The Irish Growers Thread!

irish farmer

Active Member
So lad's I was thinking, why cant we put our head's togeather and develope the perfect strain for our shite climate. I have to say the AMS is loving it so far. I have never smoaked it so I dont know what to expect, but if it could be crossed with some of the better flavoured strain's we might come up with something quiet cool.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
So lad's I was thinking, why cant we put our head's togeather and develope the perfect strain for our shite climate. I have to say the AMS is loving it so far. I have never smoaked it so I dont know what to expect, but if it could be crossed with some of the better flavoured strain's we might come up with something quiet cool.
It would be sweet to get a strain that can go the whole way without molding up, i have not found one yet...

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
I was going to try it this year but none of the shops had it and im not packin a credit card to buy stuff on line. I was lucky that one shop had a 5 pack of hollands hope. 40 quid? Bargin.


Well-Known Member
when is best time to start feeding plants mine r still very small but i got green house sorted so they r now in there so i expext them to grow alot quicker now
SUP LADS what age would you normally expect to sex plants outdoors in our climate and how well will they flower outside and is it possible to finish them under a 250hps hadnt the cash when i started my little project ????


Well-Known Member
when is best time to start feeding plants mine r still very small but i got green house sorted so they r now in there so i expext them to grow alot quicker now
With your plants darren, I would wait till the forth node had grown then you can start to feed with a diluted solution.. Not before, as you'll kill them..


Well-Known Member
whats is forth node sorry for being stupid all new to was just in green house and it nice and warm can see inprovement on some of plants all ready

irish farmer

Active Member
Every set of leaf's is 1 node. So the main stem is just that, the main stem. Up along the stem thare are leaf node's, they grow out the side's of the stem. NODE


Well-Known Member
hi i got some in 10 litre tubs some in 5 litre and some in 15 will i need to change onrs in 5 litre tubs to bigger ones

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
I had to take my plant out of the mini greenhouse, iv a feeling it a tad to hot. Going to check the temp now, id say its in the 30s.


Well-Known Member
I need to buy a tempture thing for green house but some of plants i have in i would be used to temps in 40s up in hills