The inevitable collapse of the dollar

mr j2

Well-Known Member
thats what i meant.. my bad. it is off topic, but what i said does affect why the dollar value is crap so its not too far off topic..


Well-Known Member
thats what i meant.. my bad. it is off topic, but what i said does affect why the dollar value is crap so its not too far off topic..
Sure. It plays a role. I think it just boils down to balancing the budget. If you take out more withdrawals than deposits, you get slapped with fees from the bank. When a government does it, they induce inflation and the only people who suffer are the citizens, not the people responsible for taking the fiscally irresponsible action.


Well-Known Member
It's just a question of when not if...What goes up must come down. America has made a good run of it, but no dynasty lasts forever.... Let's just hope it's no time soon. I need time to make some money and stock up on euros or gold.


Well-Known Member
It's just a question of when not if...What goes up must come down. America has made a good run of it, but no dynasty lasts forever.... Let's just hope it's no time soon. I need time to make some money and stock up on euros or gold.
Oh by no means is economic collapse hapening in the next couple years. We are talking about the next 50 years, here.


Well-Known Member
50 dude im thinking more like 10 or 15 if things keep going the way they do, our dept doubled in 4 years now, and its at like 8 trillion or somthing, were only still spending, you think any country is wanting to still fund our machine , when if they simply dropped us they would be much better off, people dont love us that much, they love brad pit and all those movie and music stars. there gonna eventually say get your 700 bases out of our countries , quit using all our stuff. there gonna say hey were kinda over it


Well-Known Member
Convert all your money into Euro's.

Youll make more money than your dollars would, even in a relatively aggressive mutual fund, and theres pretty much no risk. The euro is overtaking the dollar more by each day...
You make money when you buy LOW and sell HIGH. What you suggest is the collapse of the United States. The dollar cannot go much lower and still survive.

No hold dollars now and the value will go up. Sell Euros HIGH and buy dollars LOW.


Well-Known Member
yeah ive heard of people buying the iraqi dinars, id say its time to buy gold.
and yes its true the asians are kicking us out and booming right now! i work in vegas and the biggest spenders are the chinese, china is stepping up, not just because they spend in vegas, cause they are genuises when it comes to business
Gold is approaching an all time high. So you would be buying high and most likely selling at a lower position.


Well-Known Member
wavels, you have to look deeper than just how the economy appears. The US has a national debt of over 9 billion dollars. They are just printing more and more money as needed with nothing to back it up. This is where the dollar value starts decreasing. And you say how japan's economy isn't great and the US is so much better, but the US' economy is dependent upon countries like japan
$9 billion? I beleive you mean $9 Trillion. I have not seen the GNP of Japan lately, but I'm pretty sure it is smaller than the State of California. Or smaller than the State of New York. Or smaller than the State of Texas. Perhaps about equal to the Gross Product of the State of Florida.

But, you are correct in believing the economy is headed the WRONG direction.


Well-Known Member
Gold is approaching an all time high. So you would be buying high and most likely selling at a lower position.
True. But as a long term investment, it stands up well against inflation whereas mutual funds may not with this economic typhoon-like speed of inflation. I guess the dollar is just too unstable to have faith in, not that it isn't ever a good idea. Just really hard to put your money on it long term.


New Member
Whoa are you serious? I thought about that. I would put all my money in it if I had faith in it. Do you feel it is secure?
Who knows? I bought a million of them because they were so cheap and There are many big shots in the US government holding millions of them, do you think they know something?. These are the new Iraqi Dinars. They Made new ones to get Sadams face off of them. All the dinar freaks, investors, on dinar websites seem to think there will be a re-valuation that will bring the dinar to about 1-1 with the dollar, That would make me an instant millionaire. I'm not that optomistic, but they are steadily rising in value. When I bought them 6 mos ago, they were 1259:1, they are now 1215:1. when they are 1:1 there will be much rejoicing in the medicineman household, but I hold no false hope for that. I have already made a little on my investment. If it continues at this rate, in ten years, they will be worth quite a bit and my grandkids can go to college with them, if not, they can paper the walls, they are pretty decorative.


Well-Known Member
Who knows? I bought a million of them because they were so cheap and There are many big shots in the US government holding millions of them, do you think they know something?. These are the new Iraqi Dinars. They Made new ones to get Sadams face off of them. All the dinar freaks, investors, on dinar websites seem to think there will be a re-valuation that will bring the dinar to about 1-1 with the dollar, That would make me an instant millionaire. I'm not that optomistic, but they are steadily rising in value. When I bought them 6 mos ago, they were 1259:1, they are now 1215:1. when they are 1:1 there will be much rejoicing in the medicineman household, but I hold no false hope for that. I have already made a little on my investment. If it continues at this rate, in ten years, they will be worth quite a bit and my grandkids can go to college with them, if not, they can paper the walls, they are pretty decorative.
Nice, Med. I might have to get in on that...1215:1, huh?


Well-Known Member
50 dude im thinking more like 10 or 15 if things keep going the way they do
Yeah, I think 10-50 years is a reasonable timeline. Especially, if we keep fighting this 'war on terror'. We can't keep racking up more debt and watching the value of the dollar plummet and think nothing is going to happen. Plus the fact, that more and more countries are dumping the dollar everyday is just speeding up this eventual collapse.


Well-Known Member
Some people think the government is trying to crash the dollar on purpose. To pave the way for the Amero. I wouldn't be suprised by this, at all. They're already talking about it in the government and have designs for it and everything.


New Member
Nice, Med. I might have to get in on that...1215:1, huh?
Yeah, when I bought them they were around 825.00 per mil, now if you look on Ebay they are around 1000.00. Try and get the lowest denomination you can get. Mine are all 5000 Dinar notes, 200 of them. The lower the denomination, the more they cost. You can get the 25K notes for around 900.00. I believe you can purchase them from Chase banks for the going price which is usually about 10 percent over market value. So for a grand, you too can be in on the prize, or get some real expensive wallpaper. Don't take this as an endorsement, I don't want you to come after me to help you paper your wall, but I'll be glad to celebrate with you if the unthinkable happens.


Well-Known Member
Who knows? I bought a million of them because they were so cheap and There are many big shots in the US government holding millions of them, do you think they know something?. These are the new Iraqi Dinars. They Made new ones to get Sadams face off of them. All the dinar freaks, investors, on dinar websites seem to think there will be a re-valuation that will bring the dinar to about 1-1 with the dollar, That would make me an instant millionaire. I'm not that optomistic, but they are steadily rising in value. When I bought them 6 mos ago, they were 1259:1, they are now 1215:1. when they are 1:1 there will be much rejoicing in the medicineman household, but I hold no false hope for that. I have already made a little on my investment. If it continues at this rate, in ten years, they will be worth quite a bit and my grandkids can go to college with them, if not, they can paper the walls, they are pretty decorative.
Hehehe...I like your attitude, Marx.


New Member
Hehehe...I like your attitude, Marx.
Wow, I'm going to pass out, a compliment from TLO. I guess a thank you would be in order, Thanks TLO, I have some capitalistic tendicies, just not enough to get rich,~LOL~ call me when your first mil comes in and I'll help you celebrate, maybe take a ride in that Lambo with dubs, or when my dinars explode onto the market, I'll give you a ride in mine, actually, I'd save 900,000+ and just buy that 08 ZO6, 550 HP, 0-60 3.5, 11.20 1/4 mile times or better, and 26MPG. a real hoot. Almost as fast as my 62 Chebby, but with AC and a stereo.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm going to pass out, a compliment from TLO. I guess a thank you would be in order, Thanks TLO, I have some capitalistic tendicies, just not enough to get rich,~LOL~ call me when your first mil comes in and I'll help you celebrate, maybe take a ride in that Lambo with dubs, or when my dinars explode onto the market, I'll give you a ride in mine, actually, I'd save 900,000+ and just buy that 08 ZO6, 550 HP, 0-60 3.5, 11.20 1/4 mile times or better, and 26MPG. a real hoot. Almost as fast as my 62 Chebby, but with AC and a stereo.
Hahah we'll do. Ill send you ticket to my first million dollar fight.