last week.

ill post pics later on 2day, if any1 can help i would apperichate it very much :).


Well-Known Member
Looks like you've been playing mad scientist so far, pics would help but sounds to me like you're tampering with them too much, alternating many feedings in small quantities even if the proportion of nutes is reduced is not a great idea, you didn't mention anything about soil or pots etc... Once again, pics would help...


Well-Known Member
Sounds like they're 1) not getting enough light 2)Way too much nitro,it sounda like your using Miricle grow or something equivelant. which is NO GOOD! Find some lower # nutes and get them in the sun or they don't have a chance.


Well-Known Member
second that.

Sounds like they're 1) not getting enough light 2)Way too much nitro,it sounda like your using Miricle grow or something equivelant. which is NO GOOD! Find some lower # nutes and get them in the sun or they don't have a chance.


Well-Known Member

well i am growin in mirical grow , heard 2 use as close 2 20:10:20 as i could that happend 2 be the best i could find :/. here are pics ne ways, if u notice pic 1 is the crop they are all doing healthy except 2 of them. idk whats up , maybe the soil is acidic :/.
pic 2 showes yellow spots on the first plant. this plant also has purple leaves and red lined steams. check pick 5 for purple leaves, and pic 10 for red line steam. another plant has pic 9 yellow leaves , pic 4 yellow leaves ,pic 3 black spoted leaves , pic 6 brown spots and pic 7 yellow leaves and pic 8 burned edges of a leaf.

sorry if the pics arent the best quality :/ these were taken at 6:30 am lol wasn fully sunny XD.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
could also be they are really close together for being outdoor. they look nice and green..


Well-Known Member
so im doing everything alright then ? i just need 2 change my fert and cut back on my ratios right? more like 1/4th or 1/2 ?


Well-Known Member
could i keep usein the same fert? what mix do i need now? sum1 said more nitrogen i forget what one that is lol. what solution should i be buyin and then makin 1/4th strengh?


Active Member
instead of cutting back i would just feed them the recomended ammount, but only once every 3 weeks or so, besides that just givwe em water alone


Well-Known Member
could i keep usein the same fert? what mix do i need now? sum1 said more nitrogen i forget what one that is lol. what solution should i be buyin and then makin 1/4th strengh?
Your plants are actually looking pretty good i guess, but maybe just use ferts once a week at like 1/4 strength and try to focus on giving them clean water without any ferts till they bounce back to better health.


Well-Known Member
well c they get 3/5 hours direct sun, the rest is shaded / rays of sun. they have been havein rapid growth lately with the way iv been growing them. there almost 50 inchs in 2 months and a half, i assume this is good since i compared to my friends plants (planted the same time). i did like u guys said, i gave them sum fert that was 10:2:5 and no more yellow leaves have appeared. i also droped my fert lvls back to 1/4th and only feed them it 2 times a week now. the rest of the time im usein water with egg shells soakin in the water. i read that will put calicum in the soil ( even the ph out). i figure this will be a good way to keep the ph around 6 to 7.

if im doing anything wrong let me no lol, im a blacnk canvas waitin 2 hear all suggestions.

also does any1 no what i should add 2 a mulch pile to get a good lvl of neturients in it. iv been usein hay/cow and goat crap/ and bits of patatos and carrots. idk what else if anything i should be adding.


Well-Known Member
no, u dont use coffee grounds. that lowers the ph lvls , makes the soil acidic ;). thanks for the imput though, but roses love coffee grounds and roses love soil that is acidic (5 to 6).


Well-Known Member
coffee grounds in the compost heap is excellent . it has broken down and been eaten by worms and returned with a nice p presence in the soil .
coffee grounds in the compost heap is excellent . it has broken down and been eaten by worms and
returned with a nice p presence in the soil .

Yup I throw everything in the compost. Kitchen scraps, weeds, even mice caught in the traps I even threw some dead chickens that my dogs had caught. If u compost correctly everything breaks down to dirt and has a nice balanced Ph.


Well-Known Member
alright, i read that coffee grounds was high in acidic neturents. o well, im gonna start my compost 2marrow. any suggestions on a box style? i was thinkin 4x4x4 or sumthing around that area. once i start it , do or should i just drop in worms i find? or will they naturaly come 2 it because i will have it off the ground.

also wood on the sides or use a fine mesh wire? i have either one but i think the mesh wire will allow faster break down, yet again the wood would keep the heat in it better lol.


Well-Known Member
idk whats up with them, if i cut out the netureints for a wek i get leaves that seem 2 curl up and die off (only at the bottom) if i do neturents every other day i get yellowing leaves and thoes probs. idk lol, i didn rly no what i was fully doing when i started this, i didn realize the roots would go so deep. this was just a test crop before i got in2 it to big ya'no. first grow btw, i think im doing ok but im makin alot of misteaks. :/ o well, atleast the main ones i fked up are guys lol.