What happens if I harvest too early?

I have a hydro system. My ballast kept kicking off my gefi plug and thus screwed up my timer. Therefore I had light with no water and water with no light. Plants look very sick, with only the tops alive but looks like they are dying. These plants have been on 12/12 since May 1st and flowering for an estimated 40 days. They looked absolutely beautiful. Is all lost? What happens if I flush for 2 weeks?


Active Member
Dood, just take your ballast off the GFI (lights/ballasts make alot of chatter on the neutral, and can trip GFI's often) Set the timers back up right.. and let her finish!


Well-Known Member
to remove the gfi is not hard, buy a 3 dollar normal plug and wire it back in, be safe and ask if you have any questions......JR
I have removed the gfi plug. Unfortunately, my plants just seem to be hanging on by a thread. I am just trying to plan in advance to not completely lose them. I guess what I am asking is if there will be any potency at all to plants that are supposed to be flowered 7-9 weeks that are harvested at 5-6 weeks?

Fisherman Pete

New Member
if it's been flowering for 40 days then it will certainly be potent, how much so is hard to say, it most likely won't be knockout smoke but you should get a buzz


Active Member
You can always clip a bud and test it - it will be smoke, but it will be way below the full potential