smoking nutmeg


Well-Known Member
saw someone smoke about 5g of that crap and he reported a strange slight body high, almost mushroom like but it took a quick 180 in about 5mins and he was throwing up for about 6hrs, but the body high lasted the whole time so if thats wat ur looking for have fun.


Well-Known Member
Mr. Hendrix liked to dabble in the 'meg, didn't he?

I remember when I was 13 I mixed it with pudding and slopped it down... and nothing... just an empty container on the spice rack.


Active Member
my buddy said people would sell nutmeg in jail... everyone i knew who tried it got sick or nothing happened. dxm was my favorite middle school drug lol


Active Member
you will puke.

like everybody pukes.

Not in the slightest bit worth it. If you wanna get the same feeling as nut meg. Just be sober, then have a stomach ache and puke cuz that pretty much sums up most people's trip on nutmeg.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
If you do it:

Eat fresh nutmeg (not the ground up shit)
Don't smoke it
Fast for a few hours (at least) before eating


Well-Known Member
i woulnt do it it doesnt seem worth it to me ive never tried it but ive seen people try it and they always get sick and they say they didnt really feel nothing. id just stick to smoking sum bud.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Nutmeg contains a few of the precursors to MDMA, and some various other interesting compounds:

  • 3-methoxy,4,5-methylendioxy-allylbenzene
  • 3-methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxyamphetamine (precursor)
  • 3,4-methylene-dioxyallylbenzene
  • 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (precursor)


Well-Known Member
a buddy of mine blazed some nutmeg when he couldnt find any bud, he said he puked after the first hit and felt hungover for about 3 hours...i wouldnt do it.

edit: ive also heard of people smoking spiders when they cant find bud...


Oracle of Hallucinogens
How hard up you gotta be to even try something stupid like that.
Are you saying it is stupid to do MDA or MDMA as well? Nutmeg contains a very similar substance, and I would imagine, precursor to both of them. You are not supposed to smoke nutmeg (as you are not supposed to smoke MDMA)... under proper settings, I am sure someone could get a great experience from Nutmeg.


Active Member
Ive done it... ground the shit up fresh and put it in a dr pepper bottle while we were wasting time waiting for my buddies arm to get set... (he broke it skateboarding...) we waited around for 3 hours... went to get something to eat and then went back to my friends place... I started feeling wierd, shit started to spin, laid down on the couch and next thing I know my buddy is pulling a damn spiderman and crawling on the walls and my other buddy was the damn tooth fairy...

Nasty taste.. didnt throw up... but I could see that happening...
next day I had a hang over lol...


Active Member
when i was young and stupid i tried smoking nutmeg. i thought i was starting to feel something but it was just the anticipation giving the placebo effect. it did nothing. i hear your suposed to eat it to trip. i'd stay away from it tho. seems like only bad things come of it. in my case it was a waste of time and probably makes me look stupid to some ppl cause im not afraid to admit it. i dont really regret it but it just kinda seems stupid looking back on it. smoke some weed instead. if you wanna trip do some shrooms or acid. all these other weird uncommon drugs ppl try to get fucked up off of just arnt worth it.