Republicans are full shIT


Well-Known Member
Why do conservatives deny global warming and oppose just about anything to do with saving the enviroment yet the bible says you must protect the earth? I think it is b/c they only align the bible if their is a dollar sign behind it. Theres not much money in saving trees like there is with invading oil rich countrys. Or maybe they will save trees right after they save every mans butthole from a piercing penis?


Well-Known Member
How insightful.
Yup, I get up every morning and try and figure out new and more efficient ways to destroy the planet.

Global warming happens with or without mans help. Humans have virtually nothing to do with it.
Warming and cooling cycles have alternated since the trilobites...or earlier!
The idea that man contributes to global warming is utterly absurd, it is simply a political construct, which you have accepted as a good little acolyte!


Well-Known Member
How insightful.
Yup, I get up every morning and try and figure out new and more efficient ways to destroy the planet.

Global warming happens with or without mans help. Humans have virtually nothing to do with it.
Warming and cooling cycles have alternated since the trilobites...or earlier!
The idea that man contributes to global warming is utterly absurd, it is simply a political construct, which you have accepted as a good little acolyte!
Don't use words like trilobites with this person. He will think you are talking about sex in the Oval Office.


New Member
Don't use words like trilobites with this person. He will think you are talking about sex in the Oval Office.
Well anyone that thinks global warming is not happening has already had sex in the global office, Bush has penetrated his anus with his big stick,~LOL~, pasted his eyes shut with love juice and farted in his face. Hmmm, does that sound familiar MB?


Well-Known Member
Well anyone that thinks global warming is not happening has already had sex in the global office, Bush has penetrated his anus with his big stick,~LOL~, pasted his eyes shut with love juice and farted in his face. Hmmm, does that sound familiar MB?
I think everybody here can agree that global warming is happening...At least, I think?...Now, it's just a question if it's man-made or not...Right now, I'm thinking, probably not...This has happened to the Earth before many times before humans ever stepped foot on it. We're probably not helping matters, though.


New Member
I think everybody here can agree that global warming is happening...At least, I think?...Now, it's just a question if it's man-made or not...Right now, I'm thinking, probably not...This has happened to the Earth before many times before humans ever stepped foot on it. We're probably not helping matters, though.
I'm not so sure everyone here believes that global warming is even happening, but if they do, they don't seem concerned enough about it to try and legislate corrective measures. Can they really believe with the 1 trillion+ automobiles churning out co2, the coal fired electric plants, the 5 billion human destructos habitating the planet, the rainforest choppers, the huge mining conglomerates tearing up the earth, oil spilling transport ships, plastic infestation of our landfills and our oceans, chemical dumping in our rivers and oceans, Need I go on, That humans are not influencing the destruction of our planets resources and creating out of balance in the nature of things, including contributing to the warming of the planet with excessive greenhouse gas emissions. I believe common sense has left the building.


Well-Known Member
I'm not so sure everyone here believes that global warming is even happening, but if they do, they don't seem concerned enough about it to try and legislate corrective measures. Can they really believe with the 1 trillion+ automobiles churning out co2, the coal fired electric plants, the 5 billion human destructos habitating the planet, the rainforest choppers, the huge mining conglomerates tearing up the earth, oil spilling transport ships, plastic infestation of our landfills and our oceans, chemical dumping in our rivers and oceans, Need I go on, That humans are not influencing the destruction of our planets resources and creating out of balance in the nature of things, including contributing to the warming of the planet with excessive greenhouse gas emissions. I believe common sense has left the building.

DAMN, I hate it when you get it right.


Well-Known Member
I'm not so sure everyone here believes that global warming is even happening, but if they do, they don't seem concerned enough about it to try and legislate corrective measures.....
the truth of the matter would seem to be that billions of any sort of creature inhabiting the planet will bring about some sort of change in the environment. of course there is no excuse for wanton waste, but to expect humanity to have no effect on the world is decidedly naive and merely another ploy to restrict the freedoms of the common man even more. each piece of legislation the so-called liberals push through places the burden for change squarely on the shoulders of the tax payer and merely pays lip-service to any real change. how much are you willing to give up so that al gore and his ilk can fly around in their private jets and pat themselves on the back for being such a friend of nature? the interests behind this world wide global warming scare are far more concerned with wealth redistribution and the consolidation of power than with any real aid to the environment. we are told that we are to blame and we must conserve more while industry is rewarded for spewing out its filth, we must pay to clean up the damage caused by the very entities that support those behind any legislation.

you will never see any legislation passed that actually gives the common man the opportunity to make a real change, that isn't what laws are for. instead you will see our liberties restricted and the citizenry forced to do without in order to allow the few to do as they please. laws will be passed that force you and i to use inefficient and antiquated mass transit so that the elite can sit comfortably in their limos, pacts will be signed that pump billions of dollars into supposedly damaged developing countries so that their citizens can become consumers to help fuel industry's rise, the limited wealth of the middle will be redistributed to all so that the few will be assured of their place at the top, and the downward spiral will continue.

there is no conservative conspiracy to destroy nature in order to amass unwarranted fortunes. there is only the natural tendency of all those in power to gain more control. with each new calamity you buy into you are handing over more of your own power and allowing yourself to become more deeply enslaved. it has taken centuries for mankind to reach its present state of industrial chaos and those who give themselves over to some foolhardy attempt at a quick fix are only fueling an hysteria designed to separate us from any control we may still have over our own destinies. the best that any man can do is to maintain a lifestyle of limited environmental impact and allow nature to do as it will.


New Member
Hey under, you may feel that you've contradicted me but actually you have only solidified my contentions. I actually agree with you. The elites will of course cruise in their limos and fly in their private planes as long as we let them. There is that thing about the peoples government, remember. It is up to us to take it back. Investigate locals running for local office and remove the tainted, paid for ones. Work our way up and get rid of all crooked political figures. Stop the lobbying. Demand accountability and take back control of the governmment. Maybe then we can actually get something constructive done.


Well-Known Member
No one is really very concerned about saving our planet. We could cut US greenhouse emmisions overnight by 10-30 percent. Problem is no one is willing to do this.

There are at least a dozen simple solutions that would cut emmisions by five percent. Add them together and you have a real savings. Yet, only one solution has been mentioned by candidates so far. What would that solution be you ask? Get rid of illegal invaders in our country. They use at LEAST 8 percent of our nation's gasoline supply.

Find people speeding down the road. If they are 15 miles over, suspend their driving priviledges. Ten percent or greater savings.

Replace air in vehicle tires with nitrogen. 5%

Double tier the price of gasoline so conserving vehicles are charged less and hogs pay more. 10%

Replace two primary lights in each house with CFLs, nationwide. 10%

Hire unemployed AMERICANS to put $300 of blow insulation in the houses of poor people. Payback would 100% in 18 months and greenhouse emmissions go down overnight. 5% or more.

I could go on with this exercise, but you get the idea.


New Member
No one is really very concerned about saving our planet. We could cut US greenhouse emmisions overnight by 10-30 percent. Problem is no one is willing to do this.

There are at least a dozen simple solutions that would cut emmisions by five percent. Add them together and you have a real savings. Yet, only one solution has been mentioned by candidates so far. What would that solution be you ask? Get rid of illegal invaders in our country. They use at LEAST 8 percent of our nation's gasoline supply.

Find people speeding down the road. If they are 15 miles over, suspend their driving priviledges. Ten percent or greater savings.

Replace air in vehicle tires with nitrogen. 5%

Double tier the price of gasoline so conserving vehicles are charged less and hogs pay more. 10%

Replace two primary lights in each house with CFLs, nationwide. 10%

Hire unemployed AMERICANS to put $300 of blow insulation in the houses of poor people. Payback would 100% in 18 months and greenhouse emmissions go down overnight. 5% or more.

I could go on with this exercise, but you get the idea.
Damn, and I thought you didn't get it. I like everything but charging me 10% more for gas for my giant truck. Ouch that would hurt. I barely drive it as is. It's nearly 4 years old and only has 15,000 miles on it.


Well-Known Member
fuck the republicans and the democrats. they are all liers who only care about money...if only there was a way to put 3 hits of acid in everyones drinking water....the mysterios dissapearing ego!


New Member
Why do conservatives deny global warming and oppose just about anything to do with saving the enviroment yet the bible says you must protect the earth? I think it is b/c they only align the bible if their is a dollar sign behind it. Theres not much money in saving trees like there is with invading oil rich countrys. Or maybe they will save trees right after they save every mans butthole from a piercing penis?
You are an asshole and your thread makes you look ignorant!


Well-Known Member
Hey under, you may feel that you've contradicted me but actually you have only solidified my contentions.....
despite my best attempts to attack all those who take extremist viewpoints on such matters, the real enemy is and always has been those who attempt to control our lives. the first step in avoiding such slavery is the realization that the concept of the people's government is a logical fallacy that never has and, most likely, never will exist. once government is hidden in any way from the general population a ruling class is created and tyranny is the natural end. complete transparency is impossible for any government to maintain and mankind's tendency toward greed allows for the corruption we see in all governments to flourish. demanding accountability only causes the corruption to burrow deeper in order to avoid detection. to believe in any altruistic ideals from a ruling elite is the same mistake we seem to make time and again. the only true possibility for a people's government is the absence of any permanent governing body. we can, of course, take back our government, but what then? we will once again be at the mercy of a new ruling class whose whims we will once again dutifully obey until the next time we realize we have been duped.

understanding all this, i fail to understand why anyone would blindly follow the current crop's agenda on such matters as global warming. your original contention that such things can be legislated away smacks of the naive belief that those in power have any wish to do anything but gather more power. is it such a leap to believe that this entire catastrophe has been blown out of proportion in order to control the population to an even greater extent? when questioning the veracity of those in power it is usually best to first question the intent of those who wish to make change and i see very little of such questioning going on amongst global warming advocates. in the search for a scapegoat your neighbor is always a convenient target, unluckily your neighbor thinks the same of you. in the rush to prove we are proper stewards of this earth we are willingly agreeing that the decimation of our neighborhoods is the correct course of action.


Well-Known Member
Mars' ice caps are melting as well, it's scientific fact that the sun is getting hotter. This "man caused" global warming is bullshit, and this GLOBAL carbon tax they are trying to push in the name of global warming is bullshit (an attempt to get a tax to fund a global government)- wake up and do some research people.

The separate political parties don't matter anymore- they're all backed by the same bureaucrats and puppeteers. Everything they say is propaganda.


New Member
despite my best attempts to attack all those who take extremist viewpoints on such matters, the real enemy is and always has been those who attempt to control our lives. the first step in avoiding such slavery is the realization that the concept of the people's government is a logical fallacy that never has and, most likely, never will exist. once government is hidden in any way from the general population a ruling class is created and tyranny is the natural end. complete transparency is impossible for any government to maintain and mankind's tendency toward greed allows for the corruption we see in all governments to flourish. demanding accountability only causes the corruption to burrow deeper in order to avoid detection. to believe in any altruistic ideals from a ruling elite is the same mistake we seem to make time and again. the only true possibility for a people's government is the absence of any permanent governing body. we can, of course, take back our government, but what then? we will once again be at the mercy of a new ruling class whose whims we will once again dutifully obey until the next time we realize we have been duped.

understanding all this, i fail to understand why anyone would blindly follow the current crop's agenda on such matters as global warming. your original contention that such things can be legislated away smacks of the naive belief that those in power have any wish to do anything but gather more power. is it such a leap to believe that this entire catastrophe has been blown out of proportion in order to control the population to an even greater extent? when questioning the veracity of those in power it is usually best to first question the intent of those who wish to make change and i see very little of such questioning going on amongst global warming advocates. in the search for a scapegoat your neighbor is always a convenient target, unluckily your neighbor thinks the same of you. in the rush to prove we are proper stewards of this earth we are willingly agreeing that the decimation of our neighborhoods is the correct course of action.
I see you have mastered doubletalk and gobblygook. Yeah I am a dreamer. I can envision a world where each individual cares as much for his neighbor as himself. I also realize that, that is a dream and reality sucks, But hope shines eternal. Forgive me for thinking mankind is a little more spiritual than you. I Realize that in my lifetime and probably my grandkids lifetimes, greed will rule the world, I'm not naive. I just have hope for the future, but realize that hope never solved anything. So what are solutions? anyone can forecast doom and despair. Come up with the big equation, then we'll talk.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you on some points- but why so pessimistic?

We have a recorded history of thousands upon thousands of years- we have documented the history of hundreds of empires. All of which come to an end. We must remember those people also viewed their life as we do- this is reality and it will always been like this. It won't. Nearly all governments, whether free at first or not, become full dictatorships- eventually over time, bureaucrats always get a hold of the power system. And while they may rule for a time, they ALWAYS fall. The concept of freedom deep in the human soul is inherent and un-extractable, and that will always triumph.


Well-Known Member
Mars' ice caps are melting as well, it's scientific fact that the sun is getting hotter. This "man caused" global warming is bullshit, and this GLOBAL carbon tax they are trying to push in the name of global warming is bullshit (an attempt to get a tax to fund a global government)- wake up and do some research people.

The separate political parties don't matter anymore- they're all backed by the same bureaucrats and puppeteers. Everything they say is propaganda.
Well, Cheeky one. You and I agree most of the time. On this point, my position is this, why waste stuff and possible do some harm? BTW, it is probable fact, man can increase and lower the size of the ozone whole. If you correlate Space Shuttle launch data to annual reports collect by NASA, you will see what I mean. Years with more shuttle lifts result in a bigger ozone hole.

But some boneheads think we are the total cause of global warming. That is untrue. Volcanoes are the biggest source of polution in nature. Some scientist speculate that a sycsergy (sp? planet gravity alignment) causes many fluctuations. Possibly including a change in global warming.

So I suggest we all conserve. But, let's not jump of a cliff because the sky is falling.