First Timer


Active Member
Man I missed a shit load!!! God dam internet company!! Shit bro they are looking delicious right now I am really looking forward to later :D
nice to see ya bro, what yall think of the new light setup, i have 2 42w and a17w, i think ill replace with a 42, think that will suffice for3 plants?


Active Member

I am afraid i am goin to outgrow my small cabinet. i have made a few small changes. i tied the main stem back to the screen witha ziptie of each plant. i took the few largest nodes adn didi the same the foilage is very thick so you cant really see, but you can tell due to the gap in the center. i hung the lights dow the center of the cab here are some photos, i will taek more of the ties later when the lights come back on.



thanks to all fror watching. can someone assit me, i want to know if i can trimt hem back some...i dont knwo if or what i can cut off so i havent.


Active Member
I know that regular scrog is useful so that plants don't grow into lights and for maintaining a certain height, but this situation has presented new problems. i mean, you should be ok just as long as the plants arent getting burned, but you might want to continue tying main branches to the side so they don't grow into the lights. Height will also be a situation... i wonder if you might want to switch to regular scrog while you still can.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you do got quite the situation. I may attempt something from an idea I just got from you :D I think I'm going to start a new journal tomorrow :D


Well-Known Member
I'm going to do a scrog but make a cylinder and make the plant go up that with a light down in the middle. Who knows lol


Active Member
I'm going to do a scrog but make a cylinder and make the plant go up that with a light down in the middle. Who knows lol
cool, solved my overgrowth issue...2 males one female...oh well. the males were the dirt transplants too, the female has been hydro her whole life, so i am gonna use her to fill the box, i hope she iwill fill te screens, i stretched her out an she does a pretty good job right now in th efirst week of flower. wish me luck

cant wait to see what you come up with...mj experiments are alotof fun


Well-Known Member
Congratulations on the baby man. As for the growing I have seen 4 plants fill an 8'x8' room doing sog so I think your plant should do the trick for what you want it's just the matter of how patient you are lol


Active Member
Congratulations on the baby man. As for the growing I have seen 4 plants fill an 8'x8' room doing sog so I think your plant should do the trick for what you want it's just the matter of how patient you are lol
thanks man, i can be patient, i am waiting till harvest to get high...refuse to buy anymore weed lol.


Well-Known Member
Well if you aren't legal you should be careful and think about your lil girl first lol I wouldn't trip too hard on it man things will turn around for ya sooner or later.


Active Member
Well if you aren't legal you should be careful and think about your lil girl first lol I wouldn't trip too hard on it man things will turn around for ya sooner or later.
ya i know...thanks, i think tha last plant in htere is a damn male also, i may have just been to hot in there, i am gonna throw some new clones in there ans flower them sooner, but i need to getth temps figured has been at 100 with 2 42w 2700k and 1 23w 6500k, i have 2 4 inch fans one exhause and one intake, any ideas? maybe both exhaust and passive intake? think this may work?


Well-Known Member
To be honest with you that really isn't enough information haha. I would say you should be fine with 2 exhausts and make your intake passive if you wanted to. Maybe drill a small hole in the bottom of your cab.


Active Member

i havent gotten for sure sex on this last one...hope'n for soem hairs soon. it is almost 100 degrees everytime i open the door. i think this is the caus eof th esexual dysfunction...the others were staight male not hermie. is this possible cause?

anyway i have been tying th ebraches preparing for a female.

if not i will make a new contaner to hold 4 to 6 small plants and redo lighting and use this box for a mini sog grow.

i took a photo to show how SHE lol is filling out.

