• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/



New Member
The funny part is you start these threads by making it sound like we might be able to change your opinions and the way you think. I think we all know that you have your views and there is no changing them.


Well-Known Member
GK.....This is not about guns or laws, this is about stirring the pot a bit. I think I will buy that new AR15 that I\'ve been wanting monday. Just so I can kill some Whitetail this year. What do you think GK....... .223 or maybe 7.62? Can\'t wait to get in that stand and snipe the shit out of um. Anyone like Venison? Helpless, Defenceless little DEAD deer in my freezer..........LOL


Well-Known Member
Guns dont scare me but people like GK do....people who think Its not good enough to not own one themselves but who also think I shouldnt be allowed to own one either.

Kinda like those Vegetarians who want to impose their vegatarianisim on all the rest of us just because they think they know whats best for us. people like those scare me more than any inanimate object ever will.


New Member
You know what would be cool. If they took criminals on death row and instead of the needle or chair they let them run free in a small forest closed in with impenetrable fences. To be hunted like big game. Even let them have a small weapon like a knife or something.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Guns prevent an estimated 2.5million crimes per year or 6849 per day!

* Gary Kleck, Criminologist, Florida State Univ.

Every day 550 rapes, 1100 murders, and 5200 violent crimes per day are prevented just by showing a handgun! In less than 0.9 percent of the time is the gun actually fired.

* Gary Kleck, Criminologist, Florida State Univ.

Every year people in theUS use guns to defend them selves against criminals an estimated, 2,500,000 times more than 6,500 people a day or once every 13 seconds! This means that each year guns are used 65 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives!

* Fall 1995, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology

Of the 2,500,000 annual self defense cases using guns, more than 7.7% are woman protecting them selves from sexual crimes!

* U.S. Dept. of Justice, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration,
Rape Victimization in 26 American Cities, 1979

When citizens are allowed to carry fire arms murder rates drop 8% Rape rates drop 5%. More to the point crime is significally higher in the states with out right to carry laws!

Stats in gun restrictive states

Violent Crime ……………………81% higher
Murder ………………………….. 86% higher
Rape …………………………… 25% higher
Assault…………………………… 82% higher
Robbery………………………….. 105% higher
Auto Theft……………………….. 60% higher

* John Lott, David Mustard: This study involved county level crime statistics from all
3,054 counties in the U.S. from 1977 through 1992. During this time, ten states adopted right-to-carry laws. It is estimated that if all states had adopted right-to-carry laws, in 1992 the U.S. would have avoided 1,400 murders, 4,200 rapes, 12,000 robberies, 60,000 aggravated assaults- and would have saved over $5,000,000,000 in victim expenses.

Think of it this way. Would you feel safer breaking into some one's house in Texas or some ones house in Massachusetts? Guns should be legal because they keep us safe! I own a small arsenal my self and love knowing the fact my family and I is protected.

After Canada's 1977 gun controls prohibited handgun possession for self defense, the "breaking and entering" crime rate rose 25%, surpassing the U.S. rate! Are those facts enough for you GK or should I keep on ranting?

* Pat Mayhew, Residential Burglary: A Comparison of the United States,
Canada and England and Wales (Nat'l Inst. Of Just., Wash., D.C., 1987)

MYTH: Japan has strict gun control and a less violent society

FACT: In Japan, the murder rate is about 1 per 100,000. In the U.S., there are about 3.2 murders per 100,000 each year by weapons other than firearms.

* United Nations data

therefore, if all of the firearms in the U.S. could magically be eliminated, we would still have three times the murder rate of Japan.

FACT: There are more guns in the U.S. than cars (228,000,000 guns according to the 1998 FBI statistics and 207,754,000 automobiles according to the 1998 Federal Highway Administration registrations). Yet, you are 31 times more likely to be accidentally killed by a car than a gun according to the National Safety Council…despite cars having been registered and licensed for more than 100 years.

FACT: 90% of all violent crime in the U.S. does not involve any gun of any type.
* 1998 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

FACT: Less than 1% of all guns will ever be used in the commission of any type of crime (much less violent crime).

*FBI Uniform Crime Statistics, 1994

FACT: Two-thirds of the people that die each year from gunfire are criminals shooting other criminals.

* FBI Uniform Crime Statistics, 1994

WOW.. thanks for all the sources.. sounds like you are correct

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
The funny part is you start these threads by making it sound like we might be able to change your opinions and the way you think. I think we all know that you have your views and there is no changing them.

did you read post #7...

What are my view?

DO you think that I want guns to be illegal.. or that I think there should be gun laws?

I never said that GUNS should be illegal.. I said the contrary...

Were you trying to change my opinion? were you trying to get me to want guns to be ILLEGAL? LOL

JUST because I think MOST gun USE is lame, doesn't mean i think they should be illegal... i think swearing is pretty lame and I do it all the time...

Hey Orange.. i appreciate your efforts and your explanations.. i know it is not often that you come across somebody who would rather know the truth than be CORRECT... well now you have met somebody who just wants the truth...

I don't give a fook if I am ever right... i just want to experience truth... does that make sense to you?

I have no desire to make guns legal or illegal... or to shoot deer or people... i have no desire to prove you wrong or stir the pot or bang your wife..

I just wanted to explore the idea of guns being legal or illegal..

This debate is obviously part of some peoples identities.. but it is no part of mine...



Well-Known Member
"Think of it this way. Would you feel safer breaking into some one's house in Texas or some ones house in Massachusetts? Guns should be legal because they keep us safe! I own a small arsenal my self and love knowing the fact my family and I is protected. "

* example only * If I was going to break into your house in Texas, I would plan on violence. If I know, or assume you would have guns, I would be more likely to show up prepared to kill your dog, your parot, your entire family, and burn the remains of you and your house. Knowing that you might have guns wouldn't stop me from doing the crime, it would just escalate the violence. Hate breeds hate. Guns breed gun violence.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Guns dont scare me but people like GK do....people who think Its not good enough to not own one themselves but who also think I shouldnt be allowed to own one either.
You know what scares me.. NOTHING... LOL

That's why i don't need a gun

You know what I love? Everything....

that's why I don't need a gun


AND FURTHER MORE - i never said that guns should be illegal.. I said that guns should be LEGAL... I am perfectly ok with you are larry owning guns and shooting stops signs.. read the thread.. DON'T listen to your mind... it is lying to you again!!!


who also think I shouldnt be allowed to own one either.

YOU made this UP!!! you know why? if you can figure out why you made this UP.. you will see behind the curtain and you will see bhind the veil of false identity... and you will feel LOVE

don't get angry or let your ego get all pisssed off.. just deep breath and search.... go past the delusion.. we all have delusions.. but not everybody gets a chance to see beyond the delusion.. you have a chance!!!


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
GK have you ever fired a gun for sport? I'm just curious.


I have shot a friends shot gun
Dad's 38, 44 and 45
and many different 22s

I shot a frog in a pond and a m=humming bird with a 22... but i never saw the remains.. or never payed attention to the remains.. until I finally shot a dove with a bb gun.. that pretty much ruined me.. :)

It has been a long time... i did enjoy shooting the guns... not the 44 and the 44 and the 45.. but all the other guns

and I have lots of friends in NYC who have all sorts of illegal guns they like to show me...

I think guns are pretty neat...

I think it is a lot more noble to shoot and kill your own food than to go to safeway and purchase your slaughtered and tortured animals... and this is what i do.... i eat animals and yet I am probably to much of a pussy to shoot my own..

sometimes i go to the peta sight and watch the animal videos.. i usually stop eating animal pridcuts for about a month after i watch the videos

BUT i love being to fooking KAK diesel strong and the meat makes me feel so INTENSE and powerful. :)


New Member
I think I get what you mean by experience truth, but I'm not really sure. Maybe you can explain that. I wasn't trying to jump down your throat either. Even though we might disagree on some issues I respect your views and opinions. I am impressed by the way that you put a lot of effort into stating them. Your a deep thinker and that's awesome. Don't change! If you think guns should be legal but need better laws than we are both on the same page. Oh and whats wrong with my wife? She wants to know why you wouldn't hit that?


New Member
in 20 years in the restaurant business I had the privilege to get robbed 4 times...armed robbery is not for the faint of heart. But, I escaped injury...if I had been armed, I might not have been that lucky.


New Member
You shot a humming bird? What were you thinking? I take back everything nice I have ever said about you. lol jk! Please don't watch those Peta videos. That shit will scar you for life. Especially when they show the hunters ripping the fur off of an animal that is still alive and feeling pain, and that asshole stepping on that wolf's head. I would love to shoot that fuck. Hunting animals does not bother me until it becomes an inhumane slow painful death! Oh and those fucking chicken kickers whats up with that. It must be some kind of hillbilly sport. You know a lot of those dudes like to stick there fingers in chicken vagina too.


New Member
in 20 years in the restaurant business I had the privilege to get robbed 4 times...armed robbery is not for the faint of heart. But, I escaped injury...if I had been armed, I might not have been that lucky.
Or maybe if you had been armed and shot the first thief bastard you would have set an example and only been robbed that once.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I think I get what you mean by experience truth, but I'm not really sure. Maybe you can explain that. I wasn't trying to jump down your throat either. Even though we might disagree on some issues I respect your views and opinions. I am impressed by the way that you put a lot of effort into stating them. Your a deep thinker and that's awesome. Don't change! If you think guns should be legal but need better laws than we are both on the same page. Oh and whats wrong with my wife? She wants to know why you wouldn't hit that?



Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
in 20 years in the restaurant business I had the privilege to get robbed 4 times...armed robbery is not for the faint of heart. But, I escaped injury...if I had been armed, I might not have been that lucky.
what city?

glad you're still here!


Well-Known Member
Damn wavels, you are so right. BTW that is one good looking avatar. I love the feel of power a gun gives you when you are strapped, you feel invinceable. That is why I never actually strap on a gun, even though I am liscenced to do so, the consequences may exceed the benefit. I do carry a gun in my truck upon occasion, like if I'm going cross country, vacations and such. Keep it in a locked briefcase and take it in the hotel rooms with me, better safe than sorry, I've watched all those movies, "The hills have eyes", etc.~LOL~. Utah and Arizona have liscence comp. laws, IE they allow you to carry if you have a NV liscence, Ca. is a big No-No. When I go to Ca. I'm definently breaking the law. Therefore I don't go to Ca very much, and to tell the truth, I don't miss it at all. I spent 25 years of my life in that hell hole. Guns are good, people are bad, well maybe? The thing about a gun is it takes the personal touch out of killing someone, whereas a knife is much more personal. you can just shoot someone and walk away, no blood on you, no feeling the knife going in, feeling the person jerk from the trauma, etc. It makes killing a whole lot easier, just bang bang your dead.
My son-in-law says that Utah has gun license reciprocity with about 32 states. You can be a resident of those other states and qualify for a Utah gun license while living in your home state. The Utah fee is pretty low, like $50-100. Finally, and best of all, your Utah concealed carry permit is renewed on a three year cycle not a one year cycle (which is most common).