Is it too hot?

I put my seedling outside, it's about 2-3 inches tall and it's 89 degrees, and the Weather channel says it feels like 97.

Is this bad for it?


Well-Known Member
Probably not good for a seedling. You should harden them off inside first, or put them in the shade for a few days. Then move them to partial shade, then finally full sun. I've grown in weather well into the 100's with humidity to boot. Your plant won't mind it, in fact I think they grow better, but you won't like the watering it takes.


Well-Known Member
Norcal gets 110F, sometimes for multiple days in a row. Just takes lots of water.

89 degrees but feeling like 97 implies significant humidity which is good for a baby.


Well-Known Member
Humidity is good but the shock from the temperature change still may not be. Not to mention other scenarios of the real world it's never faced.
Humidity is good but the shock from the temperature change still may not be. Not to mention other scenarios of the real world it's never faced.
Yeah, I planted the seedling about 6-7 days ago, and it's still like 3 inches with the Cotyledons dying off now.

I'm not sure if it's not growing because of shock or what.


Well-Known Member
Could be transplant shock. I'd wait until they've got 3 pointed leaves before I do any transplanting. If you shock them that early it tends to be disaster. Hard to say about the cotyledons could be a number a things from over watering to nutrient burn. If you could get a picture would help, but you're probably better off starting some more seeds.