AzaMax, plus drench method (use it in soil)


Active Member
So here's the deal. I found "something" crawling across some "dead" leaves last night. After further inspection (and the best I can tell), I have spider mites. Tiny little things at this point.

At any rate, stopped by my local and they recommended AzaMax. They have been using it for a while and are very please with th e results. I'm giving it a shot.

No, here is a lamer question...My plants don't need watering at this point. They are still a day out from their next water (pots still feel fairly heavy). HOWEVER, with the rough run of weather, they have gone bone dry a couple times in the last couple weeks and keeping the soil moist and the room humidity down has been a damn nightmare.

So, I am wondering. Let the plants go tonight and water tomorrow? Or water tonight, but most likely get most of my AzaMax washed out as well (they are still moist enough that this would probably happen). Checking the plants in earnest, I do have a hard time finding concentrations of the bastards; with a 30x loupe, It's still hard to see the damn things.

Wait a day and give the girls a full dose of AzaMax?
Go for it tonight and probably lose a thrid of the dose?

Looking for some advice from the vet's on this board...
id do it tomorow. they can be a little dry without being injured. its just one night. should be ok
That's the way I am swaying towards...No rhyme or reason; just a gut feeling. For all I know, these damn things were on my plants last year and I didn't even know it! I just don't want to trash them with a cure. Thanks for the post bro..
That's the way I am swaying towards...No rhyme or reason; just a gut feeling. For all I know, these damn things were on my plants last year and I didn't even know it! I just don't want to trash them with a cure. Thanks for the post bro..

If it was me I would wait until tommorrow on the Azamax, but I would spend some time today getting down and lining those plants up with some Neem oil.
AzaMax was added a couple hours ago. Plants are in good condition overall, not much sign of pests to be honest. I'm going to take it day by day; don't want to over react and kill the damn things! ;-)
Thanks for the input bro...

edit: I should have noted, I used 4oz. of AzaMax in 5 gallons of ph balanced water per the directions (their due for a nute'ing, but I decided against it. I'll get them on the next watering).
Hindsight (being what it ALWAYS is), I screwed up and watered all the plants. I should have held a couple plants back and just gone with Neem (kind of spread my losses if there are any; lesson learned)...Oh well, too late now. We'll see what happens.
the spidermites really multiply fast if you got them they eventualy make webs on your buds & youll be able to see them crawling on your leaves & buds as well as the webs
the spidermites really multiply fast if you got them they eventualy make webs on your buds & youll be able to see them crawling on your leaves & buds as well as the webs

Thanks for the info hh.. I checked the plants a little while ago; no signs of webbing AT ALL. stuck my arm a good deal into my little forest and wrapped on some leaves. Looked real close for anything crawling, have not seen anything (although, I need to do a better test. the hps screws with my eyes if I am in there anymore than a couple minutes.)
Let us know how the Azamax works out

Big time...I plan on taking pics tomorrow of the ladies for my journal. Will post here as well.

So far, I see no side effects from the AzaMax. The plants are looking lush and green. I do have spots on SOME leaves, but the obvious thing is "that is to be expected" given my current situation.

So, I am about 3 weeks into flower with plants that were started in April and a second batch of plants started approx 1 month ago. So, a little bit of an age gap there; right? ALL plants received the AzaMax; so I am very curious to see how the youngins take it.

Did a quick test of the plants by sticking my arm in mid-way up all of their stalks (lol, sorry, that shit just sounded funny) and gave a good shaking to the leaves. I saw nothing notable on my arm or hands. AGAIN, I need to do the same with some white paper and not stare up at the damn HPS looking for webs prior to!!!

I'm thinking about taking some bag seed in pot's and growing some outdoors for a few weeks. One treated with AzaMax, the other not treated at all. I figure I can take the leaves in the garage (in a "special" grabage bag for disposal) that have the bugs on them and purposely infect the outdoor grow. Might be interesting, no?

Shit, I'm going to germ some seed now...This will be a cool, real life product test.
You won't see anything on your arms, you need a microscope....Get a cheap one for $20 from any hydro store...The webbing usually comes when there are a bunch of them on a leaf...
I just recently had a spider mite problem and was also told to use AzaMax. I was told to mix it with mostly water and drench (spray) the leaves on top and bottom once a week for 3 weeks. I just did my 3rd treatment and haven't seen signs of spider mites in days. Hope your mites die off too!
I'm interested in your results, i got the 4oz bottle of azamax from my local per their recommendations, i haven't had to use it yet but it'll be nice to know what to expect after using it.
I'm interested in your results, i got the 4oz bottle of azamax from my local per their recommendations, i haven't had to use it yet but it'll be nice to know what to expect after using it.
Third day since treating them (all soil based) and I have not sprayed anything on the plant yet. The plants look fine; actually a little perkier than before treatment. No discolorationn of the leaves, still flowering along.
In a couple hours, I am going to pull them all out and inspect each one individually.
I just recently had a spider mite problem and was also told to use AzaMax. I was told to mix it with mostly water and drench (spray) the leaves on top and bottom once a week for 3 weeks. I just did my 3rd treatment and haven't seen signs of spider mites in days. Hope your mites die off too!

Thanks bro! I used 4oz in 5 gallon's of water. The up and comer's got a decent watering with it. The more mature plants (11 of them) all got good waterings until just barely running off. I wasn't expecting the AzaMax to turn the water white!! Another note, I treated the water to balance the PH before I added AzaMax. I am not certain what the Aza does to PH (can't get a reading AFTER I mix it)..
You won't see anything on your arms, you need a microscope....Get a cheap one for $20 from any hydro store...The webbing usually comes when there are a bunch of them on a leaf...

Hmm..interesting comment. I used a 30x loupe but still had a hard time ID'ing positvely what was scurring about. Assumption is spider mites based on what I COULD see against illustrations and some pics off the 'net. Who knows, maybe their aphids? Whatever they are, I stumbled across them by dumb luck is all.
5 days on azamax so far. Only problem I have is one plant that is nute burned. I don't know what happened, but it might make it. The rest are looking fit. Still a few remaining critters running around, but to me, looks like a decrease so far. I have not done foliage spray but will consider it if I see anything on the leaves looking suspicious. As to using azamax in soil, So far, I think it's working. Next dose is Monday. I'll determine then if I reduce the dosage and compliment with a spray. Or stay on same dose and go 100% soil.
Spider mites are easy to controll with out sprays. Azamax = neem oil extract both of which should be your last resort. Also you should never use a pesticide systemically (throught the roots). IF you have spider mites keep a pickle jar of cold water in the fridge. mix half cold water with half phed room temp water and give the girls a spray 3 or 4 times a day paying special attention to the undersides of the leaf. Also make sure your humidity is high and if needed bring the temps down to 65-70 to slow the growth/reproductive cycle. Also the coolest natural control is preditor mites. You can order them and they eat multible spider mites/day and out produce spider mites 5 to 1. You do have to put them on each individual plant but once the spidermites are gone they simply die off. You can also use lady bugs but they are not as effective as preditor mites and are a bit more messy. If you use lady bugs release at the beginning of night period to maximize life expectancy. +rep? :) J/k goodluck