Vortex Cup Entry

Since when would we want to promote marijuana to children?

Just because someone has different views than you doesn't make them ignorant or immature.

I shouldn't feel embarrassed to say the name of the winning strain from the cup. And why shouldn't you talk about marijuana with your children? No one said anything about promoting pot to kids. But it is Medical and them understanding that is pretty important. Cuzz knowledge is power..... Better to talk about it openly then to sneak and hide it all from them.... People that do that end up with children who are more likely to do those same things in improper settings.

I don't believe it is on the guy that entered G.P. I believe he was just using marketing 101... But fact of the matter is that High Times should never of allowed something with a name like that in.

Would it be o.k. for me to grow out some Jilly Bean for next year and call it Stinky Negro or how about some Fag Stick?

See i'm more then sure those names just offended more then one person. So do you think I would of made it into the competition with those names?
If that's what you want to call your fav cut in your garden with your friends or your circle... then hey whatever. I could care less. But like I said time and place man.
I shouldn't feel embarrassed to say the name of the winning strain from the cup. And why shouldn't you talk about marijuana with your children? No one said anything about promoting pot to kids. But it is Medical and them understanding that is pretty important. Cuzz knowledge is power..... Better to talk about it openly then to sneak and hide it all from them.... People that do that end up with children who are more likely to do those same things in improper settings.

I agree with you completely about drug education but talking to your kids about drugs is a lot different than going into detail about strain names.

I don't believe it is on the guy that entered G.P. I believe he was just using marketing 101... But fact of the matter is that High Times should never of allowed something with a name like that in.

Maybe he was just having fun with it.

Would it be o.k. for me to grow out some Jilly Bean for next year and call it Stinky Negro or how about some Fag Stick?

Your judging apples and oranges my freind. God's Pussy is neither racist or homophobic and neither god or pussy is a derogatory word but even if you did name your strains that I would say more power to you for not letting society tell you what's acceptable.

See i'm more then sure those names just offended more then one person. So do you think I would of made it into the competition with those names?
If that's what you want to call your fav cut in your garden with your friends or your circle... then hey whatever. I could care less. But like I said time and place man.

There is nowhere in the constitution that says you have the right not to be offended it in fact states the opposite saying people can say what they want or express themselves however they want. It's cool if you don't agree and you have the right to be offended I'm just saying they have the right to their own ideals. As long as they give credit where credit is due I don't see the problem.
A lot of people name their cuts and they were just referencing Pineapple Express from when Seth Rogan said the weed smelled like gods vagina, you miight even take it as a compliment since the weed in the movie was supposed to be the best weed ever.

I just saw this on HT's website so at least they give TGA credit:

AFTER I spend the day hammering em online :)
This was edited during the night homie!
g.p. is an affront to religion,women, and common decency. to the culprit I say: "nice fuel for the mormon$$$ in the november election_WAY TO GO DUMBASS!!!! way to represent! thieving from Subcool...(he's one of the few conscious breeders)...if there is such a thing as 'instant karma'; you'll be standing in line in a place worse than hell-(south of market), for ETERNITY!!!!-with the get rich quick guy giving you the schpiel nonstop!....to Subcool I say: " in art of war parlance- you 'won before arriving'...the terminatrix and cynthia(apollo and cindy phenos of vortex) rule absolutely. the REAL cup is every day where the rubber meets the road. the vortex sisters smash all comers. that's why I'm your super promoter on the central coast. history will see vortex as a game changer."
someone steals a strain and wins with it and all most you ass are worried about is what he named it. i going to enter something call jesus rimjob breath tell that 1 to your kids.. its a stolen strain but im not so much affended by that as i am that they called stupid hippies
Its not stolen, can people on these boards even read?
He bought a pack of Subcool seeds planted them and won the US med cup!

I am a hippy and no real hippy would rename a strain that offends women or God.

I am a hippy and no real hippy would rename a strain that offends women or God.

That's a great quote but I'd be a lot more worried about the women, God usually forgives us for dumb shit!
how is it not stolen if someone takes your strain and renames it/ it would be stolen if i took someone elses book they wrote and renamed it. was it even crossed with something else
I think that requirements for entering the cup allow buying any seeds, growing them and competing for a prize. It doesn't mean they (grean bicycles or however they are called) bred GP. It means they bought vortex seeds and grew them. Just my toocents.
They for sure are allowed to buy seeds and grow them out and enter them. It's not the problem that he won with one of Sub's own seeds. In fact I'm more then sure that Sub would of been completely proud of the fact that any Joe Schmo could purchase a pack of his beans and beat him in the same competition. I mean come on if that aint a great marketing angle I don't know what is.

But the offensive name makes for bad publicity and negativity. And I'm sure Sub has no interest in having Vortex associated with a name like G.P.
I agree with what I read before. Let the Breeder's come up with the names. Even the pheno's. That way there is no confusion or mix up's on genetics.
They for sure are allowed to buy seeds and grow them out and enter them. It's not the problem that he won with one of Sub's own seeds. In fact I'm more then sure that Sub would of been completely proud of the fact that any Joe Schmo could purchase a pack of his beans and beat him in the same competition. I mean come on if that aint a great marketing angle I don't know what is.

But the offensive name makes for bad publicity and negativity. And I'm sure Sub has no interest in having Vortex associated with a name like G.P.
I agree with what I read before. Let the Breeder's come up with the names. Even the pheno's. That way there is no confusion or mix up's on genetics.

The only problem with naming the pheno's is every plant is different and maybe the guy found something special.
Vortex and TGA will be credited for the Cup winning strain in the next Medical Issue of HT #3.
Even though it was grown by someone else I still feel this is a major accomplishment.
He also deserves some credit as he never expected to win and just didnt think things through IMO.
HT has been super nice and worked hard to make up for there poor judgement.

well i stil think it should have been entered as vortex and it would have just come down to who grew it better and imo that would have been more fun for me iff it were i
like the "chinese horse story'- sometimes something good comes from something bad...or was it Zappa who said "there is no bad press"?..the hubbub caused; and the outrage shown by TGA-that kinda' press can't be bought! like they've said about me- dipped in shit;and come out smellin' like roses! it's a triple victory for Subcool...like he needed luck..HAH! I just schooled another 'student' the other day with the 'cynthia' pheno. I kinda' like her more than the terminatrix for her ultimate twisty tropical SWEETNESS! if cynthia were a woman; she'd be the marrying kind- an undeniable goddess!
Reminds me of a saying my father taught me long ago, "Consider the source.".

It's not like that event was put together by the Olympic commitee.

I personally, have done some of my stupidest shit while stoned.. It's how you deal with it afterwards, or the next time a similiar situation like that should arise, that really matters. Learn from your mistakes, and try not to repeat them. And always, consider the source..
I've been pretty hard on high times; but it seems like they're trying...look what they have to work with: an industry(rag)that's following newsprint down the tube; a new industry they're scrambling to get on top of(online)...a whole new field of competition where once they were the only game in town...the costs(on ALL levels)of doing business in manhattan, and masses of grow industry people- for lack of a better term- with their heads up their asses! they might want to consider having customized site browsing, tailored to old school/new school readers; and organic/head up their ass(hydro) growers. that's the key thing about online vs. print- you can look at what you want, and skip the rest. high times -no matter what is said about it; IS the original weed rag, and hopefully will regain some of its former racy edge.
High Times is trying to be Rolling Stone High Times!! Actors, singers, skate boarders are what they seek to report on in their over priced rag. Where is the mag for serious breeders? Just Growers, smokers, breeders?
I feel ripped off every issue of that rag, so I've taken to stealing it. Not worth paying for anymore of it ever was. Remember the first issue back in 74, the chick eating the mushroom, it went down hill from there!! Remember all the blow that they were including? BLOW !! Heads up their asses? To be very sure.
Writing to them does no good at all , ,,, so fat headed!! All are just trade pamphlets for the bean sellers.