Time to move on to a new Wembley Mr West.......anyway, it's all in the smoking lad!!! Some of the prettiest girls can be the most boring in the sack....in my experience anyway, lol.
It was almost that dry in places i could of smoked it off the plant but ive let it dry in the fan for bout 24 hours and ive jus ground some up for a joint brb>>>>>>>>>
cheers mate i think i cought that last night b4 i wena bed ill post something now looks mental. Smoking some wembley right now still tastes pants but yes its steady stoneyness is quite apparent.
well all in all I got just under 3 oz off the wembley littel over 2 on the shorter pheno la cheese and 2 n 3quarters off the talleer pheno. Both phenos of the la cheese are very cheesey but they have a extra something the cheese aint wich i guesse is the la confindential. The stone is very medicinal and full with strong head stone and a solid body. The wembley isnt as nice imo, hardly any flavour or smell appart from hayit does have a stone but not in same class as the cheese influence. In conclusion I would go with the la cheese. Looks like www.seedmadness.com are a fairly ok seedbank I would buy from them again>>>>>>>>>>>
I aint germed a seed for about a year now, nowt has tickled my fancy. i aint growing atm anyway. Cheese, co and blues have been more than enough lol
Its a shame that wembley wasn't as good as you thought is was gonna be. Its a let down when you put all that time and effort and get nowt worthwhile i had it with ghsc ssh 12 weeks flower for fuck all and a month veg
yeah the cheese shines through as expected. They would be a better seed bank if they kept the stock levels up, too many out of stock strains at the min lol.
yeah was a long ass day, we met my 84 year old graddad in the working mans club and had a few jars with him then he forgot we was with him and fuked off home on the bus lmao. So we had to meet him at his lol. Long old drive for a few pints lol. How was ur sunday?