first time sprouts review


(These are white widow feminized)

Is this progress normal for about a week after germination began? I started these in paper towels for two days until they popped open then I put them in these rockwool cubes.

One of the 5 that sprouted is still inside. It seemed like a bad idea to poke around in there so I'll leave it alone.

When should I plant them? I'm planning on using soil (which I haven't bought yet).

Should I leave the top on the humidor still or take it off? I'm just misting them with spring water for now about once daily.

Thanks for any input.



Cant see pic???? Any1 else? But from what I hear, ill wing it. I started mine recently in starter plugs, and as soon as the plant started to poke its head out the top, I planted them in fox farms light warrior soil. I actually germed mine right in the plugs though. I personally kept my humid dome on until they stuck there heads out, and then planted...Hope this helps you out somewhat, I am still new to growing as well. Good luck bro-


Well-Known Member
i would def go buy the soil... your gonna want to have it before you need it, not he other way around. other then that i can only say that from the seeds iv started in rockwool it takes them a little bit to get going vs soil starting so just let them be for a bit. also, you can plant that cube in the dirt whenever, you dont have to wait for roots to show out the bottem. what kinda lights you got above them? that could also effect how fast they are growing


hmmm pics coming through now, my bad...Those are descent size rock wool cubes, I would personally put the ones that heave there heads out under t5 let them get some root structure, before planting into soil...


Cant see pic???? Any1 else? But from what I hear, ill wing it. I started mine recently in starter plugs, and as soon as the plant started to poke its head out the top, I planted them in fox farms light warrior soil. I actually germed mine right in the plugs though. I personally kept my humid dome on until they stuck there heads out, and then planted...Hope this helps you out somewhat, I am still new to growing as well. Good luck bro-
I was editing the post trying to attach pics so you couldn't see the pics yet. I've got to go p/u some decent soil. Everyone seems to like the fox farm products.


hmmm pics coming through now, my bad...Those are descent size rock wool cubes, I would personally put the ones that heave there heads out under t5 let them get some root structure, before planting into soil...
Ok, I did just buy one of those 4-foot/4-bulb T5 shop light. Is it true that it's better to use 1/2 low spectrum and 1/2 high? thanks


i would def go buy the soil... your gonna want to have it before you need it, not he other way around. other then that i can only say that from the seeds iv started in rockwool it takes them a little bit to get going vs soil starting so just let them be for a bit. also, you can plant that cube in the dirt whenever, you dont have to wait for roots to show out the bottem. what kinda lights you got above them? that could also effect how fast they are growing
I haven't put any lights on them yet, they've been in the dark in the container w/ lid and just misted w/ drinking water. I'm glad to hear I can transplant them directly to soil still in the cubes. How close can I put a 4-row flouro lamp to them?


is it bad to try and help a sprout out of a hole? I'm worried about that one sprout that's still buried but I can see it growing. I was thinking about using a clean toothpick to help it a bit. Is that a big mistake & could I easily kill it by doing that?


has anyone been to a farmer's co-op? there's one in my town, I'm going to check em out tomorrow & see what soils they have


From what I've read and heard from numerous folks is that t5 lights are great for early plant life since they dont produce crazy heat and extreme light. I used a 3ft long single 24watt t5 2000 lumen from nursery for 4 plants just after sprout, and it worked great. After a few weeks when leaves start to green and grow a tad, I move under mh bulb for veg. Hope this can help you out a bit, this is just what i've done so far..


Keep your t5 atleast 2 inches away (especially with 4 row floro). I kept mine an inch to two (which was recommended), and one kinda showed heat stress. I would not mess with your seedling at all with toothpick. nature will take its course, I had 2 that were slow sprouters, but once sprouted they shot right up. I did squeeze one seed off one plant, and its showing slow veg growth/ stunted growth....


ok I'll leave it be, I had a feeling I shouldn't mess w/ it. It's not trapped or anything, just like you said, a slow one. I just put my light on them about 4-5 inches off em.


cool, keep them under t5 for a week or so they gain good root mass, and mature a bit, then transfer under mh for veg. mj wont produce any bud till flowering..looking good, keep up the nice work-


Here's 1 of the 4 WW babies I've got still going. I started w/ 6 WW but 2 sprouts failed. This is a closeup of one and I noticed 1 or 2 tiny brown/black the size of a pin point and they'r not bugs. I'm not using any nuts yet, just spring water. Is it possible for a couple dots to show up on leaves harmlessly?



Here's 1 of the 4 WW babies I've got still going. I started w/ 6 WW but 2 sprouts failed. This is a closeup of one and I noticed 1 or 2 tiny brown/black the size of a pin point and they'r not bugs. I'm not using any nuts yet, just spring water. Is it possible for a couple dots to show up on leaves harmlessly?
I wouldnt stress it too much, the pic looks like theyre doing good. Ill throw a pic up of mine shortly. Got 3 going. One white widow, one bubba kush, and one church. Will prolly start flowering this weekend. Finally got my carbon filter all hooked up-


Well-Known Member
U probably could have saved you sprout that didnt pop the cube after 5 days. I use peat pellets but I had a seed I dug in the dirt for @ 5 days, she was 1/2 rotten but recovered wonderfully. Just an FYI for future reference
