First Time CFL Grow -Big Bud-


Active Member
Hey all, new to the site wanted to post some pic's. They are exactly 5 days into soil @ 24/7... Let me know what you think.

8 - 26W Daylight (6500) 2 - 43W Softwhite (2700)

MG Soil W/ MG Tomato Plant Food (Have not feed yet)



Active Member
Thanks ^ I look forward to see how they turn out... I have a few questions for everyone please point me in the right direction, or if better reccomendation's by all means fire away...;)

1) How long should I give 24 hours of light from seed? then switch..Should I switch? 18/6 or 12/12
2) I was going to use distiled water, since the water here is not so good Low PH ect...Good or Bad?
3) With the MG poting soil, I was planning to use MG Tomato Planrt Food in the next couple weeks, is this ok? plan to use half the reccomended strenght.
4) Room get's up to 90' but can keep it steady @ 81' with the door open. Is this ok?

Thanks for the help, Neebb here.. any suggested links would be great.


Well-Known Member
Thanks ^ I look forward to see how they turn out... I have a few questions for everyone please point me in the right direction, or if better reccomendation's by all means fire away...;)

1) How long should I give 24 hours of light from seed? then switch..Should I switch? 18/6 or 12/12
2) I was going to use distiled water, since the water here is not so good Low PH ect...Good or Bad?
3) With the MG poting soil, I was planning to use MG Tomato Planrt Food in the next couple weeks, is this ok? plan to use half the reccomended strenght.
4) Room get's up to 90' but can keep it steady @ 81' with the door open. Is this ok?

Thanks for the help, Neebb here.. any suggested links would be great.
1.18/6 has always worked best for me... seems to be less stress when u switch to 12/12
2. never used distilled but from what i read if u use it u may need a cal-mag supplement
3.if i was to use mg anything again i would go half strength but only because of past experience. not sure whats available to u but fox farms products r great imo.
4.keep that door open lol...r the plants showing signs of heat stress? might slow down growth but dont think to much else would come from those temps...just my opinon tho


Active Member
Thanks Smokey, yeah that is hot @ 90 was really trying to see what the temp's would do if the door stayed shut half the day.. What would heat stress show? the pic's above are current..Keep em comin guys!
Nice set up zorr,i use cfl's as well.I would suggest getting a ph test kit,if the ph is off your plants will not feed from the nutes in the water, ph for soil is around 6.Temps should be about 80 degrees.Place a small fan inside to keep air moving instead of taking lights out,that will take care of temps.If its too hot for the plants the leaves will curl up at the edges.Peace and respect from england.


Active Member
Thanks, have two fans working, one out side the room to supply AC in to the other room...I did some research and have found a local place that carries all Fox Farms/General Hydro products, going to check it out this week My tap is reading low 6.0 and lower PH asnd the distiled water is low aswell.


Active Member
Here is only from yesterday!! to compare so far so good! I will be changeing over to 18/6 tommaro which from the begging has been 24/0 for the first 5 days. I am always open to options? do you think the switch to 18/6 is good at this stage? or continue with 24/0 for abit longer? I know alot of questions but thanks for the support.



Well-Known Member
heyy man. everything looking good so far. i answered most of ur question in the PM.. soo i wont answer them again on here. lol. but so far so good. they look healthy! and nice amount of CFL's too. adn running Dual Spectrum always seemed to work great for me as well.. especialy during flowering. im subbing and will stick by throughout the whole grow.. any questions feel free to ask


love it,repped and subbed m8,nice one

ive also got grow going using CFL's check out my journal and posts

got 2 X Kaya Gold @ 4 weeks old


Active Member
You guys are great!!!I really was inspired by your grow chb444220...and thank you for the help. Well, today they are doing even better will wait a few days before new pic's....Peace!


Well-Known Member
=) thanks man. i'm glad i inspire people... never would i have thought my grows would inspire people... lol. well inspire them to grow anywayz. lol. and ok man. cant wait to see the pics. =)


Active Member
Your welcome...Well I gave this somethought today, what do you guys think? As you can see with lighting I have 4 babies with 10 CFL's mixed.. I know that more plants isn't always better for yeild with this lightning, Have a hard decsion to make. Finsh this grow with only 2 plants in room with 5 CFL's per plant or stick with the 4 and see how it goes? Kinda hate to since all 4 look very helthy. What are your thoughts? hate to move the other two out if this is not needed? but want the best yeild per plant...Yeah, wanting the cake and eating it to...=)


Well-Known Member
Your welcome...Well I gave this somethought today, what do you guys think? As you can see with lighting I have 4 babies with 10 CFL's mixed.. I know that more plants isn't always better for yeild with this lightning, Have a hard decsion to make. Finsh this grow with only 2 plants in room with 5 CFL's per plant or stick with the 4 and see how it goes? Kinda hate to since all 4 look very helthy. What are your thoughts? hate to move the other two out if this is not needed? but want the best yeild per plant...Yeah, wanting the cake and eating it to...=)
hmmm... idk man.. thats a tough decision... =/ why dont you meet 1/2 way with both options.. and get rid of 1 and keep 1... and grow 3 plants and see how that goes? =)


Active Member
I know man tough decision's ..;), maybe just add more bulbs they are looking really good today all four....You gotta see this little guy, well hopefully a girl she is on something good, better then danks..LOL need what she's smoking..bongsmilie

Just 3 days difference, WOW.. Yeah!!!



Well-Known Member
lookin good man.. lookin good. im sure the nutes helped. =) and i was gonna tell u.. 10 CFL's for 4 plants is plenty during Veg... its the flowering u gotta worry about.... if u can manage to save up sum money during the next 3-4 weeks.. or howeva long u plan on veggin.. and get more lights or a like 250 watt hps or sumthing for flowering youll be good.

or u can just grow out all 4 (vegging) and then figure out which one looks the worst and get rid of it..


Active Member
Hey Man, sent ya a PM well think your box was full kicked back..;) I was thinking a nice hps for flowering 250-400W most with the budget BUT worried about temps converting over? I see now 84* at most for the area, can't get it down much more then that. Oh btw I moved one out, so now we have 3 under 10 CFL's..Took your advise but think it was a good move.. Now have 3 plant's that will stay, will get some updated pic's Sunday these girls are moving up in the world!!


Active Member
Nahh, from when it is actually put into the soil. I know some base it off when they first sprout, but I like to give it's true age.