Macgyver setup


Active Member
You have not done bad for a start. I have been there I have grown with CFL's only in box like that. :-) Great fun and the only way to learn.
A few quick tips for you to get better results.

More light, the more the better. You can't use HPS in a box like that, it would be to hot. So try and get more CFL's then. :-)
Try coco peat as your medium. It will solve your watering or rather overwatering problem. But be sure to get the peat that is not the fine powdery stuff, you want the grainy stuff. :-) Also your fan, try and get it higher. Try and get it as natuaral as possible.

When you ready, do the same, but when you flower, use a HPS light. You will harvest 50 times more, I promise!


Active Member
You have not done bad for a start. I have been there I have grown with CFL's only in box like that. :-) Great fun and the only way to learn.
A few quick tips for you to get better results.

More light, the more the better. You can't use HPS in a box like that, it would be to hot. So try and get more CFL's then. :-)
Try coco peat as your medium. It will solve your watering or rather overwatering problem. But be sure to get the peat that is not the fine powdery stuff, you want the grainy stuff. :-) Also your fan, try and get it higher. Try and get it as natuaral as possible.

When you ready, do the same, but when you flower, use a HPS light. You will harvest 50 times more, I promise!
Thankyou for your tips and hints! :P I water my plant myself, hehe and i cut back on the watering.


Active Member
I had the same problem with overwatering. It is the soil that is the problem.

Weed plants like to get wet and then to drain well before the next watering. With normal potting soil it tends to stay very wet. You can improve the soil on your next grow by adding lots of pearl lite or try the coco peat instead of normal soil. That is all I use and most of the problems I use to get are gone.


Active Member
I accidentally ripped one of my branches off (the main one) i have 2, as i cut it when it was little, and it grew into 2.

i took that cut it into 3 pieces and tried to clone them.

will that work? and will my plant survive? I also started flowering with 1 23w 2700k globe CLV. And 2 80W red lights. (not sure what type of light it is)


Active Member
It has been about a week, and i havent had any comments.

I found out those lights are flood lights. is that red a good way to flower?
how much do people think i will yield from it?



Active Member
I had some bugs living in my plant.

I have 2 80w red floodlight, 1 CFL 23W 2700k for flowering with a 12/12 timer.
For my clones i have 1 24w 6500k CFL on a 18/6 timer.

About 2 weeks ago, i accidentally ripped of a big branch of my plant, then cut that branch into 3 and planted them in rockwool.

I bought some coco medium and clay balls, I put the clay balls in the bottom 15cm. And the rest of the pot i filled with the coco. This pot is for the best looking clone in a few weeks. The other 2 ill throw out, because of strict laws, i can only have one. (unless i want to goto jail)


I put some coco medium on top and watered it, the bugs seem to be squished and drowned. This is also where the branch got ripped off.


This is a side shot


These are my clones. the 2 on the right seem to be dis-coloured and the other 1 on the left looks healthy.


and this is the whole cupboard



Active Member
Post some pic's dude. I tell you coco peat kicks ass. Did you get the fibery one or is it like a fine powder?

So whereever you are, you are allowed to grow, but only 1. Thats interestiong.

I think then you must make it the biggest plant you can and then flower it with a nice litght. Maximize what you can get with 1 plant.

I would suggest you replace the floodlight. I dont think the specrum would do much for the plant. Get a HPS for flowering.

If you want to save money go to the nearest electrical shop and order a standard street light type hps and then all you need to do is to sepperate the ballast (the big whitebox contains the ballast) from the bit where the bulb screws in. You just extend the wire, but do it with proper cable conectors and keep the conectors away from anything that can heat up. A friend helped me make mine in this way for like $50.


Active Member
Post some pic's dude. I tell you coco peat kicks ass. Did you get the fibery one or is it like a fine powder?

So whereever you are, you are allowed to grow, but only 1. Thats interestiong.

I think then you must make it the biggest plant you can and then flower it with a nice litght. Maximize what you can get with 1 plant.

I would suggest you replace the floodlight. I dont think the specrum would do much for the plant. Get a HPS for flowering.

If you want to save money go to the nearest electrical shop and order a standard street light type hps and then all you need to do is to sepperate the ballast (the big whitebox contains the ballast) from the bit where the bulb screws in. You just extend the wire, but do it with proper cable conectors and keep the conectors away from anything that can heat up. A friend helped me make mine in this way for like $50.
It was a brick when i bought it. Then i put it in water and it expanded. Its the fibery one.

Its a red globe, wouldn't that be a good spectrum for flowering?

and in regards to the cheeper way for the HPS light, ive tried heaps of places, and im really new to lights, do you know the specs or have some sort of diagram or other thread with details? Cause i wouldn't know what i am doing.

Thanks for the feedback man!

EDIT: I just ordered a 400w HPS light on EBAY it was cheap and used. but i should get a great yield once i install it! :)
The only problem is it might be too hot for my little cupboard.



Active Member
It was a brick when i bought it. Then i put it in water and it expanded. Its the fibery one.

EDIT: I just ordered a 400w HPS light on EBAY it was cheap and used. but i should get a great yield once i install it! :)
The only problem is it might be too hot for my little cupboard.

Sometimes coco peat comes in a brick but it is like powder, the one you have is best. :-)

Congrats on the light. It does not matter that it is used. Just make sure you put a nice new 400w bulb in it.:-)

HPS is best for flowering, the only thing to remember is to always have it at least 30cm away from the top of your plant. You also want to monitor the heat in your cuboard when you have that light on. The heat is the main problem people experience when using a HPS.

It is possible to use it for vegging also, but obviously if you have it on for 18 hours instead of just 12 hours for flowering, it will be much hotter in your cuboard.

What I do is do vegging with fluro's, have as many fluro's as you can. I have 4 x 65 w fluro's that I veg about 13 plants under + a mother and they grow very nicely. You can have them nice and close to the plants because they are cool.

Then when you are happy with the size of the plant. I say this because you dont have to pick a amount of days you want to veg. Especialy in your case, get a big pot and veg it long under the fluro's till it is very big. Then break out the new HPS and go straight into flowering cycle 12/12. And about 8 to 12 weeks later you are ready to harvest nice big buds.

I have vegged under fluro;s and flowered under fluro;s. I would say that you will have much more compact and big flowers under the HPS light. It is a very big difference.

One final tip. The HPS light pulls more power than a standard light. If you plug it into a normal timer, the timer will stop working after a while. It is because it is not made to carry that much current. Now you can either just replace the timer when it breaks or you can get what is called a relay switch. Maybe the person selling you the light will chuck one in for you if you ask. This ensures that after the light is switched on by the timer, the current of the electricity does not flow through the timer. This is safer and ultimately saves you money.


Active Member
grows looking good mate. If your gonna be using a 400w hps it will get far to hot in a small place, and over heat the plants. You should have it 10 inchs away minimum and constant air flowing in from outside. Hope that helps & best of luck with your ladys


Active Member
grows looking good mate. If your gonna be using a 400w hps it will get far to hot in a small place, and over heat the plants. You should have it 10 inchs away minimum and constant air flowing in from outside. Hope that helps & best of luck with your ladys
Each growspace is different, so best thing to do is to have a temp gauge in the room/cuboard. I agree there needs to be good space above the plant. It is also important to note that grass grows naturally in very hot places. So as long as you have airflow over the leaves your heat could hit 35 degrees celcius or 95 degrees farhenheit, you are still ok. That is why i sugested you only use it for 12/12 cycle, to help it cool down inside.


Active Member
I wasn't aware that HPS can be used for both the Flowering and Vegetative stages. And thanks for letting me know that i need a new timer.

I might get a new cupboard if i find it is getting too hot, or just leave my door open and add another fan.

Thanks for the tips guys, and the positive comments! ill definitely add some Rep!


Well-Known Member
your gonna need to put CFL lights about an inch or so away from the leaves. any more than that, and u lose a lot of lumens. look at my grow in my sig link. i got a nice light setup for 12 bucks plus another 10 for bulbs, and another 10 for splitters. it works really nice for vegging, and it doesnt get hot at all. but for flowering, just get an HPS light. CFLs dont really do the job for that lol


Active Member
Im actually buying a 400w HPS light. Im gonna use that for flowering and veging. But use 1 or 2 23w CFL for clones :)


Well-Known Member
Im actually buying a 400w HPS light. Im gonna use that for flowering and veging. But use 1 or 2 23w CFL for clones :)
Nice man. THe 400w your gonna love as much as your plant is gonna. Btw lighten up on yer waterings. looks like yer plant is a little droppy. But thats all i notice. Yer stalk is fat also. Great looking plant. Btw the heat on that HPS is hot. Man i have to keep my fan on high on the time to suck alll the heat outta my room. And i have to keep my a/c unit on and barley stays under 80.. I also put a computer fan in the cooltube to bloow on the bulb and extract the heat outta the whoole set up.
Good luck. cant wait to see how you hook your 400w up.:)


Active Member
I was bidding on an old 400HPS light, i bid $50 for it :) (cause its old) and then i got over bid! theres a a day left now ive bid $80! im heaps Devastated! thats all my money gone (N)


Active Member
In the last 30 seconds i was outbid by $1! that being said, does anyone know any 400-600w HPS and MH deals out there? any links will be appreciated. thankyou :)