Need help sexing plant


Well-Known Member
Pic #1 is a girl, it'll push out a white hair out of the thing on the left in a day or so.

Pic #2 is indeterminite.


Well-Known Member
nice topping job! but looks too early to sex....but I could be wrong...
Thanks, I'm new to this and learning as I go! I almost drowned them already:? but it seems that 2 out of three are doing good.

I have a threat under hydro (my first hydro


They ae Arjan's Haze #1


Well-Known Member too! I have bred and raised horses for the last 20 years! I love Led Zep, and Pink Floyd, and Jimi Hendrix.... but the feel of the soil is important to me! (dunno who the pic is...just found it once and liked it.):mrgreen:

Love your avetar, who is that? Brings out the cowboy in me:mrgreen:!


Well-Known Member too! I have bred and raised horses for the last 20 years! I love Led Zep, and Pink Floyd, and Jimi Hendrix.... but the feel of the soil is important to me! (dunno who the pic is...just found it once and liked it.):mrgreen:
I feel you man, I live in cali and after my marriage failed (14 years southern bell:mrgreen:) I said never an american gal again. Long story short, I'm with a french candian now, and since I'm european we mingle a looooot better,lol.



Well-Known Member
I'm still smartin' from the dissolution.....just got my divorce papers finally in July after fighting for three years....too scared to trust any woman anymore....lost the farm and got forced into bankruptcy after pouring my heart and sole out for 17 years......regrouping, and rebuilding time - didn't think I would be starting over at this point but.....sure a sh*t ain't looking back...except to se how I can be a better person! I'll have horses again.....I know I will...I will also have an outdoor garden again.....I know I will.....for now....things are very good....very good indeed.


Active Member
hey can someone tell me if this is a hermie, or just a male with hairy flowers. the only males I can identify have pistil filled buds forming with one or a few nut like forms, so Im pretty sure they are hermies

Attached Thumbnails


Active Member
my experience says its hermi, I left one go way too far which polluted the rest of my plants. was good smoke but make everything super seedy