going on holiday for 12 days need a watering solution! help, ideas?


Active Member
so im going on holiday in about a month for 12 days i need to find a watering solution thinking of those bottle stakes things somehting like the link or similar
i dont have the money to buy a pump, resvior and drip system
im thinking of switching to 12/12 just before i leave so that it will take slightly longer for the plants to dry out? because of overall less time exposed to heat thoughout the day?
is there anyother ways to do it?
im sure sombodys been on holiday before and used somthing to water there plants ?


Well-Known Member
sanitize your bath tub
add water that you wish to use on plants to about 2 inches deep.
Set plants in water.
They will wick it up as they need it through the drainage holes.
I would wait to get back then flower, unless plants are females. You don't want to come home from a holiday to find males having been in the room too long!

Hope that helps. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Additionally, with the water source being furthest away from the top of the planting medium the roots stretch down to get quenched.
Better roots = better plants!

If you wan't to go with the drip thing, just make your own. an empty 2L soda bottle with a 12mm hole drilled in the cap, filled with water is your own DIY stake!

I dislike this method. My weed is growing in a 4 Gallon planter (in soil) and if I was away for 2 weeks, that bottle would have well run out!


Well-Known Member
i use a 5 gal bucket, a pump, water manifold, and some black tubing.
set the pump on a timer for a few a seconds once aday .


Active Member
sanitize your bath tub
add water that you wish to use on plants to about 2 inches deep.
Set plants in water.
They will wick it up as they need it through the drainage holes.
I would wait to get back then flower, unless plants are females. You don't want to come home from a holiday to find males having been in the room too long!

Hope that helps. Good luck!
im pritty sure there female . feminized seeds with female preflowers ha .. so bacilsy just leave them in the bath tub ? ill need to put my light in there aswell i guess? couldnt i just fill out a tray put all my pots init that are inside my grow cabnet ? same idea just without transplanting them ?


Well-Known Member
Yes, a tray would work. Make sure it is deep enough though. It needs to hold enough water to give your plant for the whole 2 weeks.
s long as you can get the water about 2 inches up the pots sides you should be set!


Active Member
i use a 5 gal bucket, a pump, water manifold, and some black tubing.
set the pump on a timer for a few a seconds once aday .
not really got the money for a pump and stuff .. i have a hose lock distributor but i dont have the pump and that needs to be connected to a hose pipe . im thinking of a external one could i use a bucket as a resivor? get a pump (what kind of pump i have no clue) and hook them all up to the disturbuiter on a timer? i wanted to water once every 3 days ? but is a little water everyday okay for the plants ?


Well-Known Member
LOL! I use my bathtub for mine when I was away for a week once.
It was great, coz the bath already had an exhaust, and no windows(was dark), had the water source, was watertight, etc.

It seemed like the ideal place to leave my plants. Threw the lights (in a hood, on an extension cable (CFLs)) And I was good to grow on the go!


Well-Known Member
Yes, a tray would work. Make sure it is deep enough though. It needs to hold enough water to give your plant for the whole 2 weeks.
s long as you can get the water about 2 inches up the pots sides you should be set!
my water gets funky in a few day and killed my plants when i did that i would say drip works best


Active Member
im thinking im just going to put a pond pump into a bucket and hook it up to a 3 plant water distrubuiter and just put it on a timer . so i can water my plant with intervals instead of it soaking it water ? .. i got it in a cabnet in my garage .. and my neightbors are getting curious so i want to just leave them down there . thanks guys


Active Member
sanitize your bath tub
add water that you wish to use on plants to about 2 inches deep.
Set plants in water.
They will wick it up as they need it through the drainage holes.
I would wait to get back then flower, unless plants are females. You don't want to come home from a holiday to find males having been in the room too long!

Hope that helps. Good luck!
awesome idea, i was gonna try that with my seedling, but i didnt think it wud would work for smaller cups as compared to big pots i may try it this week :)


Well-Known Member
wick method, get a 5 gallon bucket, tear up an old t-shirt (anything cotton) plant one end 4 inches into soil and put other end in the bucket should be good for 4 plants 2 weeks adsjust if more plants


Active Member
wick method, get a 5 gallon bucket, tear up an old t-shirt (anything cotton) plant one end 4 inches into soil and put other end in the bucket should be good for 4 plants 2 weeks adsjust if more plants
i like that sounds good . no way i could over water my plants (Y) ill try it over the next week, see how it goes. so just have one end in the pot buried and the other in a bucket of water, can nutes still be passed though the 'cotton' or not?


Well-Known Member
no need for nutes but you could add some at very low strength, plant will be ok for 12 days if it has water

don't forget to raise the lights, that is a bigger common mistake, will slow down growth (which is a good thing while your away) last thing you want is to come home and find it grew into the light and got burned


Active Member
no need for nutes but you could add some at very low strength, plant will be ok for 12 days if it has water

don't forget to raise the lights, that is a bigger common mistake, will slow down growth (which is a good thing while your away) last thing you want is to come home and find it grew into the light and got burned
im doing a Scorg grow with a diy cool tube so height isnt too much of a problem, hopfully the screen will keep them low , ill pull them under just before i go,
im planning to switch to 12/12 just when i get back , will having no nutes for 2 weeks just before flowering cause any problems? i will be using terra bloom for flowering?
fort i might just ask you instead of starting another thred. thanks man


Well-Known Member
I would just give em a good dose of veg nutes when you get back then flip em should wait 2 weeks after startin 12/12 to switch to bloom nutes


Well-Known Member
i grow in dwc.. all it is - roots, nutes and air...

throw them in the tub with as much water as you can (so the plants aren't floating around..I would go more than 2 inches personally).. and get the biggest air pump you can afford, like $35 is all I'm talking.. some of the air hose they sell ($1.99-i think gets you like 50', sorry been a while since I bought mine, but it was cheap) and as many airstones as you can.. a cheap air splitter can change a one opening air pump into as many as you need..
throw the air stones (and get the solid stone ones, not the ones with the plastic backing.. as they float unless you bury them under something) and your plants should be loving it.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
works 100 %
i used these when i went on a trip saved my whole crop
i stuck them right into the root ball
i was gone for about 2 wks
came back
my soil plants where as healthy as when i left they didnt even drink all the water
these things are worth the price
i gat mine in a grocery store but you can prolly find them wall mart

simple and ez
all it is is an wicking system