Welcome to earth little girl :D


Well-Known Member
Here's my plant that just sprouted last hour. Everyone welcome it to planet earth, let's hope it's a female, I got 5 others awaiting to be popped out of the soil.



Well-Known Member
How long did she take to pop soil?
Ha, she took about 2 days since I planted it. After she's popped out all the way, I'm transplanting her to the big white bucket that I have my male in, unless my male is supposedly a hermie, which is the only reason I'm keeping my male alive for an extra day or two just incase I see pistils.


Well-Known Member
So you planted it in earth and your going to tranceplant to a bucket??
Lol no, those pics are from the gardening starter kit, which I can just pop out and put into a pot. The only one I have in the soil is that sativa strain you saw in the pic earlier.