advice on my pc grow box


This is my pc grow box i made for about $150, im using 3 cfl 1750 lumens 100w lights and ive got 2 120mm fans running air out and 1 80mm fan bring air in and a scrog set up. i plan on growing 2 plants. lemme know what you guys think! :mrgreen: oh btw. i plan on covering it in mylar when it comes in the mail so dont think the black will be there forever lol but yea, I WILL BE COVERING IT IN MYLAR!!



Well-Known Member
Looks good

Might need to secure the screen with something more structurally stable than Jap wrap. (electrical tape)

Also, in a pc case grow you really have to start LST young and stay vigilant with it. a plant can barely grow for three days and cause you to get lazy, then you come back the fourth day and it's touching the lights. lol. so keep that in mind.


Well-Known Member
also, a little hacksaw or dremel will take them sharp ass screws on the fan down to the correct length. will take u 2 minutes. :P

Also, did u cover any vents on that power supply that were inside the case?


sup, yea well when you said the power supply inside the case i think your talking about the left box looking thing? well i think it'll work but it should suck the air out around the bottom and that way it keeps the light from coming out as much and i was thinking about cutting em down but i need to wait alittle longer cause i might have to add another fan for intake if its getting too hot, and am i using the correct lights? i kinda just bought the brightest lights i could at home thanks bro


oh yeah and the black tape is gurilla tape, BEST TAPE EVER! its just cut down the middle and i fogot to mention your comment about LST'ing helped alot cause i didn't know that, you might've saved me alittle more yield!


Active Member
i plan on covering it in mylar when it comes in the mail so dont think the black will be there forever lol but yea, I WILL BE COVERING IT IN MYLAR!!
not sure i understand, but yeah you should swap out all the foil for mylar, or your gonna get some light burn on your plants.

Also, not sure what temp tour lights are but you should make sure they are around 6500k for veg.

Allllllso... I have some younguns in my cabinet right now which I have been LST training for the last few weeks, check out my blue dream... essentially what you are doing is lowering the highest level of the plant so the rest of the branches can catch up.



nice plants! and yea i deffinitly plan on switching them but would it still cause some burn if i just put the mylar over? it'll be a big pain in the ass if i have to swap it all and btw thanks too for the info about the light burn, didn't know it could do that.

and do you think my chicken wire should do the trick? i've read its 2x2in at best but mines about 1.5x1.5in. and what exactly do you mean by LST training? like just start em young? Thanks bruh!


Well-Known Member
LST - Low Stress Training.... it's tying or bending your plants in a manner that does not hurt them. It helps to keep plants small and bushy as opposed to tall and lanky.

The foil should be fine if you cover it with mylar.

Your lights need to be 5300k-6500k light temp, meaning they should look bright white or bluish even.

That "box" to the left is where the power cord plugs in to the pc - The Power Supply Unit, or PSU. If you are using that to power your fans, then any vents on the PSU should not be covered.

Go to the "newbie" section of the forum and just start reading about LST, HST, SuperCropping, Topping, FIM. You can never learn enough.


Active Member
What does Bump mean?

This is my pc grow box i made for about $150, im using 3 cfl 1750 lumens 100w lights and ive got 2 120mm fans running air out and 1 80mm fan bring air in and a scrog set up. i plan on growing 2 plants. lemme know what you guys think! :mrgreen: oh btw. i plan on covering it in mylar when it comes in the mail so dont think the black will be there forever lol but yea, I WILL BE COVERING IT IN MYLAR!!
Is that PC setup to start and sprout new seedlings or the whole plant?, because you don't have much room to grow. And obviously can't have a big plant in such a small area.

But i could be wrong, because i am still a stranger ;D

EDIT: this post put me upto "learning how to roll"


hey whats up, bump just shows more comments on the thread which will get more ppl to look at my thread and will get me more help overall haha and yea its for 2 full grown white widows but thats why im scrog'ing it


Active Member
When you flower it doubles - triples in size depending on the strain. So get flowering before it gets too big, or it will overflow with plant! hehe


Active Member
Dope shit bro, peep out my grow in my sig. I just got my pc box setup. They mylar is wayyy better than the foil. I used those car reflectors at first and that sucked balls. Holler at me if you have any questions. Good luck!


haha yea i deffintily plan on scroging! its like the only way its gunna stay in that mutha fuckin case lol.

and nice grow box! i like the idea about the glass but does it reflect any light?? lemme know cause i might try it out! Thanks!


Active Member
haha yea i deffintily plan on scroging! its like the only way its gunna stay in that mutha fuckin case lol.

and nice grow box! i like the idea about the glass but does it reflect any light?? lemme know cause i might try it out! Thanks!
I thought it would be similar to one of those duct lights by keeping the heat in. I ditched it now, Im not using it anymore. The CFLs arent that hot anyway, if you can find a couple of real good cfm fans and have a strong exhaust, u should be good.


UPDATE: I put another cfl 100w light in so im at 400w so im at 7000 lumens total now. lemme know what you guys think about the addition.

oh and i also took off the box covering the out-take fans because it wasnt taking enough heat out but 4 lights should keep temp now. wish me luck on my grow! still waiting for the seeds to come in the male...dutch passion white widow. should be here in a few days, I can't wait!!


Active Member
UPDATE: I put another cfl 100w light in so im at 400w so im at 7000 lumens total now. lemme know what you guys think about the addition.

oh and i also took off the box covering the out-take fans because it wasnt taking enough heat out but 4 lights should keep temp now. wish me luck on my grow! still waiting for the seeds to come in the male...dutch passion white widow. should be here in a few days, I can't wait!!
Are those the 100w equivalent bulbs you can buy at the store? If so, they are around 24-26 actual watts. If you have 4 ur really only using ~100w. Unless you u have one of these type bulbs:

The extra light def does help. GrizzlyAdams told me that 25w per sq ft is good, 50 is golden. measure your length and width and see what ur area is. My case was around .75sq ft and I have 75w of light. You should be good either way but that should serve as a good guide. U might actually be able to lose a bulb to keep heat down if you need to. The CFLs dont penetrate as well as HPS lights so the extra wattage only gets you so far. Hope that helps some.