Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
hey man....yea thats the truth eh.....once something works.....tough to make urself change. But I expect the time will come to try something different....I got lots of ideas.....from designing my new house with an integrated grow room and all the fixin's...that part is very interesting....to planning the best in outdoor grows.....like what are the attributes one should look for for an ideaql outdoor grow.....this will dictate the land to focus on and what the critical elements will be.....this is all several years down the road....so nothing wrong with looking forward a little!


New Member
hey man....yea thats the truth eh.....once something works.....tough to make urself change. But I expect the time will come to try something different....I got lots of ideas.....from designing my new house with an integrated grow room and all the fixin's...that part is very interesting....to planning the best in outdoor grows.....like what are the attributes one should look for for an ideaql outdoor grow.....this will dictate the land to focus on and what the critical elements will be.....this is all several years down the road....so nothing wrong with looking forward a little!
that's cool...I live in the country but the city is closing in on me, to the point I had stop breeding my border collies. This spring I am putting my property on the market so I can move to more acreage, I am going to build a building for cars, dogs and weed etc., I have been thinking of an indoor/outdoor grow area...


Well-Known Member
thats a cool idea......I like that.....cars....hmmm...don't get me started with that....hahahahahaha.....but I do like the combo idea.....a total play roomj for the young at heart!


Well-Known Member
that's cool...I live in the country but the city is closing in on me, to the point I had stop breeding my border collies. This spring I am putting my property on the market so I can move to more acreage, I am going to build a building for cars, dogs and weed etc., I have been thinking of an indoor/outdoor grow area...
i would say i am envious but i dont get jealous. it is a useless emotion but i am happy for you because acreage and weed and cars=*my dream*. just sounds awesome to me. good luck(oh yeah i am a tad bit envious haha:blsmoke:)

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
that's cool...I live in the country but the city is closing in on me, to the point I had stop breeding my border collies. This spring I am putting my property on the market so I can move to more acreage, I am going to build a building for cars, dogs and weed etc., I have been thinking of an indoor/outdoor grow area...
Kewl, another 'Dog' person :)

Bongspit, you train/compete or just breed?

I live remote and the country is closing in on me! :(


Well-Known Member
Although I don't suppose it makes much difference, but you're only supposed to use Big Bud up to and including week 4 of flower. After that you're meant to switch to Overdrive.

I use most of the Advanced Nutrients products.
me too,,and here is the flowering feed schedule I got from the guy who sold me my Advanced Nutrients,,hope this helps anyone

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
hey HoLE thanks for posting that. I took a similar one right off their website...I will be militant with my next grow on sticking to their recommednations. For finishing this one off, I am gonna sort play by feel and what the plants are saying and doing.....thanks again!


Well-Known Member
hey HoLE thanks for posting that. I took a similar one right off their website...I will be militant with my next grow on sticking to their recommednations. For finishing this one off, I am gonna sort play by feel and what the plants are saying and doing.....thanks again!

I can hear them from here............Feed me OVerdrive....overdrive..over


Well-Known Member
hahahaha....they're gitin' their fair share....I seem to be able to feed right now almost every twelve (12) hours? is that unusual....? maybe 18?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Hole for posting that chart, that is something I need to work on .. nutes etc.. I have made lots of mistakes by doing something that I thought might be a good idea but usually turned out to be bad, so I'm going to stick with what I know works, things that I've first hand experienced and try to leave the experimenting alone, will be hard because it's in me blood but I would like a decent supply of smoke before screwing something up major league..

PS: tahoe!


Well-Known Member
hey Hum. thanks for stopping in and some good thoughts for sure.

I took a couple of pics again last night - I am still struggling with my exposures....but I'll fix that. the buds seem to be poppping up everywhere. I even checked lower into the canopy, and although shielded from a major dose of light energy, there are so many it ain't even worth counting. I am totally in the dark as to how many and to what extent these will all develop.

I see so many of the plants on here that are fast approaching their final call to order, and they are devoid of almost any lower vegetation with the exception of stems and buds. I have left mine so far completely untrimmed...a rather unkemp bush you may say. Looking from the side, and into this dense bush......hmmmmm....can you smell that?........although dense it is fully airy and uncluttered inside....lots of air movement, lots of light and otherwise great growth. With all the debate about trimming I am wondering if I am missing doing an important step here?

Seems to me that the BigBud on the right side reaching tall will likely need to be tied over in the next day or so....It still baffles me that the "forest" pics are of only three plants, One BigBud on either side (you can see those insanely small stems!) and the main Top44 steamin' screamin' bitch in the middle.

Anyhow, I am not going to raise the slighest peep of complaint. I love my plants. they are as gorgeous as I could have ever expected. I will try and retake the "forest" pics later after lights on, but for now a couple shots for you to enjoy!



Well-Known Member
oh and yesterday was Day 48 from sprout - Day 29 (Top44) amd Day 22 (BigBud) flowering.

These are two pic of each "corner" of the box with the BigBud tiney tiny stems showing themselves...and the sourrounding buddage from Miss Racy Top44.



Well-Known Member
Looking good tahoe,very slight leaf tip stress from to much heat,but otherwise looking good and healthy.
My plants always end up with that slight leaf tip stress as well as i have no ventilation either.

On a bum note though i would never grow bigbud again as it was to weak for my high tolerance levels but i do recall you saying previously that you havent had a good smoke for a long time so you should be fine.
I used bigbud in my crosses to add size and structure but they have a very low thc content as weed goes.

If i had to grow big bud again i would leave them for as long as possible and take the couch lock high and not go for thc:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey Nat. thanks for looking in and providing your feedback. Sharp eye you are....that I have also noticed though I am more convinced that this is the leading edge of a very minor nute burn (I believe that I am at the cusp of over-nuting). The temps are generally 65-75 unless I misunderstand the principle of light burn.....

The BigBud story has been told. I appreciate your comments and confirmation. True, I have not had any in a long time, and I have always had a pretty low tolerance so I feel comfortable with this. but you're right, I prolly won't grow again, depending on the final results of course.

I am keenly researching the different srains and I would like to try NL or a Haze variant.

Thanks again ro your thoughts, always muchly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
hey Nat. thanks for looking in and providing your feedback. Sharp eye you are....that I have also noticed though I am more convinced that this is the leading edge of a very minor nute burn (I believe that I am at the cusp of over-nuting). The temps are generally 65-75 unless I misunderstand the principle of light burn.....

The BigBud story has been told. I appreciate your comments and confirmation. True, I have not had any in a long time, and I have always had a pretty low tolerance so I feel comfortable with this. but you're right, I prolly won't grow again, depending on the final results of course.

I am keenly researching the different srains and I would like to try NL or a Haze variant.

Thanks again ro your thoughts, always muchly appreciated!
Try to find some lavender,hashberry or black domina.
You wont be dissapointed:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
black Domina is on my list of top 5....as is Blue Moonshine, Black Jack, Willie Nelson and Matanuska. thoughts?

Also....do you have any furhter comments re: light vs. nute burn? :blsmoke:

Try to find some lavender,hashberry or black domina.
You wont be dissapointed:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
black Domina is on my list of top 5....as is Blue Moonshine, Black Jack, Willie Nelson and Matanuska. thoughts?

Also....do you have any furhter comments re: light vs. nute burn? :blsmoke:
Ive grown matanuska tundra before and it was very strong shit.
I personally thought it tasted pretty weird.
I crossed it into my strains in the hope of getting some thing like the strength of matanuska thunderfuck into my strains.

I have heard good things about blue moonshine but i have never grown it myself,its basicaslly just blueberry really,great stuff be careful with the nutes.
I know nothing of the other strains all though i have heard of willie nelson.

As to the nute burn i didnt notice any browned tips that suggest the beginning of nute burn but i suppose i cant really see them properly in the pics.
If they have the curling down thing and they dont have brown tips then its heat.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey Nat. thanks for looking in and providing your feedback. Sharp eye you are....that I have also noticed though I am more convinced that this is the leading edge of a very minor nute burn (I believe that I am at the cusp of over-nuting). The temps are generally 65-75 unless I misunderstand the principle of light burn.....

The BigBud story has been told. I appreciate your comments and confirmation. True, I have not had any in a long time, and I have always had a pretty low tolerance so I feel comfortable with this. but you're right, I prolly won't grow again, depending on the final results of course.

I am keenly researching the different srains and I would like to try NL or a Haze variant.

Thanks again ro your thoughts, always muchly appreciated!
Wont grow again?? why would you do that to yourself? Those are some nice looking plants. you should keep that shit going!!


Well-Known Member
thanks....appreciate your personal feedback on this strain stuff.. and the specific mention of the benefits/challenges.

I will take some specific pics to try and show better.....but your guidance is most appreciated.....particularly the last statement of specific behavious and appearance. thanks again!

BTW - still waiting for my ultimateears to arrive...then I can fill you in on their first-hand performance! hahahahaha
Ive grown matanuska tundra before and it was very strong shit.
I personally thought it tasted pretty weird.
I crossed it into my strains in the hope of getting some thing like the strength of matanuska thunderfuck into my strains.

I have heard good things about blue moonshine but i have never grown it myself,its basicaslly just blueberry really,great stuff be careful with the nutes.
I know nothing of the other strains all though i have heard of willie nelson.

As to the nute burn i didnt notice any browned tips that suggest the beginning of nute burn but i suppose i cant really see them properly in the pics.
If they have the curling down thing and they dont have brown tips then its heat.:blsmoke:
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