Well-Known Member
What enemies? Do you think there is a terrorist at every corner waiting to jump out a blow you up? 9/11 was a inside job with out a doubt. I can prove it to you with on short paragraph. The problem with the "War on Terror!?!?" is that it is as flawed as drug prohibition, you can't govern morality. If someone wants to walk into a market square, or to a town hall meeting and blow themselves up, they WILL!!! It comes back to education, you have to make people understand that no way of thought is empirical, besides solipsism/cartesian dualism, and thus everything is potentially fallible.But one must ask WHY are we sending hellfire missiles up some guys ass halfway around the world. If those hellfire missiles are keeping our enemies from attacking us then I'm all for it. Why should the federal govt. pay for grandma's kidney dialysis? Why doesn't grandma have health insurance or medicare? Why didn't she plan better for her golden years? Why should the federal govt. be required to provide for all of our needs? What happened to personal responsiblity? I don't want the federal govt. paying for my medical costs and I don't want to pay for anybody elses medical costs. That's not what this thread is about but congrats on the deflection there abe.![]()
Think about each of us being inseparable entities, which we are(quantum phsyics/philosophy buff), and thus each a cog or gear in a very complex watch. I like the watch analogy because it really depicts our lives, being based on time, and our society has deemed time of utmost importance. Also because a very complex set of actions, while being very consistent, must be built to work in unison, together, driven by the same power source, all moving proportionately, yet at different speeds and with different gear ratios and it is a very useful, and innovative at the time, invention while being precise and small. It is a very clear thing that ""money is the root of all evil" and most people are evil" so its the thing that creates the problems. Its not just corporate profiteering, but personal.
You can describe corporatism as any number of things, neocon, neolib, fascism, globalism but mostly it is an oligarchy and most people want to be in the club. The way to stop needless destruction and mindless consumption and production is to stop excessive access. If people have unlimited access, then what need do they have to hoard, because it will be available later and it just requires more energy and a negative conscience if they cut corners and dump toxic sludge, there is no profit to be gained. Everything exists and everything is in production and transit, and then some, all the monetary system does is push power to the top of the ladder, be it through taxes or through consumption. As more are born=a greater number of workers=more control for the ruling body.
I agree however that the democratic-government was merely set up in order to create the facade of power of people, every person being trapped because all land is worth$$$ you must submit and waste life working for a dictator in order for any chance of prosperity. Being so bureaucratic and procedural, and built with such jaded language creates a nanny type population that need everything spoon fed to them through owned media and most people don't even like to think because of 12 years of education where they were spoon fed diatribes of near meaningless information, which then set them up to accept everything the corporate media tells them.
As well what does government provide besides constraints on the freedoms, rights and privacies of the public, and allow corporate waste and profit scheming(no bid contracts, subsidies, bailouts). They don't make streets safer, start profit based wars, poison our oceans and lakes, and privatize our utilities. It is the people that see the need for regulations, and the potholes in the streets, and the houses, and the clean water. We can do everything we need without these obviously flawed social-associations. Many if not all are based on ideology, what I offer it the idea that all we have is now, and in order to play it safe we should treat others with care and respect and in turn hope to be treated by the same qualities.
You can't walk into a room of light, with darkness, and hope to dim the power of light; you can walk into a dark room and hold up a candle and illuminate every surface and discover the fallacies in your fears of the unknown.
See the problem with your argument, "...Why didn't she plan better for her golden years?...", is you are acknowledging that the resources are there to save her, but its her fault for not planning to have failing, or deteriorated, kidneys. She should have put that on her to do list when she was 25. Maybe her mother and father died and at the age of 16 she was catapulted to role of guardian of 6 children, the family being on the socialist blacklist, she wasn't able to apply for government help. So now because she would rather help others than herself at all costs, she must pay with her life and an excruciatingly slow death because the doctor getting paid $250,000 a year wanted either $15,000 for treatment or he was going to go sailing on his yacht. You are poisoning the well, and I just hope that you don't have to get the help you need when your skull is punctured with a coat hanger and it swirls your brain into a soup, and the people who see you leaking grey matter on the pavement just say, "he should have gotten better insurance."
When you see stats like, 200 people yearly on average are killed by terrorism and like acts, and the budget is in the tens and hundreds of billions, and 450,000 die yearly from heart disease and budgeting is in the tens of millions. So we should really think about what things are important to us, maybe not dying this instant in an extremely small chance of a bomb being near us, or saving ourselves from the partially unpreventable diseases that kill order of magnitude more population.