I make some of the best Tasting edibles with canna butter and ever so potent, every time. This is what I do~
I use 9-14 grams of bud or 1 oz of sugar leafs . Ok first get a 2 pots one bigger than the other. Fill smaller pot with water and boil, then reduce to a simmer and add 3 sticks real butter, once melted add sugar leafs or grinded bud and stir every now and again for ONE HOUR . Low simmer. OK now thats done so strain everything through a cheese cloth (safeway, walmart etc.) into second bigger bowl/pot. All water/butter goes in. Now refrigerate for 12-24 hrs undisturbed, don't move it around. The material will sink to the bottom and the canna butter will hardened up on top, so next day take the butter off the top ( stiff/hard) and there you go, 2 sticks of butter to work with. If you want cleaner non bud tasting butter put butter in a strainer and then take ice cold water and rinse it before use. I prefer the green taste, others do not so I do both ways.
3 sticks = 2 sticks of butter = 24 browinies = 6-8 hrs of STONE per Browine, so go easy and eat one and wait 1.5 hrs to be sure of where you are headed. You might pass out off of 2