easy skankin
held a bit of an experiment there to see for myself which germination method worked best..i used 3 methods for my current grow:
-paper towel method (30% germination)
-pre soaking in glass of water (95% germination)
-just plain planting in soil (0% germination)
the best method i found was the pre-soaking in a glass of water and left in the dark for 24-48 hours. at first all the seeds floated and i thought that they were screwed (because of the float test) but i left them anyway and within 36-48 hours they had all sank. not all the seeds had cracked their shells but i took them out after this time and planted them. nearly every seed from this method germinated and i have lots of healthy seedlings now.
-paper towel method (30% germination)
-pre soaking in glass of water (95% germination)
-just plain planting in soil (0% germination)
the best method i found was the pre-soaking in a glass of water and left in the dark for 24-48 hours. at first all the seeds floated and i thought that they were screwed (because of the float test) but i left them anyway and within 36-48 hours they had all sank. not all the seeds had cracked their shells but i took them out after this time and planted them. nearly every seed from this method germinated and i have lots of healthy seedlings now.