going on holiday for 12 days need a watering solution! help, ideas?


Well-Known Member
So What method did you use for your holiday? I think you were gonna get a pump on a timer. But wasn't sure if you used another means.


Active Member
Only problems with aero systems would be having the thought at the back of your mind that your system may flood, spill or leak. Am I right
Come home to sucked up plants over nute or some accident
Soil organics is the best
Hydro don't have full taste but grow quick fosho


Well-Known Member
havent been on here since before the holiday , come back and my plants where looking the nuts ..apart from a few spidermites which i got rid odd immeidatly , i started flowering a week after so im about 3-4 weeks into flowering .. looking good so far ill will be posting a thred in a few weeks too show how there forming hope you will be interested .. (Y) my first grow got about 20+ tops between my plants going for a big yeild (Y)
You haven't posted in about 2 months. Where have ya been?:confused:


Active Member
he did say holiday!! :bigjoint: must have been a great holiday!!!
hey sorry i come off holiday and didnt have time for RIU .. yeh i ended up getting a small water pump from ebay cost me like £5 i linked it up to a micro irrigation system with 3 ooutput ends . 1 for each pot .. i used a electronic timer accurate to 1 min and let it water my plants for about 2 mins each day .. lots of trial and error too see how long i needed the pump to be on for to give them enough but not too much .. i mixed my nutrients as a weak soultion as watering everyday insteaad of every 3 i didnt want to give my plants and overdose .. i put in pump into a 5 gal containter so i knew it wouldnt run out .. i filled the bottom of my pots in the dish with spong so anyover flow was not wasted ..
when i got home my plants looked brilliant .. ii started flowerin a week later .. and am about a month or so into flowering :)
sorryy for not posting i been rather busy and got my lil cycle and didnt need any help