Is this moisture stress? PH problem?


Well-Known Member
I have 10 Critical Mass plants at 18 days from seed. The soil is about 30% FF Ocean Forest 50% FF Light warrior and 20% perlite. They have been fed nothing but water every 2-3 days when soil is dry. Temps stay around 75-80, humidity 45-50%.

Problems started about a week ago, first just droopy twisting leaves then the yellowing and discoloration of the bottom leaves. I got a PH pen about a week ago because the crappy shake-up tester I was using was showing a higher PH than I believed. The PH pen confirmed it though, I used vinegar to bring the PH of my water down to 5.8 runoff was 6.85. Exact same results for the past 2 waterings. Based on that I guessing my soil PH is in the high 7's? Is that high enough to cause the probs?

Based on everything I've read it seems like N deficiency(probably caused by ph lockout) or moisture stress. I find it hard to believe it is over watering cause the soil is pretty damn dry when I water. If anything I would think under watering, but does under watering cause that much discoloration of the bottom leaves?

They are under daylight CFL's right now, will go under a 600w hps as soon as i get the kinks worked out and get them transplanted. Thanks in advance for any help and if I left any important info out about environment, etc. just ask.



Well-Known Member
yea looks like pH issue to me i would just keep feeding w/ low pH water for maybe a week and bring the light closer after a week or so u may want to start mild nute feeding


Well-Known Member
Ph problem for sure. Get some proper ph down and ditch the vinegar. Those plants really aren't looking that bad. You'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
OK, so I figured I'd use one of the more badly effected plants and use it as a guinea pig. I flushed with 5.8 ph water, about twice as much water as the container size. I tested the runoff throughout and results were consistently around 6.8. Like I said earlier I've used 5.8 ph water for the last 2 waterings and this flush and still no change in the runoff. How do I get the ph down? I'm afraid if I use anything less than 5.8 that I will shock the plants.


Well-Known Member
The soil is not 6.8 the runoff is. This is with 5.8 water, which means the soil is considerably higher than 6.8. I'm guessing around 7.5