Very Concerned.....


Hi Guys,

forgive me if this turns out to be a simple question this is only my first post due to the fact i haven't needed to because of the search bar.... but im now stuck and have to ask.

2 plants, one great white shark from greenhouse, one lemon from dna

age; 7 weeks from seed
grow medium; rockwool cubes into NFT
lights; started on fluorescent tube now on 400w hps non air cooled. ventilated room
light cycle 18/6
temp 18/30c

everything has been fine up until this week,
i have been waiting for roots to reach the outside of the rockwool before putting in the nft system. They are visible from the bottom but haven spread sideways as much as i was expecting. i have been watering them by spraying the rockwool sides and bottom with water and nutrient, making sure i dont spray the plants. ive done this i felt they needed, i.e only when rockwool is light.

over the last 48 hrs the plants have folded over and drooped considerably, they look like they are dying, colour has remained in the upper plant but the first set of leaves are yellowing, the rest of them i can see are starting to curl into themselves,

i have as an attempt to sort this out, flushed the rock wool with bottled water with no nutrients, but its not seemed to work,

please take a look at the pics and help discover whats wrong, and how to fix if possible, this is my first grow but i have spent alot of time researching before hand, so not completely naive to growing, its not a great camera and the hps was turned off for a second so i could get a decent pic without stripes! hope you can see enough


thanks in advance guys,


Well-Known Member
it looks like a multitude of things that are wrong.

Stretched - lights too far away
Over watering causing the drooping
Nute burn from too much ferts
30C is a bit too high - i run my grow room around the 25C mark.

Any more info you can provide would be helpful.

Relative Humidity max and min levels
Ph of feed
Feeding schedule

Alot of people dont do enough research about using rockwool. YOu say you have flushed the rockwool with bottled water. Did you ph it? rockwool needs to sit at around 5.5 -6 ph range. anything over this causes all sorts of issues.

I personally would get your lights low enough so that your hand is not burning when you put it between your lamp and the tops of your plants.
Ph your water to 5.5 and flush.

then wait for the rockwool dry out a bit and flush again. Do this a few times letting it dry each time.

As for the roots coming out of the side of your rockwool they will not as they get air pruned when they begin to protrude out of the sides.



Thanks j. I had ph the water and it was about 5.7-6 so that's all good the ventilation seems to be an ongoing burden, it's only a little closet big enough to stand in. I currently run a 4" exhaust a 6" powerd intake, and an desk fan, I have really struggled to fight the temp, I'm on the second flush today, desperatly hoping they stay with me.

Humidity fluctuates but stays around 40 50
feeding schedule is at the moment as and when they dry out, eventually on a pump constant trickle over spreader mat.

As for the roots I'm not sure what u meant,

appreciate your help


Well-Known Member
Your intake is bigger than your exhaust. That is probably causing part of the heat problems.


Well-Known Member
No your plants look like that because water is what makes them rigid so when they are under watered them main stem starts draiwng water from the leaves and branches and the loose their rigidity and thus they droop. I just had the same problem. Give em a drink bro!!


No worries dude, the problem is I now have two different storys, post 1 say overwatering u say underwatering, v confused


Well-Known Member
No worries dude, the problem is I now have two different storys, post 1 say overwatering u say underwatering, v confused
Over watering looks alot like Under watering (confusing I know). But you have clearly stated that you have flushed them within the last day or two so it is not likely under watering.


There still seems to be a mixed message between this being over or under watering. Thanks for all your help but does anyone have a definitive answer as to which one it is?

I've been watering roughly once every two days with the spray bottle + a full strength nutrient mix (incl. Boost) - I've now realised this probably wasn't a great move but initially they seemed to love it. I watered them until the rockwool felt noticeably heavier again, roughly 150ml per plant per water. (never watered to the point they're dripping wet).

Any help is greatly appreciated,

Smokeymc :cry:


Active Member
I promise you..Those are overwatered..stop watering for a week or so .if there not better ill send you a new seeds. swear to god


Ok mate I'll go on faith and trust ya.

So to keep on bugging u with questions:-

1. Why has it taken so long for this amount of watering to start effecting them?
2. How long should it take before seeing an improvement?
3. As ive been going on the rockwool getting bone dry and very light as a sign to water again a. How do i know when to water? b. How much should i give them? And c. As the nft is constant flow when will it be safe to put them in?

Sorry for all the questions, I must havetrawled every grow guide on the net and get so many opinions on things my heads fried!

As always any help is greatly appreciated:neutral:



Active Member
I was so high when i said that..damn. but for some reason when i dont water them enough they start reaching for the it was supposed to say underwater=leaves erect underwater=leaves droop


I was so high when i said that..damn. but for some reason when i dont water them enough they start reaching for the it was supposed to say underwater=leaves erect underwater=leaves droop
ok maybe i'm too stoned but thats says the same thing again but the other way round doesnt it? still 2x underwater?

Are you trying to say underwater=leaves erect overwater=leaves droop ?
