that just doesnt make since though, if its in youre body youre gonna digest it. how do you "activate" THC, its a chemical compound, theres nothing to "activate"
When you ingest hash that way, the mechinisim that the THC enters the blood stream and eventually to the Cannabanoid receptors all throughout the body is differnet than smoking it or using sublingual. You have CB1, CB2 and the recently discovered CB3 receptors in virtually your entire body. The only areas they aren't found in are areas that control vital functions like breathing and keeping your heart beating. That is why you CANNOT overdose to death though MJ.. As to whether or not you need to heat it up "activate it" as in the old shoe hash activation, there is a bit of science behind that (remember I said a bit).. So you are both wrong and right, it just depends on the specifics. You don't need to activate screened kief. Water hash is activated but what you are really doing is decarbolixation to the resin glands. This is simply extracting as much of the moisture (water moisture) and that will increase the psychoactivity of the resin glands. As to the guy that said he ate an 1/8th and was high in 30 minutes, I would have to call bullshit as there is no way that consumed dry bud will have an effect that fast.. After eatting it, you need to pass it into your gut where it will enter your blood stream, but that takes a shit load longer than 30 minutes. If you told me that 2 hours later you were high I would believe it, but not in 30 minutes..
There are well over 80 cannabanoids and we are finding new ones all the time. The majorty of these aren't psychoactive and although they do have medicinal benefits with more discovered every day, the majorty of them don't get you high.. The ones most responsible for that are THC, CBN, CBD, CBG..
So in conclusion, if you eat hash that hasn't been "activated" or heated, it will still work. If you ate that much, my guess is you wouldn't get high so much as you would just crash out and sleep.