How To Make A Good Sturdy, Aluminum Foil Pipe


Active Member
Dudes.... Just get an apple and core it out.. We did this in mexico. If there is trouble, one quick bite and the pipe is out of sight.. Or you had somthing to munch after the medication session.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
if you're in such a bind that you are resorting to making a foil bowl than i don't think it will make a difference what the taste is. when i was a kid we used to make bowls out of stuff we found on the ground. lol one soda bottle, one cigarette pack for the tinfoil (we would peel the paper off the back), and if we were really lucky, a pen for a mouthpiece. if needed, one visit to the store for free matches. we didn't even wash the stuff half the time because we didn't put our mouth on anything anyone else did already. haha what losers. however anyone that smokes regularly that does not like papers should really invest in a peice or two.

AK Grower

After just one or two hits the aluminum will be covered in a thin layer of resin which is enough to prevent the oxidation of the aluminum. No need to be hostile.


Well-Known Member
must be a nice neighborhood
I guess, pretty typical suburban blue collar neighborhood with a doz Indian run convenience stores around. I've been able to get cheap pipes since well before decrim/med was even being discussed around here, but around here they never seemed to take the whole "drug paraphernalia" thing as seriously as some states.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I guess, pretty typical suburban blue collar neighborhood with a doz Indian run convenience stores around. I've been able to get cheap pipes since well before decrim/med was even being discussed around here, but around here they never seemed to take the whole "drug paraphernalia" thing as seriously as some states.
same here