Vortex Cup Entry

Sad, but I think this is what happened... I just asked Jack from Greanbicycles and I'm waiting for a response but I'm pretty sure you nailed it on the head... At least it was still his creation that one if that is the case.

Ok, I was totally confused as well but wasn't sure if maybe I just missed something. I was watching the live feed from Norml's website last night during the award ceremonies. The person who accepted the 1st place sativa award DID state that it was TGA seeds "Vortex"..but it was kind of hard to hear, and I didnt hear him say why it was called "God's Pussy". Im confused.....did someone else beat out Subcool's vortex entry with their own Vortex?
Yep with only tow judges smoking 20 sativa entries they liked his sample the best and it was an amazing sample out THC tested withing .016 which is the margen of error.
I think it was very unwize of HT to accept an entry with such a vulgar obscene name but thats what happened, The very first Sativa representative of the American Medical cup was what you said we refuse to call a medical cannabis strian that already has a name by the one that was applied by the grower. Our enemies will use this against us!

The story soon been home 3 minutes,

The Hightimes crew was really nice to us and Matt and Danny really went out of there way to make us feel at home.
It was a pretty nice event although a bit small.
My only complaint is that our strain was entered as such a offensive name when the samples were sent in weeks ago.
If the Grower had used his brain wed be pumping him up like a hero but my entire crew and especially my female members are insulted and I doubt we return to the event.
I seem to have a High Times Jinx but I have a sample of the winning Vortex and its bad ass and we will have THC profiles back really soon we heard really high contents for our three entry's.

I got beat simple as that but by my own strain so that makes me happy but as with all the HT stuff it just leaves a bad taste in ya mouth.

BCBuddepot sat and drank beer all day then crashed into our booth breaking a 400$ display so it was kinda the same old same old BUT!! We had a blast I got high with BOG and wait till ya see Vernon the hash mans box of fingers :)

Let me take care of the garden

Wow... I can't believe they called it G.P.

I know alot of female stoners that would be pissed off to hear a strain called something like that. And so what... they just named a pheno of vortex that they got G.P.? That just seems fuked up,seems to me that it should be called Vortex since that is in fact what it is. I mean props for Your strain winning but I agree.. G.P. is a terrible name for any strain on a couple of different levels.

Vortex is gonna be my next purchase but I was wondering what is the difference between the Vortex and Apollo 13 X Vortex. They are both listed as Apollo-13 X Space Queen. Is it just different parent cuts? Anyone got a preference between the Vortex and the Apollo 13 X Vortex?
WTF!!!! GP is Vortex and they changed the name? That inapropriate name really stood out. First thing I said when I read it was I dont like that name. I wonder what it is. Hmmmm....... This makes no sense. I guess I have lots to learn. I understand that having the HT cup here in the US is all new to us. I too thought the venu was small and even with VIP tix we waited for two hours to get in. but TGA was in there so i didnt mind waiting. changing the name makes it seem like it's a new creation and someone alse is claiming it. ok, ok i'll let it go but I dont like it. You have many fans and followers. at these kind of events are the only opportunities people like myself get to meet you and see what your up to. I know this sucks but you represent Cali bud in a BIG way!!!!! You gotta return next year!!!! and every year after that. you just gotta!!!
Gotta say that I hate dealers or growers that rename, honestly how could they even come up with that name? I can see nameing a certain pheno but I would still include the name (like my Orange / pine jillybean).

Either way still proprs for Sub putting it down as usual. Got vortex added to my want list lol. To bad I didn't make it down there, is Sub and the TGA crew gonna be representing at hemp fest this year?
WE will most likely make the Cow Palace and the The International Cannabis & Hemp Expo 2010 our home. Its a better venue with a massive space and in Sept 311 and Cypress Hill will be performing.
Its run much more professionally and is set up so that vendors can actually afford a space and make a little profit in sales.
I must stress this wasn't the fault of HT it was a blind contest and the GP won but its still offensive and a stupid error IMO.
If there was a fault of HT to many samples not enough Judges they judged like 36 edibles in 2 days gemmi a break??

Gotta say that I hate dealers or growers that rename, honestly how could they even come up with that name? I can see nameing a certain pheno but I would still include the name (like my Orange / pine jillybean).

Either way still proprs for Sub putting it down as usual. Got vortex added to my want list lol. To bad I didn't make it down there, is Sub and the TGA crew gonna be representing at hemp fest this year?

We will be there but most likely only on Saturday.

well one is a rap group the other is the name of Americas First Sativa Medical Strain I think thats an easy call.
Yea no shit. The lyrics might be offensive to some but come on... do we really need to try and help fuel the drug war fire with names like that. I mean where does it end? You know "Shock and Aw" names might get you some sales and some recognition. No doubt about it controversy sells. But this is supposed to be America's first real cup and it's just in bad taste to promote something with a name like that. And High Times should of nipped that before it was entered. And made them call it something else. It's not like it was his own strain anyways. This is how things get mixed up and ppl end up not even knowing what they really have.
it makes sense when your 17 and want to take recognition for something someone else did.
oh yeah and when you can sell clones from your winning strain at your dispensary:mrgreen:
well atleast your genetics won.

GP thou? hate the name. personally i dont like any strain named 'God's' whatever. i've always called God's gift googee.
My only complaint is that our strain was entered as such a offensive name when the samples were sent in weeks ago.
If the Grower had used his brain wed be pumping him up like a hero but my entire crew and especially my female members are insulted and I doubt we return to the event.


:) C'mon bro, aren't you a huge Zappa fan and have a cut of Vortex called "Dynamo Hum"? I would have thought you would have laughed at the name God's Pussy it's just having fun in a counterculture known for loving freedoms with freedom of speech being one of them, Zappa would have been proud (at least about the name).
Read my post and you will know how I feel I have three daughters and while also crude dynamo hum is a private joke not an outright slander like this. If you dont have a problem with it thats cool but most people do that I have spoken to and most editors wont even post it on there blogs.

Free speech is cool and all but come on.. Dynamo Hum is a name you could tell your kids at least. Half the people that see that name have no clue to what it is referencing. Thats the true beauty of being intelligent enough come up with a name like that. Frank made you have to read between the lines.

It just shows the immaturity of alot of stoner's. When you look back at the list of names that have won the American "cup" your gonna have to see that name first and forever!!!! And it may seem like it is not that big of a deal but when you think about the struggles and hardships that we have endured over the years as a pot smoking community it just seems counter productive to me.

There's a time and place for ignorant shit.... and it is not at a "Medical Cup"

* you snuck in there while I was typing this up Sub.
Read my post and you will know how I feel I have three daughters and while also crude dynamo hum is a private joke not an outright slander like this. If you dont have a problem with it thats cool but most people do that I have spoken to and most editors wont even post it on there blogs.


I understand where your coming from I just think most Americans are too easily offended when it comes to sex and religion. We glorify violence and murder but sex is taboo. One of the reasons I respect TGA was the fact that you weren't trying to be politicaly correct with strain names like Jack the Ripper, Chernobyl, and Agent Orange and even though the names implied devistation we strangely associate these things as positve descritpions of a strain because of the implied potency of the genetic. I just don't see how glorifying sex is worse than glorifying violence but I don't really have a problem with anything that comes down to freedom of speech. I might not like what someone says or expresses but I would always stand up for their right to say it or express it. I do think that the fact that the winner was Vortex from TGA should have been more acknowledged and think the judges should have gotten as much info as they could on each strain entered in the competition in order to accurately record what strain actually won instead of just anouncing the name of someones cut.
Free speech is cool and all but come on.. Dynamo Hum is a name you could tell your kids at least.

Since when would we want to promote marijuana to children?

Frank made you have to read between the lines.

I don't think he was trying to be too vague with songs like "Titties and Beer" and "Bobby Brown"

It just shows the immaturity of alot of stoner's. When you look back at the list of names that have won the American "cup" your gonna have to see that name first and forever!!!! And it may seem like it is not that big of a deal but when you think about the struggles and hardships that we have endured over the years as a pot smoking community it just seems counter productive to me.

There's a time and place for ignorant shit.... and it is not at a "Medical Cup"

Just because someone has different views than you doesn't make them ignorant or immature.
Just the word pussy alone wouldnt be too bad but gods pussy is just not a appealing name... and obviously offensive to anyone that believes in a god or has a pussy.

It's just gross and childish sounding imo, but it was his decision to make, not mine and I dont believe in forced censorship so I'm glad he was allowed to call it what he wanted... But I still think it was a weak move to rename subs vortex in the first place and the new name is lame as hell... bold stuff, cup or not.

He should have called it Grandmas Vagina's Discharge... gotta have that GVD!
Just the word pussy alone wouldnt be too bad but gods pussy is just not a appealing name... and obviously offensive to anyone that believes in a god or has a pussy.

It's just gross and childish sounding imo, but it was his decision to make, not mine and I dont believe in forced censorship so I'm glad he was allowed to call it what he wanted... But I still think it was a weak move to rename subs vortex in the first place and the new name is lame as hell... bold stuff, cup or not.

He should have called it Grandmas Vagina's Discharge... gotta have that GVD!

A lot of people name their cuts and they were just referencing Pineapple Express from when Seth Rogan said the weed smelled like gods vagina, you miight even take it as a compliment since the weed in the movie was supposed to be the best weed ever.

I just saw this on HT's website so at least they give TGA credit:


1. GreanBicycles (Vortex - a.k.a. God's Pussy)
2. The Green Door San Francisco (Candy Jack)
3. Purple Lotus Patient Center (Durban Poison)

I think they should have made it clear that God's Pussy was the name of GreenBicycles cut like (Vortex-God's Pussy cut) instead of putting a.k.a., people might think it's a nickname for all Vortex.