High temperatures preventing plants from sexing?

Hi everyone. My question is: Can high temperatures prevent plants from sexing despite a 12/12 photo-period?

Here's my setup:

Lights: 1 250w HPS (in a cooltube,) 2 100w 2700k CFLs
Ventilation: 1 250 CFM (or so the manufacturer claims, I suspect it is much closer to 100 CFM) inline exhaust fan
Grow area: 2 feet x 2 feet x 5 feet (width, length, height) for a total of 20 cubic feet
Plants: 1 Indica (~2.5 feet tall), 2 Sativas (~4 feet tall)

The indica is in soil, an approved (at least according to someone on the internet) formula of peat moss, perlite and vermiculite. Both satvias are in a DWC hydroponic set up.

Grow timeline:

T-3 months, indica sprouted, under many 6500k CFLs for a few weeks

T-2 months, sativas sprouted, everything now under many 6500k CFLs and a 250w MH

T-1.5 months, the indica got severely stressed and lost many leaves due to lack of watering over a vacation, it came back very strong over the next two weeks.

T-2.5 weeks, switched to 12/12 photo-period (1 250w HPS, 2 100w 2700k CFLs) and vegging->flowering nutrients (equal parts micro, grow, bloom.) The indica has alternate branching happening now, the sativas do not yet.

T-1.5 weeks, the sativas have started alternate branching.

T-1 week, 48-hour dark period (I read online this might make the plants catch on that they should sex and start with flowering.) This didn't seem to accomplish anything.

T-5 days, switched to flowering nutrients (2, 1, 3; micro, grow, bloom; respectively)

T-0, Still no definite signs of sex. There is a small ball from which (I imagine) pistils may sprout or more balls my grow from at many nodes on the indica. There are a few nodes on the sativas where I could say the same. Nevertheless, I cannot find a pistil or anything resembling male cannabis sex organs either.

So that's the timeline. At about 5 days into flowering I fixed a couple of tiny light leaks. The amount of light leaking in was much less than moonlight and it was difficult to see one's hand in front of one's face even before fixing these leaks. Since then it is absolutely and entirely pitch black within the grow area when the lights are off.


It has been very hot where I live and I do not have air conditioning. The daytime temperatures have been around 90-95f and night time about 80-85f. I'm not very sure on how to measure grow box temperatures, I've heard to measure from all, bottom, middle, top and covered from the light or uncovered. So here's some general information:

When lights are on:

Temperature near the bottom, no cover on the thermometer aside from the (very dense, at this level) canopy:
80f (this is consistent, the intake air is consistently cool)

Near the bottom, covered:
80f, still

Temperature near the middle, no cover aside from the (light) canopy:

Middle, covered:

Temperature near the top, no cover:

When the lights are off, the temperatures away from the bottom quickly approach the ambient air temperature. The bottom cools more, but doesn't get below 70f.

No parts of the plants show any signs of heat stress (no leaf curling or browned edges anywhere.) As a matter of fact, all of the plants seem to be entirely healthy showing no signs of any problems. They are growing incredibly fast, as though still in the "stretch" period and I've been forced to bend the stems of the sativas to prevent them from growing above the light. The stems are still very pliable. They are going through water at a prodigious rate.

In summary:
- No light leaks
- Very high temperatures
- No signs of heat stress
- 2.5 weeks (18 days) into flowering (12/12 photo-period)
- No definite signs of sex on any plant

Are the high temperatures preventing my plants from sexing? If not, what might be?

Oh, and my apologies for not having any pictures (no digital camera.) The plants really do look completely healthy through. There's not much to see except for some plants that look to be vegging and very happy about it.


Well-Known Member
yes, the plant goes dormant in high temps, this can occur with anything over 90F for flowering best to get your temps down to 80 at least low 70's is better as your trying to re-create a fall like enviroment
yes, the plant goes dormant in high temps, this can occur with anything over 90F for flowering best to get your temps down to 80 at least low 70's is better as your trying to re-create a fall like enviroment
Thanks for the info! Just a little clarification, if you'd be so kind: The heat is still likely the problem even if the plants have no signs of dormancy (aside from not sexing)? They all are putting out new leaves and shoots incredibly quickly.
Thanks for the info! Just a little clarification, if you'd be so kind: The heat is still likely the problem even if the plants have no signs of dormancy (aside from not sexing)? They all are putting out new leaves and shoots incredibly quickly.
After a bit more exhaustive internet searching I seem to have stumbled across some information that contradicts my initial hypothesis of heat being the cause of my plants not sexing/flowering. For instance, http://boards.cannabis.com/outdoor-growing/160233-how-hot-too-hot.html has multiple people reporting no problems flowering with temperatures around or greater than 95f (albeit with outdoor grows.) Though I couldn't find a thread with similar information on these boards.

Anyway, what else might be my issue? Is there anything I can do to try to diagnose the problem?


Well-Known Member
If I am reading your timeline correct it is saying you have been flowering for 1 week total? My first grow had 2 plants that took 13 days to show sex after 12/12. I have read it can take up to 3 weeks, especially with Sativas.

If I am reading your timeline correct it is saying you have been flowering for 1 week total? My first grow had 2 plants that took 13 days to show sex after 12/12. I have read it can take up to 3 weeks, especially with Sativas.


Apologies for my lack of clarity. I've been flowering now (via photoperiod) for about 3 weeks. I have been on 1-2-3 (grow, micro, bloom) nutes for 1 week. Prior to that there were two weeks of "transition" 2-2-2 nutes.

My plants still seem to be in the "grow tall really fast" phase. There is no sign of what I would call "dormancy" aside from the lack of sexing. Nor any signs of other health (heat, nute, etc.) issues.
The plants have now been at 12/12 for about three and a half weeks. With a magnifying glass I can see what, I think, are tiny, newly emerge pistils on two of the plants. Should I expect things to run more smoothly from here on out?


Well-Known Member
Just keep an eye on them and you decide.

PLants as ladyKIMI has stated can take anything up to 21days to show their sex.

You could also play around with the day lengths a little to get them to show.

I have 2 girls that showed their sex in 6 days and 1 which was tacking a little longer than the others so i switched my lights to 11.5 hours day and 12.5 hours night and this helped the slower one to show its sex which i am pleased to say is also female.

Once it showed i popped them all back on to 12 12.

Hope this helped just a little experience i have had in the last week .
