Newbie Master Kush Crop


Well-Known Member
Cool beans man...............................I think its a little weird grown men getting excited about some seeds...But DAMN I'M EXCITED FOR YOU...I CANT WAIT UNTIL MINE ARRIVE....Ok now thats over with, all grown up again.....Fuckin A.......
LOL! I needed a laugh. Thanks for that.

i'd get some molasses, its way more beneficial than just using it for mag problems. 1 tbs/gal unsulphured molasses
Cool thanks again. I guess a grocery store lowes and home depot didn't have any. I'll run up and see if I can find some.


Active Member
Does Jack's have instructions on foliar feeding? Im not sure you can foliar feed with that. If not maybe you can make a light foliar feed concoction. Egg shells contain calcium so you can soak them in water to extract some calcium. Also if you have calcium suplements like vitamins (for people) you can crush them up. For magnesium you could try epson salt.
Epsom salt: Epsom salt not only helps tired feet; it's a fertilizer too! Containing magnesium (10 percent) and sulfur (13 percent), Epsom salt is a fast-acting fertilizer that you can apply in a granular form or dissolve in water and spray on leaves as a foliar fertilizer. Tomatoes, peppers, and roses love this stuff! Mix 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt in a gallon of water and spray it on when plants start to bloom.[FONT=&quot][/FONT]


Active Member
If you flushed with 7.2 and the runoff was 6.5 I think your sligtly acidic just like me. I think somewhere you said you used quick lime? Lime has crazy amounts of both calcium and mag right? If so then just be careful you dont over cal mag them I guess. This is what I got in my notes...
Limestone: This mined product has various nutrient levels, depending on its source. It's used primarily to raise pH, but dolomitic limestone, which is high in calcium (46 percent) and magnesium (38 percent), also adds magnesium to the soil. This powder also comes in an easier to spread granular form. Calcitic limestone is high in calcium carbonate (usually above 90 percent). Conduct a soil test for pH and for magnesium to find out which kind of lime and how much to add to your soil.[FONT=&quot][/FONT]


Active Member
Couple last things I just thought of....what kinda soil are you in? Soil that is compact can have problems resembling deficiencies or cause deficiencies or something...I will have to find where I read that if you suspect that. Also if its a soil with slow release nutes like FF Ocean Forest or MG products or others then when you "flush" it might release more nutes so be careful on that....
For my problem I did:
Raise PH: using water with a pinch of baking soda..gradually over time (flowering plant)
- for the NL thats vegging I tried something different. I sprinkled the tiniest bit of baking soda on the top of the soil and watered it in just a little and i figure the next time I water it will still be there to raise the PH a little more
Foliar fed: used grow big at recommended foliar feeding dosage on the NL and tiger bloom a little less then recommended on the flowering plant
in my foliar feed solution I used half water and half seltzer water. The plants like the CO2 from the seltzer


Well-Known Member
Nice little collection you got going there chain. What's the one in the little vial? Is that an Advanced Seeds seed? That kind of looks like what my Low Girl came in. Give us a quick rundown of what you got if you have time.;-)

Cool beans man...............................I think its a little weird grown men getting excited about some seeds...But DAMN I'M EXCITED FOR YOU...I CANT WAIT UNTIL MINE ARRIVE....Ok now thats over with, all grown up again.....Fuckin A.......
Haha, how bout it man? I'm in my late twenties and seeing that envelope in my box makes me feel like a little kid at Christmas, lol.


Well-Known Member
Hey chainseeker, try using, You can make an account and watch your babies from any computer if your grow room webcam stays on. I used the site to watch my puppy at first when she was home alone but it works amazingly to keep an eye on your bud if you're away. You can set who can view and can't view the stream or even make it completely private. Coolest thing about it is that, IT'S FREE!

I liked it anyhow, hope you do too.


Well-Known Member
Oh wow, somehow it put me on page 11 when I posted that last one. I see I'm a tad bit lit now on page 34, oh well.

If anyone ever wants to watch anything that they stream themselves that's the perfect site for it.
Hey Bud just having a perve on your girls... They have got me excited, im about to start my own MK grow... If i can get mine to look half as good as your ill be happy :) can't wait to see your final product


Well-Known Member
Oh wow, somehow it put me on page 11 when I posted that last one. I see I'm a tad bit lit now on page 34, oh well.

If anyone ever wants to watch anything that they stream themselves that's the perfect site for it.
What up machnak how's vegas treating ya? I go often. Cool idea probably not for me though. :cool:

Hey Bud just having a perve on your girls... They have got me excited, im about to start my own MK grow... If i can get mine to look half as good as your ill be happy :) can't wait to see your final product
Leave my girls alone they're way to young for you. LOL!
What's the hold up get em started then put up some pics I would like to see.


Well-Known Member
Update I wanna say day 49 or 50 IDk. How about 10% amber trich's but a shit load of new pretty white hairs. So still gettin fatter.

Well about a week ago my oldest girl's (the bigger twin) hairs started turning orange very fast plus amber trich's were popping up. Seemed a little early for all that to be taking place. That's when the girls received their first dose of JACK's Classic nute blossom booster. Well it seems they have now decided that they should fatten up a bit more. I believe this because all the orange hairs are gone and whites are now taking their place. I also discovered a near fatal mistake I made when mixing up the soil. I never put anything in to level out the soil ph and I was using 7.2 bottled water. This was Fox Farms OF so that and the FF TB and the organic tea had my soil ph down to 5 and this locked out many nutes from my girls. Solution- Lime, molasses, tap water flush ph 8 and Jack's blossom booster. So the baby twin and the other MK didn't fair to well while the other bigger twin pulled through like a champ. I'll post pics of all three even though the small twin and the other MK just make me sick to look at. Pics, I'll start with the good, put the bad in the middle and end with one last good shot.

Here is the little twin any advice on if she'll grow still or what I should do with her?

Here is the third little plant that I haven't much mentioned so far she was effected pretty badly I'm a little worried she is going hermie. No sacks yet just some strange looking growth what ya think?

The Queen of the cab


Well-Known Member
Yea not for everyone, Vegas is Vegas ha nothing special when you live here just another day I guess. If you're into tattoos and every want some work while you're here hit me up man!

Plants look beautiful. Hope you get everything figured out with the weird ones.