Is this nute burn or a combination of things?


Active Member
If you only have a few weeks to go. Just use the Cha Ching. Shot rocks on its own the last few weeks. If your tap water is 7.7 then I bet your ppm are pretty high also. So the lime may be adding insult to injury.
Would you flush with Clearex now too? Then Cha Ching it for the last few weeks. My runoff has been in the mid 5's so maybe I should get some PH up from the hydro shop instead of using hydrated lime.


Active Member
Why is checking runoff a poor indication of soil ph?
Sure is. In soil you need to keep your soil ph at around 6.5 - 6.7. The nutes will drop it down into the mid fives. If you use Fox Farm and mix into a gallon or two of tap water in the mid 7's I bet it will drop into the 5's. That is where I think my problem started. Instead of buying a digital ph meter I just added more nutes. So I learned the hard way. Veg went pretty good so I thought I had it figured out. That is the best thing I can come up with so far as to what happened. Being my first grow and all...:wall:

I clipped a small bud tonight. A little guy down off a branch that was poking up for light near the bottom. Got it in a paper bag in my pocket right now. Going to hang it in front of the exhaust fan for the night. :weed:

Do I Need to get those tiny leaves off before drying? I tried to remove as many little leaves as possible. Some are just cut close to the bud. I was afraid I was going to cut the good stuff off.

