Bud rot / mold? First harvest, help

So I was all happy that this day finally came, I get into it with a pair of scissors... only to find that my buds have mold / bud rot?! :confused:

What should I do?!! Should I cut away all the areas that seem affected and try to dry it? The RH in my flowering room is not that high - 41%, what happened here?? But more importantly, WHAT DO I DO? Can I save it? If I have to throw all of this plant away, I lose half of my harvest :-?


needed more air circulation probably..just happpened to me on a couple buds..the most dense buds too..moisture is just getting trapped in the bud ..i just cut off the mold buds and kept the good ones


Well-Known Member
You need a dehumidifier. Air circulation is big too but will not stop mold if your humidity is too high.
the humidity still stays around 40% with increased airflow.

on the other hand, i think all of this plant is gone to waste. a very sad moment indeed... :cry: i popped them into a jar yesterday (buds were crisp dry, stems were mostly dry),
put it in a dark place and i checked on it a couple of times during the day. today i open the jar only to find that most nugs are starting to look just like those that i had to throw away. and that's also accompanied by a sour smell (and it's not a 'sour' strain - WW).

i've placed all the nugs back in my 'drying box' but i doubt it's gonna do miracles if they're all infested with mold already? any advice or is that it?



Well-Known Member
the humidity still stays around 40% with increased airflow.

on the other hand, i think all of this plant is gone to waste. a very sad moment indeed... :cry: i popped them into a jar yesterday (buds were crisp dry, stems were mostly dry),
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put it in a dark place and i checked on it a couple of times during the day. today i open the jar only to find that most nugs are starting to look just like those that i had to throw away. and that's also accompanied by a sour smell (and it's not a 'sour' strain - WW).

i've placed all the nugs back in my 'drying box' but i doubt it's gonna do miracles if they're all infested with mold already? any advice or is that it?
Your moldy buds will either need cleaned and 'quick dried' or just thrown away, depending on the damage. Get those buds away from your grow area too.
Your moldy buds will either need cleaned and 'quick dried' or just thrown away, depending on the damage. Get those buds away from your grow area too.
how do i know if it's still good to smoke? i mean up to what point can you smoke moldy buds? i suppose if mold is already there, it's there everywhere, even if you can't see it.

the other plant is on the same path already. they've been growing right next to each other with leaves touching. and it's starting to smell really sour too (another week of flowering left). so if buds smell sour but there's no visible mildew anywhere, is it still not advisable to smoke it?


Well-Known Member
how do i know if it's still good to smoke? i mean up to what point can you smoke moldy buds? i suppose if mold is already there, it's there everywhere, even if you can't see it.

the other plant is on the same path already. they've been growing right next to each other with leaves touching. and it's starting to smell really sour too (another week of flowering left). so if buds smell sour but there's no visible mildew anywhere, is it still not advisable to smoke it?
Unless you see hair-like/laundry lint looking mold on a bud, then you're ok to smoke it. Mold can infest quickly and if you have another female that looks like she may get moldy, chop now. Moist climates that are cool and don't have enough air circulation are highly susceptible to mold. Make sure your fans run 24/7 and that your temps don't drop too low when your lights are off. You may have posted it, but what are your day and night temps?
Unless you see hair-like/laundry lint looking mold on a bud, then you're ok to smoke it. Mold can infest quickly and if you have another female that looks like she may get moldy, chop now. Moist climates that are cool and don't have enough air circulation are highly susceptible to mold. Make sure your fans run 24/7 and that your temps don't drop too low when your lights are off. You may have posted it, but what are your day and night temps?
day 21-28 C (70-82 F)
night 17-22 C (62-72 F)

last couple of days have been very hot, temps usually don't go up that high.

i took your advice. i'm giving her a couple of days of darkness. will chop tonight.