Garden Knowm
The Love Doctor
Why should guns be legal?
OK, a serious answer here.Maybe I should rephrase my question...
What benefits come from gun ownership?
4. The 4th amendment means nothing to me... regarding WHY GUNS should be legal...
Let's not forget, laws are fictional codes made up for one reason or another.. so whati s the reason that guns should be legal?
3. Of course only criminals would have guns if they were outlawed.. it would be illegal and anybody who had one would be breaking the law... its like saying that the sun rays only touch people who are exposed to the sun.. yes...
THIS is no reason to make them legal... it is a TRICK of words...
2. hmmm.... what does this have to do with making guns iegal or illegal.... did you know that people who drive cars kill people.. drivers have always killed people ... throughout history, people who drive cars have killed people...
this is no reason that cars should be legal or illegal.. is it?
1. the government? WHAT is the government? YOU are the government... do you hate guns? The government is a fictional character.. like snuff-a-lufagus... do you belive he hates you... democrats? do they really hate guns?
How about, GUNS should be legal so that I can protect my liquor store form terrorists
That sounds like a reason...
Or, How about... Guns should be illegal so that I can protect my ignorance
... ya see, I am really scared that somebody is gonna take my hummer 2 in the middle of the night.. and I want to bveable to shoot them and protect what is rightfully mine.
Or how about...
I hate (fill in an ethnicity) and would love to have an excuse to blast one of dem biotchs.
My daddy always had guns and I just can't stand the thought of brushing my teeth or change in the ways I's lives my life.
Very nice post, MockingbirdOK, a serious answer here.
The main reason to have a gun, as I see it, is it hinders a corrupt government from oppression. Thugs always seize the weapons first to "protect" society. Then you have the reality of a Napolien, Hitler, Moussalini, Pol Pot, or Sadam Hussein to deal with.
In American history, some people have speculated that guns in the hands of citizens, have saved the republic from totalitarian rule. Zachory Taylor, Douglas McCarthur, and William Clinton have all been suspected of manniacal designs. But, that is speculation. No dictator, in his right mind, would take on an armed population like ours. We have about a dozen guns in the hands of each average adult citizen, nationwide. And the fear of an armed republic aids the safety of the republic.
Thank you.Very nice post, Mockingbird![]()
Thanks for the infoOK, a serious answer here.
The main reason to have a gun, as I see it, is it hinders a corrupt government from oppression. Thugs always seize the weapons first to "protect" society. Then you have the reality of a Napolien, Hitler, Moussalini, Pol Pot, or Sadam Hussein to deal with.
In American history, some people have speculated that guns in the hands of citizens, have saved the republic from totalitarian rule. Zachory Taylor, Douglas McCarthur, and William Clinton have all been suspected of manniacal designs. But, that is speculation. No dictator, in his right mind, would take on an armed population like ours. We have about a dozen guns in the hands of each average adult citizen, nationwide. And the fear of an armed republic aids the safety of the republic.
Most of the them are in the ghetto or the south(rednecks). They probably average 20 something guns and make up for the rest of us...If we ever need a revolution it's going to be up to the rednecks and thugs lol. j/kThanks for the info
is this true?
We have about a dozen guns in the hands of each average adult citizen, nationwide.
Dear Knowm,Thanks for the info
is this true?
We have about a dozen guns in the hands of each average adult citizen, nationwide.
Oh that's only for legal. Damn, think how much the average is counting illegal gun owners too. That's crazy.Dear Knowm,
Why do you always doubt me? According to the NRA the number is something around a dozen for each legal, adult, American (excluding felons). No one really knows an exact number. But, the real point is that the huge number of weapons protects the republic from threats both foriegn and domestic.
Damn wavels, you are so right. BTW that is one good looking avatar. I love the feel of power a gun gives you when you are strapped, you feel invinceable. That is why I never actually strap on a gun, even though I am liscenced to do so, the consequences may exceed the benefit. I do carry a gun in my truck upon occasion, like if I'm going cross country, vacations and such. Keep it in a locked briefcase and take it in the hotel rooms with me, better safe than sorry, I've watched all those movies, "The hills have eyes", etc.~LOL~. Utah and Arizona have liscence comp. laws, IE they allow you to carry if you have a NV liscence, Ca. is a big No-No. When I go to Ca. I'm definently breaking the law. Therefore I don't go to Ca very much, and to tell the truth, I don't miss it at all. I spent 25 years of my life in that hell hole. Guns are good, people are bad, well maybe? The thing about a gun is it takes the personal touch out of killing someone, whereas a knife is much more personal. you can just shoot someone and walk away, no blood on you, no feeling the knife going in, feeling the person jerk from the trauma, etc. It makes killing a whole lot easier, just bang bang your dead.This is an interesting thread.
Guns are inanimate objects; they are neither good nor bad!
It is the use thereof which is questionable!
You are right. I've got a dog and a gun, double protection. I'd never be without either. The dog wakes me up, I shoot the intruder, case closed.gita dog, i dont care how big your gun is , or how good of shot you are, a gun will never,...... ever...</cough/> ...</exhale?>
.. wake you up in the middle of the night when someone is crawl'n threw your window!!!...