Well-Known Member
I'll say 3oz dry wieght.....
I'll say 3oz dry wieght.....
Nice pics del! That first pic looks like a big-o-ball of bud!!
They make cheap soil ph testers, and as long as you know the soil is at a good ph, runoff readings aren't needed as much. You can pic one up at almost any hardware store in this season for about $5. Here's a link as a refrence of what Im talking about...I'm feeding GHmicro and GHbloom and crosbys fancy mollasses...Could heat be an issue as the tall ones are mostly affected and the short ones on have a few yellowing leaves....I ph my water to 6.5 when I feed but because it's my first grow I didn't account for having to ph drain off and it's impossible with my setup to move my big plants to get a drain off reading...I've heard adding lime too the top might help?
Thanks I'll have to pick one up for sure...Anyone now a reasonable yield I could attain still?
I got 5.5 OZ's from 3 plants in a very small cabinet they were all under 2 feet tall