
Active Member
We are not scared of England anymore... we're gonna beat cha and we will get out of that group. England is banged up and will not take the USA serious until it's 2-1 Final! I'll be thinking about you ROBinBKK...

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
I think the American confidence is somewhat misplaced on this occasion.Being a football fan from Scotland one might imagine ive witnessed some diabolical games and players.The Scottish 1st division absolutely sparkles in comparison to what ive witnessed in the US at professional level.Any one of the Premier league teams would absolutely dominate the game here.

Ive seen a fair few England squads and world cups , other than the goalie i dont see much weakness.I might even admit to having a soft spot for team USA in this match , but i dont see them beating England , not a chance.Its men against boys.


Active Member
Im sorta ways imparsial im from ireland, but gotta be england, ya cant go assumin they aint expectin how good ya gonna be, capello gonna a done his research, ya'll have a fit side, well trained, but no talent.


Well-Known Member
why would the usa have a football team, all they care about is basketball baseball and american football, they have no comparison to us brits, well beat you 2-1 or 3-0.


Well-Known Member
i hope to see england sync and shake off this shitty form for the past year.

it would be a beautiful team to watch


Active Member
Pshhh, US 3 0 England, I no shit about soccer, but I'm always going to have confidence in the US teams just cause I'm from here and love it, but really not trying to stat shit, just m sense of humor


Active Member
man i hope that usa wins but being from the states i gotta admit that mls is a joke...i will never understand why they even air bowling, softball, mls, wnba...and the most pathetic would be nascar in my opinion (not that i don't respect the shit they go through, but they are just far from entertaining.


Active Member
I disagree about softball man, you'd be amazed how many pre-teen dyke softball players/lovers there are, and it is on for only like two weeks, so that creates really high viewing ratings

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
Although I doubt we (USA) will win, you gotta admit we can at least hang with the best teams in the world after we beat Spain. If everything (and I mean everything) clicks, there most definitely could be an upset tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
it's nice enough of you all to stop pumping our gulf full of oil long enough to rally together a sports team. GO BRITAIN!!!!! :clap: :roll: