My Growitup GreenHouse. Under construction.

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yeah, thats a minature pinscher.

so here is one cheap security solution for you. its a motion light. see how i have a extension cord plugged in where the bulb is supposed to be? this was an early one, i've made a few more. you can buy that sensing unit seperately and mount it in a double box with an outlet. plug what you want to power into the outlet. just run power to it with the sensor in series. you can plug anything into it. an electric lawn mower, leaf blower, whatever you want. the sensor has an integrated timer. i had these little fuckers cutting through a fence, and into the dark side of my greenhouse. so i took 3 stereo receivers, hooked them up to all those speakers inside the greenhouse. one night the wind was blowing like 50 mph, and the greenhouse shuddered tripping the sensor, and the ensuing rock concert that went on until i woke up and unplugged the shit. you can place one of these low, and the surprise alone will send them running.:mrgreen::joint:


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now thats funny. and i bet any one would take off iff that came on when they were trying to still your shit lol
yeah, thats a minature pinscher.

so here is one cheap security solution for you. its a motion light. see how i have a extension cord plugged in where the bulb is supposed to be? this was an early one, i've made a few more. you can buy that sensing unit seperately and mount it in a double box with an outlet. plug what you want to power into the outlet. just run power to it with the sensor in series. you can plug anything into it. an electric lawn mower, leaf blower, whatever you want. the sensor has an integrated timer. i had these little fuckers cutting through a fence, and into the dark side of my greenhouse. so i took 3 stereo receivers, hooked them up to all those speakers inside the greenhouse. one night the wind was blowing like 50 mph, and the greenhouse shuddered tripping the sensor, and the ensuing rock concert that went on until i woke up and unplugged the shit. you can place one of these low, and the surprise alone will send them running.:mrgreen::joint:
Great Idea Cap, Simple, cheap and I am sure its effective. Thats a funny story man, thanks for sharing.
I got a question though. The motion sensors will turn on and off a light. Sounds like yours didn't turn off. Why is that?

I'm still looking at IR cameras but I will definitely use this idea. I like the concert idea but I think I would like a light and simple recording to play inside the greenhouse and like a stereo as an alarm in my room to wake me up not my neighbors. The recording will be like " OK you son of a bitch, you think you can steal my shit? Think again, you tripped my silent alarm, I got your picture, I'm on my way and I shoot trespassers on sight, Get the fuck out now."

So, what do you think, the recording or the sound of a chainsaw? lol
Great Idea Cap, Simple, cheap and I am sure its effective. Thats a funny story man, thanks for sharing.
I got a question though. The motion sensors will turn on and off a light. Sounds like yours didn't turn off. Why is that?

I'm still looking at IR cameras but I will definitely use this idea. I like the concert idea but I think I would like a light and simple recording to play inside the greenhouse and like a stereo as an alarm in my room to wake me up not my neighbors. The recording will be like " OK you son of a bitch, you think you can steal my shit? Think again, you tripped my silent alarm, I got your picture, I'm on my way and I shoot trespassers on sight, Get the fuck out now."

So, what do you think, the recording or the sound of a chainsaw? lol
Carefull with the IR cameras. I dont know for sure, but plants can see and are effected by IR light. I was going to originally put a couple up in my growroom so I could check on them from away from home, but I was detered from fear of them messing with my girls lighting cycle. I would do more research before putting them up, and if you find anything definative, let me know.
. Sounds like yours didn't turn off. Why is that?

So, what do you think, the recording or the sound of a chainsaw? lol

i had the timer all the way up. i think some of them stay on for at least 15 mins. i like the recording personally. it would be sweet if you rolled up as it finished.

i think cameras are a great security device, but you gotta get a clear shot of their face if you don't catch them. then what, you have a visual image that will mentally taunt you, until they succeed, or you catch them. just because you get an image of this person, doesn't mean it is enough to deter the action. ever hear of smash and grab? i've been through this. they always wear a hoody and hat. fucking thieves. its clearly just too much temptation. thinking they will come up, and get high.
that would be funnyer than shit to see those bitches running for there lifes.
Great Idea Cap, Simple, cheap and I am sure its effective. Thats a funny story man, thanks for sharing.
I got a question though. The motion sensors will turn on and off a light. Sounds like yours didn't turn off. Why is that?

I'm still looking at IR cameras but I will definitely use this idea. I like the concert idea but I think I would like a light and simple recording to play inside the greenhouse and like a stereo as an alarm in my room to wake me up not my neighbors. The recording will be like " OK you son of a bitch, you think you can steal my shit? Think again, you tripped my silent alarm, I got your picture, I'm on my way and I shoot trespassers on sight, Get the fuck out now."

So, what do you think, the recording or the sound of a chainsaw? lol
How bout that scene from Angels with no souls:

"I'm gonna give you to the count of 10 to get your ugly, yellow, no-good kiester off my property before I pump yer guts ful of led. 1,2...10 bang bang bang bangbang!"
Wow Cruiser, I didn't see this thread. You had this going while I was in the middle of some things and the only time I was on here was to update my grow journal. What a great looking greenhouse!! I'm at the bottom of page 17 for now but I'll read the rest of it later. Man I can't believe how cool some people are on here, carpentry, roofing, paver laying, and electrical help!! What a great bunch! Looking forward to seeing this baby packed out with super smoke!
Those are all good ideas guys, I dont know if I wanna wake the dead but I sure would like to scare the shit out of anyone who trys. I can be there in like 30 seconds if I sleep with my shoes on. LOL No but under a minute is do able.

Wow Cruiser, I didn't see this thread. You had this going while I was in the middle of some things and the only time I was on here was to update my grow journal. What a great looking greenhouse!! I'm at the bottom of page 17 for now but I'll read the rest of it later. Man I can't believe how cool some people are on here, carpentry, roofing, paver laying, and electrical help!! What a great bunch! Looking forward to seeing this baby packed out with super smoke!

I hear ya man, you are in good company. Glad you could make it.
Dont forget to check out the grow journal I started once I got this built.

and im sure cruz would spot your retarded ass from a bit further out than a few blocks :lol:

Yea, whatever, I guess everyone is entitled to there own opinion... even if it is delivered in poor taste.
read bits an pieces of this thread, sorry if u have answered something similar but im about to convert my shed into a greenhouse, im using white polycarbonated panels for the roof and rollers doors, it says on the brochure it blocks out 45% of light and 99.9% of UV rays. is this ok? the guy im buying it off said the white polycarbonate panels makes everything inside really glow and he swore by it. i might put a few strips of clear plastic in the roof and bubble wrap it for stealth just to let more light in but i thought i would get your opinion. im vegging a few plants indoor to about 6ft and puting them in the greenhouse to flower in 10 hours of light (8 hours direct)
Hi Slim,
Yea I was looking at the same deal when I was in the planning stage. I want stealth but I want enough light. I figured 45% was too much for the roof. I could be wrong, I suppose some strains would do fine with that "glow" but before I would go with white corrugated panels for a roof there is another material I was looking at SOLEXX panels they look like this:


They block the view and are better insulated. I think you can even blow air through it to cool it down or warm it up but I remember reading it lets in more light. I will probably replace my walls with it. I think about $45 bucks per 4x8 panel so not too much more then a 2x8 of polycarbonate corrugated panel for $20

I called my local hydro shop and he had some for sale but anyway heres a link to an online dealer. LINK
looking back, i realized i stooped to his level....
which makes me the bigger fool. oh well, live and learn

Maybe so but you realized it, like you say live and learn, some people just live.
Funny thing, I had done the same thing but then I though about it and deleted it.
So I guess those of us who can learn are always learning.
Well man, I hope not but I hear ya. I will be sleeping out there by then. Up until that point I have decided on a 4 IR camera system that will call my phone. I always have it with me and It will wake me up if I'm sleeping. From my room I can be there within a minute... lets just say armed, dangerous and ready to defend my property. I cant count on the cops.

A separate motion detector with a light will be in plain sight. Give them something to fuck with.
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