My Growitup GreenHouse. Under construction.

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Cruzer I just gotta say, you have an incredible bunch of folks following your op here. I love the way they think, their maturity, and their attitudes. I've made several of them friends here. I've been wanting to build my own greenhouse for the last year. I was leaning towards a "hoop house" but I watched "The Green Rush" yesterday and hearing people talk about the jackers and seeing what happened to the pitiful family that got all their plants ripped off, I've decided to build a greenhouse sort of like yours. As you know, we're moving and I have a grow in the ground (I need to get my ass off RIU and take some pix and update my journal today!) so it will probably be a few months down the road before I get started. You're an inspiration man!
so let em understand this better-

when the ir cam detects movement, it calls you, or, it alerts you with a live video feed? also are you using the software that lets you designate a controlled area within which to detect movement?
Now you're talkin!

I figure if I can shoot skeet out of the air just about every time I can find an asshole in the dark.
Im an even better shot with my pistol. set up 6 beer cans about 50 yards away Rapid fire, I will hit at least 5 of them in as many seconds. I found Im a better shot then my friends. I got my first rifle when I was 8 yrs old.

Cruzer I just gotta say, you have an incredible bunch of folks following your op here. I love the way they think, their maturity, and their attitudes. I've made several of them friends here. I've been wanting to build my own greenhouse for the last year. I was leaning towards a "hoop house" but I watched "The Green Rush" yesterday and hearing people talk about the jackers and seeing what happened to the pitiful family that got all their plants ripped off, I've decided to build a greenhouse sort of like yours. As you know, we're moving and I have a grow in the ground (I need to get my ass off RIU and take some pix and update my journal today!) so it will probably be a few months down the road before I get started. You're an inspiration man!

Aww shucks, you making me blush. :blsmoke:
I gotta believe its karma bro, Be cool to others and you end up knowing cool people.
Be an asshole and well, same shit different story.

so let em understand this better-

when the ir cam detects movement, it calls you, or, it alerts you with a live video feed? also are you using the software that lets you designate a controlled area within which to detect movement?

This is how I got it figured, two IR motion cams outside, one inside, one on my cabs, all but one hidden. All with designated areas to monitor. Make sure I get a look at them. When they are triggered they record, as they record I get notified by phone. Outside cams will have a different ring tone then the inside cam.

Inside cam gets triggered and the voice recording plays and light goes on as I run out there. If I hear someone I turn on the flood lights and look for a target. I throw both barrels at them, drop the shotgun and pull the Glock. The recording is only if I miss or they leave before I get there I know what they look like and the hunt is on. I have no problem letting them know that I know who they are.

Got a better idea now?

Believe me, I really dont want this to happen, hopefully the voice recording and light will scare them away but if not, well shit happens.

dude!!! i'm lovin that greenhouse...can't wait to see you put some miles on that thing!!!!:mrgreen::joint:

I hear ya,
I want to prune and add a screen but I also want to know what they will do if I leave them alone.
Once I do get some miles on this thing i will tune her up and give that a go.
thanks for the clarification-

i will be setting up something similar to this in the near future and just like to know what other guys(not experts) are doing

Well, you may just want to cock the shotgun as I think you'll have problems arguing that you shot them to protect your crop. One of the downsides to living in Ca :).
thanks for the clarification-

i will be setting up something similar to this in the near future and just like to know what other guys (not experts) are doing.


Doing what ever I can to defend my property is all.

Well, you may just want to cock the shotgun as I think you'll have problems arguing that you shot them to protect your crop. One of the downsides to living in Ca :).

Thats true, but its a double barrel breach load so that will be be closed. (dont wanna go off half cocked) I would rather use it just to intimidate them and possibly detain them. If I can I will call the cops and let them handle it.
Maybe so but you realized it, like you say live and learn, some people just live.
Funny thing, I had done the same thing but then I though about it and deleted it.
So I guess those of us who can learn are always learning.
I deleted mine too. I've always been a bit quick to defend people I see as friends. After reading and following this, disrespect like that fires me up. You are gonna have that thing Crammed Full come Aug.
very nice finished results-

Thanks man.

I deleted mine too. I've always been a bit quick to defend people I see as friends. After reading and following this, disrespect like that fires me up. You are gonna have that thing Crammed Full come Aug.

Cool thing about the internet is that delete button. I jumped on somebody's shit in Earls journal once. Felt good. The guy was talking shit and I just started typing. Hell, Earl didn't mind but ya know, its really just more fuel for the fire so to speak.
Good move man, I think we all are quick to defend a friend. Thats what makes us who we are. Nothing wrong with that.

Yea, and it will be hot in August, Took out a few more bircks today and sunk a couple more smartpots.
I got six of them right on the dirt, well about 1/2 in of sand then dirt, and the one in the pot. Thinning the heard some.

A waterbed you say? You put a waterbed in there? :lol:

LOL watershead man.
But come around mid October who knows?
Cruzer, I just finished reading the whole greenhouse build! Freakin' incredible. I've been lookin' around the net for an affordable greenhouse that was large enough but 3 & 4K is way to much in my opinion. I had a pvc/visqueen set up over the summer. It was ok... sort of. Having seen what you did with your's I think I could work something similar up. I'd just have to have some help with it. Those vent openers are perfect! Harbor freight has them for about $20 out here.
thanks for the journal it was a great read! Most assuredly + rep!
Your Welcome Shadow, Glad to be of some help with your project. Do yourself a favor and buy an extra lift. Mine leaked some wax and when I went to replace it I dropped a spring and there is no way I can find it until harvest. Doesn't matter though, Turns out I was a little early in starting my girls and they grew so big I had to remove the roof! Check it out in the grow journal.
Hey Cuzer man, I just have to say after spending an hour and a half reading this entire thread, very nice work for a salesman. lol I would have thought you had some construction in your background for sure. I will be jumping over later to see how the grow is going. I am not sure how I missed this thread, but I am glad I found it. I may be starting a project after the first of the year using this build as a guide. You attention to detail is inspiring to say the least. I know it is late now, but the only thing I might mention is for your intake fan, instead of the screen you are using you could use some carbon filter replacement pad ( I think it is like 20 bucks at your favorite store HD). Might keep more out.
I really enjoyed the read man. I planned on skiping through the pages, but it is like a good book, I didn't want to miss a page. lol Thanks for sharing in detail man. Rep for sure and I will be bookmarking this thread.
Peace ~ RF
Hey Cuzer man, I just have to say after spending an hour and a half reading this entire thread, very nice work for a salesman. lol I would have thought you had some construction in your background for sure. I will be jumping over later to see how the grow is going. I am not sure how I missed this thread, but I am glad I found it. I may be starting a project after the first of the year using this build as a guide. You attention to detail is inspiring to say the least. I know it is late now, but the only thing I might mention is for your intake fan, instead of the screen you are using you could use some carbon filter replacement pad ( I think it is like 20 bucks at your favorite store HD). Might keep more out.
I really enjoyed the read man. I planned on skiping through the pages, but it is like a good book, I didn't want to miss a page. lol Thanks for sharing in detail man. Rep for sure and I will be bookmarking this thread.
Peace ~ RF

I love a good book. I read several threads before I started writing mine. Lots of times I got lost or couldn't understand it.
So I kept that in mind, sometimes I felt I was a bit anal about details but kept it up. LOL Thanks for the idea of using a carbon filter on that intake. I know I need more there to trap shit but a smaller mesh wouldnt allow for as much airflow.

Hey Cruzer, what did you use to cut those panels with?

Believe it or not, a pair of shears. There large scissors. I pulled a tendon doing it too.
If you use them, brace the back on the floor and push down. a lot easier then squeezing them.
Wow Im jealous. You did a wonderful job on your greenhouse I am excited to see your first grow in it. I am hoping to start building one for myself and after reading this it has helped inspire me to take my time and make sure it is done right because I want it to turn out to be something that I can be proud of. Once again Great Job!

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