My first hydro


Well-Known Member
Bushmaster will stop verticle growth, but be careful, its POWERFUL shit. Only run it no more than 3 days with no other nutes. Change water after. Use half dose to what it says on the bottle. I've learned the hard way.


Well-Known Member
Bushmaster will stop verticle growth, but be careful, its POWERFUL shit. Only run it no more than 3 days with no other nutes. Change water after. Use half dose to what it says on the bottle. I've learned the hard way.
Hi Budsworth, thanks for replying! Can you tell me more on this product i.e. sideeffects regarding yield, what happens if shit goes wrong like too much? does it affect taste?

Thanks, Unity


Well-Known Member
:joint:ya keep them all in there until sex is known males grow faster than females for the most part like i said about bushmaster it is disigned for indicas stops virtical growth and promotes dence side branching an suposed to increase yeald but with a haze you will have so long of a grow period in the budding cycle the bush might become a tangled mess of budding points and verry unusual growth that could result in low yields of a lot of tinny buds and/or it will get so bushy it could take over the whole grow space crowding the other plants i havnt heard of anybody using it on a haze so i could be wrong but it is an expensive liquid that could bite your balls if you use the supper cropping technique i discribed your yield will be verry nice prob more than you expected ......but then again we allways expect to get pounds and pounds so mabey not lol hope this helps:joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info fallinghigh! I think I'll just keep on posting w. pics, thatway the people in the know can gage my progress and hopefully advise me as things become tricky! I'll hold of on any products for know.
Do you think they are recovering ok? Is there a permanent effect from overwatering for 3 weeks?



Well-Known Member
yours look over watered and very hot, get a fan in there, wonder they havent died.
you should start with flos,.for vegg.
mine plants are arjans strawberry haze.greenhouse.
these are mine week 5 started under 2 shop lites, i moved to 12/12 yesterday. under hps now.

new closet day 1 1212 271207 014.jpg

new 030.jpg

new 026.jpg

new 029.jpg


Well-Known Member
be carfull of any stress, and have you got a timer in there, cos them fem seeds, like to hermie.
Hi, please elaborate on what increases the chances for 'hermie'

when should I adjust ph etc. during lights on or off? I'm assuming during lights on?!

Yep, I got timers Light is on 12/12 now (9pm to 9am)
Drips are off until they recover from overwatering

Temps are rather low, at canopy about 78 to 82 with lights on and as low as 68 with lights off (but weather is getting warmer now)

Humidity was non exitend the last few days, but that's only due to santa anas.:peace:



Well-Known Member
not yet did you top it allready i think you might have jumped the gun with the haze i said 1 mounth into flower


Well-Known Member
not yet did you top it allready i think you might have jumped the gun with the haze i said 1 mounth into flower
Well , I really wanted too, but the thing grows at an alarming rate (7" in one week) and my other one has a hard time keeping up, so yep, I topped the bigger one:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
i hear ya but you might end up with a bush that takes over the others grow space can i see a pic of the full plant


Well-Known Member
These were from 2 days ago, so you can add about 3" to them :-?
I'm starting to get a little more comfi figuering out their mood, and 2 of the 3 are going deffenitly in the right dirrection. The third one I will get rid off as soon as I can confirm sex on the 2 lasrger onse:mrgreen::peace::joint:


I'll take new pics tonight when the lights come on, don't want them to freak out on me, I've heard that it's really easy to turn them into hemies.


Well-Known Member
well i guess time will tell you might need to eventualy move the light up and lift the other plants with bricks or books ext good luck i wish you a fatty harvest


Well-Known Member
Thanks fallinghigh, I've already started to move the other ones up on bricks (no cardboard boxes this time lol), I'll keep updating once a week with pics!
