Nute frequency in soil grows


First soil grow after a few hydro grows. Using this soil in 3 gal pots -, chem-dawg indica strain. Watering daily. I have no idea how often to add nutes to the water. I know it varies, have to read your plants, etc. but looking for some general guidelines for my ignorant ass. Daily, weekly, etc?

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Weekly, Weakly

Why are you watering everyday? That's a bit much. Little 'sips' of water is not a good thing either. It leaves the medium not evenly wet and air pockets, which can really fuck up root development.

Water well, till you have decent run off from the bottom of the pot and then let dry till the plant starts to droop. Usually 3-5 days indoors.



Well-Known Member
add nutes every time you water and you water every 2 3 days i would go back to dro im going from soil to dro soil is for starters imo


Active Member
i water monday, wensday, and friday. monday and wensday with nuts and friday is just ph'ed water.

water them till you get about %20 runoff

thats what i do and heres how my plants look 6 days into flower



Well-Known Member
Feed, feed, h2o. Only when they get dry but don't drown them. Get a cheap moisture meter at the garden store, takes the guesswork out of when to water. Another method is to pick up the pot and feel how heavy it is, as you know wet dirt is heavy. Don't wait until the leaves are drooping this stress is recoverable but not healthy and could adversely effect yield. While runoff ensures all of the soil was watered it is also wasted water and possibly nutes which can be expensive. All you need is a trickle to let you know you good to go.

Chef Haz3

it shows you really did your research irish.

i should really invest in a moisture meter, my noob watering tactics are killing me and my baby :(


Active Member
you dont need a meter just use your finger. if the top 2in is dry, water your plants.
I disagree but my circumstance is different. I started mine from seed in their final container, a big one! I was doing the finger thing at first but until i bought a moisture meter i didn't realize the bottom was still soaking wet! I knew by the weight of the thing there was plenty of water still, but i was doing the finger check and the top few inches were getting dry. It's been almost 9 days since i last watered but the bottom is finally getting close to a regular moisture level, and the plants are growing strong.

So yeah use your finger if it's not TOO deep of a container. Also pick it up and get used to the weight before/after watering it. Finally, a moisture meter is full proof ... and i think the irrigation holes from checking might help things who knows. :)

Chef Haz3

sounds like some common sense to me lol i will b investing in a moisture meter... ive got a quick question while im on here, the first set of leaves that appear AFTER the small round leaves that appear first right after popping, do they fall off ?
Thanks for all the advice! I've been watering daily for a couple reasons:

- I don't mind wasting a bit of water
- I've read its very hard to over water and from my own "normal" gardening experience - the more water, the better

I hadn't been doing little sips, rather giving each between 1/4 and a 1/2 gallon per watering (which produced a lot of runoff for sure).

Based on this, I'll switch to 3x per week with nutes 2x per week. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
some really bad advice in this thread,,

moisture meters are crap, learn to read your plants,,,,,,,,,,,,,period

water for PLENTY of runoff anything less is asking for trouble

there are lots of ways to water and feed, you simply need to find one that fits your style


Active Member
feed water water? wehn you water always use molasses?
nutes-botanicare bloom, and alaskan bloom?


Active Member
feed water water? wehn you water always use molasses?
nutes-botanicare bloom, and alaskan bloom?
I suppose all those are questions? You don't use molasses until the first 6 weeks of flowering. Although, instead of molasses I would suggest a product like Humboldt Nutrients Honey Hydro Carbs orAdvanced Nutrients Bud Candy or if you like Botanicare, then try Botanicare Sweet Carbo.

You only want to use nutrients about once a week, especially if they're concentrated liquids. Try to feed every other watering. So feed them with just water(on lets say a Monday) then you can feed them water with the nutrients mixed in (on lets say Thursday) and then just feed again with just water the next Monday and continue the same routine.


Active Member
when you water can you put some molasses in there? or some MG bloom enhancer?
some great grower told me to use molasses throuohout the whole grow...since it takes time for it to break down and use its powers.