3RD Time's a Charm- Bagseed and Crazy Clone


Active Member
Hi bigman,

Looking forward to seeing Ziva's produce :-)

Had to say sorry to read about the dog (that pic made me smile), been through it myself and it really impacts on the whole family I know. I'm really glad to see you make it through to what's going to be a good harvest my friend :-) Nothing like MJ for anxiety/ depression, it beats all of the prescription pills out there and I speak from long personal experience. Most are just a chemical cosh, but cannabis leaves YOu in control so its good to read that your wife will have access to a clean and safe supply of medicine grown with love and care.

Great grow bigman.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bigman4270
probably chop Ziva in the next couple days and will post some pics.

Cool, cause my next ditty (will write/post it this weekend) will be about drying and curing
Can't wait for the info. I am sure it will be useful as always.

Peace and thanks for stoppin by.


Well-Known Member
Hi bigman,

Looking forward to seeing Ziva's produce :-)

Had to say sorry to read about the dog (that pic made me smile), been through it myself and it really impacts on the whole family I know. I'm really glad to see you make it through to what's going to be a good harvest my friend :-) Nothing like MJ for anxiety/ depression, it beats all of the prescription pills out there and I speak from long personal experience. Most are just a chemical cosh, but cannabis leaves YOu in control so its good to read that your wife will have access to a clean and safe supply of medicine grown with love and care.

Great grow bigman.
Thanks for the kind words MS. That pup was really one of the family. As for the prescription's, well it speaks for it self. I was going over the side effects of the antidepression medication she takes and holy shit! Its just crazy what they wan't you to stick into your body. I have been researching what strains are better for her symptoms so when I am ready to buy my beans it won,t be a waist of time. Leaning toward a sativa hybrid but not sure which one. Any thoughts on the matter are appreciated.

Well gotta run, work is calling and I gotta make the cheese.




Well-Known Member
Hey Bigman, looking sweet, i rele hope my next grow looks like urs :bigjoint: I'v just planted what i believe to be a white widow bagseed so hoping to have as much success as you !


Well-Known Member
Hey Bigman, looking sweet, i rele hope my next grow looks like urs :bigjoint: I'v just planted what i believe to be a white widow bagseed so hoping to have as much success as you !
Thank's SS, your compliments humble me. As you know I am a follower of the methods that riddleme talks about. It is no nonsense truth backed up by research and the "paperwork to prove it. Some people believe what they want to believe because it works for them. There is nothing wrong with that. My style is my choice and I choose science over forum hype and myths. It just comes down to learning what they need and providing the best source of it you can to them.

I have been following your grow since the beginning and your not doing to bad yourself. Sounds like your working out the kinks in your grow area and things are coming along nicely. Good luck with the W/W. From what I read they are a pretty vigorous growing plant. Damn loaded again and rambling on.

Thanks for stoppin in SS.



Well-Known Member
So its day 57/59 not sure which one. lol My notes don't match the thread. Musta been loaded when I started it. Anyway, wanted to show some pics of the new crop. They are coming along very nicely and really starting to take off. Got em all pinned down and new growth everywhere.

Here they are. Pic 1 is the two babies in veg cab, pic 2 are of the 2 babies in flower and the one on the left is the girl from a seed I got from my last grow, pic 3 is Ziva waiting patiently, and pic 4 is Mariska.

Let me know what ya think.



Active Member
Look into Strawberry Cough for anxiety - I have heard good things about it and will hopefully be trying some myself in the next few months. Attitude has it but I can't find it right now... Claims it is specifically for anxiety though.


Well-Known Member
Thank's SS, your compliments humble me. As you know I am a follower of the methods that riddleme talks about. It is no nonsense truth backed up by research and the "paperwork to prove it. Some people believe what they want to believe because it works for them. There is nothing wrong with that. My style is my choice and I choose science over forum hype and myths. It just comes down to learning what they need and providing the best source of it you can to them.

I have been following your grow since the beginning and your not doing to bad yourself. Sounds like your working out the kinks in your grow area and things are coming along nicely. Good luck with the W/W. From what I read they are a pretty vigorous growing plant. Damn loaded again and rambling on.

Thanks for stoppin in SS.

U see i always want to know HOW and WHY everything works so i'm the kinda guy to follow riddles stuff. It just means i dont have to go out there and get into the real nitty gritty research and for that i truly love the work riddle does around here :D

As for the growspace... YES its all working ok, but i have so many modifications to make to the grow area my next grow is gna be nothing like this one, in fact im upgrading to Closet Grow as opposed to cheapass Stealth Cab. If theres on thing to be said about growing "You never truly learn until u just go out and do it" - and it's been one hell of a ride :bigjoint:

Also Have you chopped Ziva and Mariska yet... i want pics :weed:


Well-Known Member
U see i always want to know HOW and WHY everything works so i'm the kinda guy to follow riddles stuff. It just means i dont have to go out there and get into the real nitty gritty research and for that i truly love the work riddle does around here :D

As for the growspace... YES its all working ok, but i have so many modifications to make to the grow area my next grow is gna be nothing like this one, in fact im upgrading to Closet Grow as opposed to cheapass Stealth Cab. If theres on thing to be said about growing "You never truly learn until u just go out and do it" - and it's been one hell of a ride :bigjoint:

Also Have you chopped Ziva and Mariska yet... i want pics :weed:
Hey SS, gladd ya stopped by again. I am with ya on the research and info provided by riddle. It's not that I don't like doing it, I just don't have the time these days. Being a business owner takes up most of my time, especialy in the summer because thats when we are the busiest.

As for the cabinet, can't wait to see the closet set-up. I to am always thinking about how to improve my set-up. I have put together a new design and have started purchasing the needed lumber a little at a time. I hope to get started on it by fall when things start to slow down for us. Oh ya there is nothing wrong about being cheap ass. I am into mine for less than 150.00 with the veg cab so I am pretty happy with that.

All stages going are lookin pretty sexy!
As alway's thanks for the comments pin.

yeah are those ladies done?
Hey SVC, been busy this last weekend.(gotta make that cheese) Trying to scedule some time in to get it done. I did however chop the top colas of Mariska on Saturday and left the smaller ones to catch up a little.

Here are a couple pics of the buds!


Well-Known Member
gongrats on the harvest big :p they look tasty, have you tested it yet? if not roll one up now!!!!

theres no better feeling then chopping a plant and smoking your own chronic


Well-Known Member
gongrats on the harvest big :p they look tasty, have you tested it yet? if not roll one up now!!!!

theres no better feeling then chopping a plant and smoking your own chronic
Hey Tam, thanks for the compliments. And you a correct when you say there ain't nothing like smoking your own home grown medicine. lol I remember when home-grown was a bad thing. Boy was I mistaken. Mariska actually smokes quite good. Nice overal body high which I like myself. The little bit I dried in the oven was actually quite smooth but it still had that green taste. I am quite sure she will get better with age.

Mariska still has quite a few colas left on her finishing up. I took the biggest of the bunch when I chopped those buds.



Well-Known Member
All rite everyone, here she is in all her glory.:weed: Although she looked a little rugged at the end, she sure cleaned up nicely. Not sure on the weight, tryin to find a scale to use. Maybe i'll get a cheap ass model from Harbor Freight tomorrow and I will let you all know then.

Have not sampled any of this girl and don't plan on it. I am especialy proud of her and don't want to fuck anything up. Gonna just tie her up and let her dry. (Sorry riddle, can't bring myself to try any experiments on this girl. Mariska however is another story:hump:)

Enough of the rambling.

Here is the pics, and as alway's. Let me know what ya think!


Active Member
Damn after the dry/cure process plz let us know how the smoke is. Taste smell high all of it lol

That second plant is lookin hella frosty tho, very nice grow!


Well-Known Member
Hey big do you trim those babies further after you hang dry? I am unsure of what to do with the trim from when i harvest. I dont have enough to make hash but also dont want to be cutting off and throwing away leaves covered in trichs. Do you just leave em on there as are in the pics?
Good looking buds by the way. Good job.